魂斗羅 Spirits

《魂斗羅 Spirits》(Contra III: The Alien Wars)是科樂美於1992年推出的橫向捲軸射擊遊戲,登陸超級任天堂(Super Nintendo Entertainment System, SNES)平台。作為該系列的第三部作品,以更強的圖形效果、更多樣化的玩法和更快的遊戲節奏著稱,被認為是系列中的高峰之作。之後由Factor 5移植到Game Boy,關卡與畫面均有減少。
劇情背景設定在公元2636年,地球面臨外星勢力「紅鷹」(Red Falcon)的全面入侵。這次,外星人捨棄隱秘的方式,直接發動大規模的戰爭,城市被毀,軍隊幾乎不堪一擊。地球的最後希望寄託在兩名魂斗羅小隊成員比爾(Bill Rizer)和蘭斯(Lance Bean)身上,他們必須穿越滿目瘡痍的戰場,對抗敵人勢力,最終直面紅鷹的核心力量並將其摧毀。故事充滿末日氣息,配合壯觀的場景和緊張的遊戲氛圍,營造孤膽英雄對抗外星勢力的壓迫感。雖然劇情依然簡單,但其電影式的展現方式和緊湊的敘事節奏給帶來強烈的代入感。
武器系統相較於前作更加豐富,包括第一階段的機槍(Machine Gun)、火焰槍(Flame Gun)、追蹤彈(Homing Gun)、和新加入的散彈槍(Spreader Gun)。第二階段有雷射槍(Laser)、火焰噴射器(Flamethrower)、爆發彈(Crush Gun)。其中,散彈槍仍然是許多人的首選,而旋風槍的範圍攻擊功能也受到歡迎。
第1關-城市廢墟(The Streets of Neo City):開場是被毀滅的城市,穿越火海和爆炸,不斷擊退機械敵人和外星生物。
第2關-高速逃亡(Maria Calderon Highway):乘坐摩托車在高速公路上與敵人追逐,場面刺激且緊張。
第3關-外星巢穴(The Old Cyber Steel Mill):充滿黏液和恐怖的外星生物,要小心敵人的突襲和陷阱。
第4關-熾天之戰(Battle of the Blazing Sky):搭乘摩托車,頭上會有許多迪人丟擲炸彈。
第5關-大荒地(Muco Grande Badlands),最後關卡-紅鷹的巢穴(Red Falcon's Lair)。每個關卡結尾都設有龐大的頭目敵人,例如巨型機器人、外星怪獸和飛船等。這些頭目設計華麗,攻擊方式多樣。
Contra III: The Alien Wars is a side-scrolling shooter developed by Konami and released in 1992 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). As the third installment in the Contra series, the game is celebrated for its improved graphics, diverse gameplay, and fast-paced action, often regarded as a pinnacle of the franchise. It was later ported to the Game Boy by Factor 5, though with fewer levels and reduced graphical quality.
Story and Setting
The story is set in the year 2636, where Earth faces a full-scale invasion by the alien force known as "Red Falcon." This time, the aliens abandon secrecy and launch an open war, leaving cities in ruins and human military forces overwhelmed. The planet's last hope lies with two members of the Contra unit, Bill Rizer and Lance Bean, who must traverse devastated battlefields, fight enemy forces, and ultimately confront and destroy Red Falcon’s core.
With its apocalyptic tone, cinematic presentation, and tense atmosphere, the game immerses players in the struggle of lone heroes against an overwhelming alien threat. While the plot remains simple, its fast-paced narrative and dramatic storytelling create a powerful sense of urgency and engagement.
Gameplay and Innovations
The game features three difficulty modes—Easy, Normal, and Hard—and introduces several enhancements to the classic Contra formula, taking full advantage of the SNES hardware. Players control characters capable of running, jumping, crouching, and firing in eight directions. The game also introduces several new mechanics:
Dual Weapon System: Players can carry two different weapons and switch between them during combat, allowing for strategic adaptation to different enemy types and scenarios.
Bombs: Each player is equipped with a limited number of bombs that deal massive damage to all enemies on-screen, essential for managing overwhelming situations.
Hanging and Climbing: Players can interact with the environment by grabbing onto steel pipes or ropes, adding a new layer of mobility and interactivity.
The weapon system is more diverse than in previous entries, offering a range of firepower:
Primary Weapons: Machine Gun, Flame Gun, Homing Gun, and the newly added Spreader Gun.
Secondary Weapons: Laser, Flamethrower, and Crush Gun.
The Spreader Gun remains a fan favorite due to its wide area of effect, while the Crush Gun is praised for its raw power.
Cooperative Gameplay and Level Design
Co-op play remains a core feature, allowing two players to team up, share resources, and strategize together, enhancing the game's interactivity and fun.The game comprises six stages, each with unique themes, enemy configurations, and level designs, showcasing creativity and variety. Levels alternate between side-scrolling action and top-down perspectives, adding depth and challenge to the gameplay:
Stage 1 – The Streets of Neo City: A ruined city filled with explosions and alien creatures.
Stage 2 – Maria Calderon Highway: A high-speed motorcycle chase against enemy forces.
Stage 3 – The Old Cyber Steel Mill: An alien-infested industrial area with ambushes and traps.
Stage 4 – Battle of the Blazing Sky: An airborne fight with bombs raining down from above.
Stage 5 – Muco Grande Badlands: A treacherous wasteland teeming with alien threats.
Stage 6 – Red Falcon’s Lair: The climactic showdown against the alien menace.
Each stage ends with a dramatic boss fight, featuring massive enemies such as giant robots, alien beasts, and spaceships. These bosses are intricately designed, with varied attack patterns that test players’ skills and adaptability.
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魂斗羅 Spirits
- 定 價: 8,925円
- 售 價: 1350.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星