七龍珠GT 突變

英文名稱:Dragon Ball GT:Transformation
人數:1 人

由Atari公司發行的GBA遊戲《七龍珠GT 突變》 (Dragon Ball GT:Transformation),由Webfoot Technologies製作,Atari負責發行。遊戲是單人進行,也可進行多人連線。 劇情描述比拉夫(ピラフ/Pilaf)一行人進入神殿後,找到之前天神與比克大魔王分離前所創造的黑星龍珠,打算許願統治地球,但是卻意外說出希望讓悟空變成小孩的話,於是只能實現一個願望的神龍就此消失。龍珠散落在宇宙各地,如果沒在一年內找回所有龍珠,則許願的星球就會被毀滅,於是悟空、特蘭克斯、小芳(悟空的孫女)登上太空船展開冒險。 

悟空一行人在星球上尋找黑星龍珠,任務是收集所有黑星龍珠後返回地球,故事會根據動漫情節展開。後來會發現過去被賽亞人毀滅的滋拂爾星(Tuffle Planet)人為了復仇,讓製造突變體機器人的繆博士創造出貝比(Baby),但繆卻被反殺。貝比開始進行附身,從悟空、悟飯到最後的貝吉塔。為拯救地球跟所愛的家人,悟空變身超級賽亞人4…… 


畫面採用2D橫向卷軸移動方式進行,沒有時間上的限制,消滅所有出現的小兵就能持續前進。走到關卡盡頭打敗頭目,就能往下個舞台前進。玩法與《七龍珠大冒險》類似,透過十字鍵進行左右移動,A是跳躍,B是攻擊, R是小型氣功波,L是展開集氣。龜派氣功跟後期可以使用的元氣彈,都是同時按R+B後,往攻擊方向射出。A+B可施展連環攻擊。 遊戲有許多不同模式可以進行,但是初期只能從故事模式展開,在每個挑戰結束後,依照各種表現例如使用的連續攻擊及獲得的能量等,累計的總分數會轉換成賞金(Zenie)。如果覺得難度太高,可以進行調整,每次遊戲結束就會進行存檔。 

單人模式(Single Player Mode):跟故事模式類似,主要將劇情部分刪除。優點是可以從九位角色中挑選三位組隊進行遊戲。隱藏的角色都是需要賞金來解鎖。 

耐力模式(Endurance Mode):不論是單機或是雙人模式都可以進行,敵人會從弱到強依序的出現,測試玩家能存活多久。 

頭目耐力模式(Boss Endurance Mode):一樣單機或雙人模式都可以挑戰,頭目們會依序出現,看撐多久。 

機器人成群模式(Robot Swarm Mode):可以設定時間,單機或雙人都可玩,敵人是不斷出現的機器人。 

比克模式(Piccolo Mode):需要多人對戰才能進行,讓比克大魔王與他的複製人展開戰鬥。 




1.依美加星球(Imecka):因為噴射引擎的脫落,導致悟空一行人被迫降到此星球。為打倒長期壓榨百姓的國王,取得重要的維修零件後,能持續尋找龍珠,戰鬥正式拉開序幕。首先會出現小頭目Gale跟Sheila,然後就會與國王交談,這時候出現他的貼身侍衛大頭目雷基克博士(Professor Ledgic),瞄準他的方向射出龜派氣功即可搞定。 


2. Monmaasu:沿路出現許多變種的昆蟲,在船上要不斷的消滅敵人,不用擔心會有落水的情況。打倒小頭目Dragon Turtle後就可以上岸,準備迎戰大頭目巨人(Giant)。主要攻擊的地方是巨人的牙齒(Toothache Gian'ts tooth),張開嘴巴的時候會看到龍珠鑲在右上方的其中一顆牙內。需要把出現的小兵消滅,他就會打開嘴巴,這時候可以用龜派氣功攻擊三次。需注意當嘴巴合起的時候,任何攻擊都是無效,擊敗後巨人再也沒有牙疼的問題。 


4.路德星球(Planet Luud):搶走龍珠的是信奉路德神的信徒,就躲在星球內的寺廟。沿路有許多機器人及劍士,劍士的防禦力相當強,可以等他揮劍後開始攻擊。小頭目是邪教教主Cardinal Mutchy Mutchy,最終抵達機器人路德神(Luud)所在地。他會透過左右手臂展開攻擊(Luud Robot 's Arm),可以移動畫面的最右上,避開攻擊的範圍,然後持續發動龜派氣功往頭部攻擊即可消滅。這時候會發現隱藏在背後的陰謀,原來信徒搶龍珠的行為,都是受到製造突變體機器人的繆博士指使。 


6. M-2星球:小芳機器人Giru的故鄉,沿路有各種型態的機器人,需要注意地面上會竄起的刺尖,會先遇到最強突變體機器人利爾德將軍(General Rillido)的手下,合體成Sigma Force Cannon,最後才與利爾德對決。而整個M2星球都是他的身體,會常隱身到地下,不容易對付。在特蘭克斯的帶領下,眾人成功潛入繆博士的實驗室,機器人Giru告知特蘭克斯有關貝比(Baby)的研發,最後貝比在完成之前就被特蘭克斯摧毀。 

7.被拋棄的星際船艦(Deserted Starship):小芳看到飄流的船艦,經過機器人Giru的掃瞄,並沒有任何生物存在,於是眾人決定登船一探究竟。裡面有數量眾多的機器人,有許多漂浮的障礙物,具有定時炸彈功能,小心會引發爆炸。搭升降梯到底就會看到兩隻腳移動的機器人頭目HWM 100X,主要武器是飛彈跟漂浮障礙物,用龜派氣功就能輕鬆獲勝,最後船艦墜落在太陽後消失。 

8.老虎星球(Tigere):來到熱帶叢林的舞台,會有許多飛行敵人,需要透過跳躍攻擊。平面除會出現機器人外,還有血量不少的巨型灰狼。會遇到小頭目Fenris Leader,最終的的頭目是巨獅(Giant Tiger),他的頭無比巨大,類似日本卡通哈特利中的獅子丸型態,爪子相當銳利。如果有足夠能量,最好用氣波逼退他,有用龜派氣功最好。 

9. Cretaceous:被蜥蜴佔領的星球,小蜥蜴會躲在骨頭內,要避免被長茅鎖定後圍剿攻擊,最後遇到頭目Inflatassaurus Rex恐龍。龍珠被他吞下肚,當飛進肚子內,不斷打心臟就能擊敗。需要注意下方的胃液區,不好控制方向,容易被許多敵人圍毆。 

10.北極星球(Polaris):寒冷的舞台,沿路有許多冰屬性敵人,冰蜜蜂比較煩人,需要持續跳躍攻擊,最好能小型氣功波遠距離射擊。走到盡頭就會看到住在洞穴巨大雪猿(Yeti Beast)。打倒小兵後,他就會走出洞穴,從上方丟擲巨大雪球,用龜派氣功持續攻擊四次以上就能勝出。 


12.滋拂爾星(Tuffle Planet):貝比透過龍珠讓貝賽亞人摧毀的滋拂爾星再次出現,在悟空即將被死亡彈殺死的瞬間被界王神拯救,並展開修練。最終他的尾巴被老界王神、界王神與沙伍郎父子夾出,但在戰鬥中卻變成失控的黃金巨猿,在孫女小芳的苦苦勸說下,恢復正常後切換成超級賽亞人4,成功擊敗貝比。 已經被活卵控制的布瑪用超過1700萬的布羅茲波成功將貝比變成黃金巨猿,需要對付的頭目有貝比貝吉塔(Baby Vegeta)跟黃金巨猿(Golden Great Ape Baby)。




遊戲有存檔的設定。後期有一定的難度, 因為敵人數量實在太多,這時候可以用以下兩種秘技。 



The GBA game "Dragon Ball GT: Transformation," released by Atari, was developed by Webfoot Technologies and published by Atari. The game can be played in single-player mode and also supports multiplayer connections. The storyline follows Pilaf and his gang entering the temple and finding the Black Star Dragon Balls, created before Kami and King Piccolo split. Pilaf wishes to rule Earth but accidentally wishes to turn Goku into a child. The Dragon grants this wish and then disappears. The Dragon Balls scatter across the universe, and if they are not collected within a year, the planet on which the wish was made will be destroyed. Thus, Goku, Trunks, and Pan (Goku's granddaughter) set off on a spaceship to begin their adventure.

Goku and his team search for the Black Star Dragon Balls across different planets. The mission is to gather all the Black Star Dragon Balls and return to Earth. The story follows the anime plotline, where the Tuffles, whose planet was destroyed by the Saiyans, seek revenge. Dr. Myuu, who creates mutant robots, also creates Baby, but is later killed by Baby. Baby begins to possess characters, starting with Goku and Gohan, and finally Vegeta. To save Earth and their loved ones, Goku transforms into Super Saiyan 4.

Though they eventually defeat Baby, he had already used the Black Star Dragon Balls to recreate the Tuffle Planet. Earth faces inevitable destruction. Using Super Saiyan 4's power and with the help of Piccolo and others, Goku teleports all humans and living beings to the Tuffle Planet. Piccolo decides to stay on Earth and be destroyed along with the Black Star Dragon Balls. The Namekians then use Porunga to restore Earth, and everyone relocates back to their home planet.

The game is a 2D side-scrolling beat 'em up with no time limit. Players must defeat all enemies in each stage to advance. Reaching the end of a stage involves defeating a boss to move to the next level. The gameplay is similar to "Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure," using the D-pad for movement, A for jumping, B for attacking, R for small Ki blasts, and L for charging energy. Kamehameha and later the Spirit Bomb can be executed by pressing R+B and aiming in the desired direction. A+B performs a combo attack. The game features multiple modes, but initially, only Story Mode is available. After each challenge, players are scored based on their performance, such as combo attacks and energy usage, which converts into Zeni. Players can adjust difficulty levels and save progress at the end of each game.


Single Player Mode: Similar to Story Mode but without the narrative elements. Players can choose three characters from nine available to form a team. Hidden characters can be unlocked with Zeni.

Endurance Mode: Available in both single and multiplayer, enemies appear in increasing difficulty to test how long players can survive.

Boss Endurance Mode: Similar to Endurance Mode but with bosses appearing sequentially.

Robot Swarm Mode: Time-based mode where players face a continuous onslaught of robots, playable in single or multiplayer.

Piccolo Mode: Multiplayer mode where Piccolo Daimao and his clones battle it out.

Secrets: Unlock hidden characters, modes, and settings with enough Zeni.


Playable characters include Kid Goku, Super Saiyan Goku, Super Saiyan 4 Goku, Pan (without robot Giru in Story Mode), Trunks, Buu, Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan 2 Baby Vegeta, and Piccolo Daimao. Characters can upgrade three attributes: Health, Strength, and Power, each up to ten levels.

The game consists of 12 stages in both Story Mode and Single Player Mode, with players forming teams of three, reducing the challenge difficulty. Starting from Imecka, players move sequentially through stages and return to Earth for the final challenge.

Stages Overview:

Imecka: Forced landing due to engine failure. Players defeat King and his guard, Professor Ledgic, with Kamehameha to proceed.

Monmaasu: Fight mutant insects and board a ship. Defeat Dragon Turtle and Giant by attacking its tooth holding a Dragon Ball.

Gelbo: Deal with a quake-predicting villain and retrieve a Dragon Ball stolen by worshipers.

Planet Luud: Battle through worshipers and robots to defeat Luud Robot, avoiding arms and using Kamehameha.

Rudeeze: Navigate a desert filled with scorpions and defeat Scorpulon by attacking after he lowers his guard.

M-2: Fight various robots and Dr. Myuu's creations, including Sigma Force Cannon and General Rillido.

Deserted Starship: Explore a seemingly empty ship filled with robots and defeat HWM 100X.

Tigere: Jungle stage with flying enemies and wolves. Defeat Fenris Leader and Giant Tiger with strategic Ki attacks.

Cretaceous: Lizard-occupied planet with a stomach-entering battle against Inflatassaurus Rex.

Polaris: Ice stage with cold enemies. Defeat Yeti Beast with repeated Kamehameha.

Earth: Returning to a ruined Earth, players face zombie-like humans and Baby-controlled Bulma and Vegeta.

Tuffle Planet: Final battle against Baby Vegeta and Golden Great Ape Baby. Use Spirit Bomb to defeat Baby and save the universe.


Full Health: Press Down, Up, Left twice, Up, Right, Down, B to restore health.

Full Energy: Press Down, Up, Right three times, Left, Right, Left, B for unlimited Ki blasts.

The game features detailed storytelling and accessible difficulty, making it a nostalgic experience for "Dragon Ball GT" fans.


貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



