
英文名稱:Dynasty Wars / Tenchi wo Kurau
人數:2 人

《吞食天地》(天地を喰らう/Dynasty Wars)是一款由卡普空於1989年4月在日本街機上市的遊戲,主要人物設定來自同名日本漫畫《吞食天地》,由卡普空與集英社合作所製作及發行。故事背景設定在東漢末年的黃巾賊之亂,一直到討伐董卓後結束,劇情依照正史發展。

除街機外,卡普空還在任天堂紅白機上推出兩款同名RPG遊戲。初代有NES版本,名稱為《Destiny of an Empire》。此外,在Game Boy和超任上也有後續作品。遊戲故事同樣以三國為背景,移植至PCE、Sega Saturn、PlayStation等平台。























"Dynasty Wars" is a game released by Capcom in April 1989 for arcade machines in Japan. The main characters and storyline are based on the Japanese manga "Tenchi wo Kurau," created through a collaboration between Capcom and Shueisha. The story is set during the late Eastern Han Dynasty, from the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the campaign against Dong Zhuo, and follows the historical narrative.

Besides the arcade version, Capcom also released two RPG games of the same name for the NES. The first NES version is known as "Destiny of an Empire." Additionally, there were subsequent releases for the Game Boy and SNES. The game’s storyline is also set in the Three Kingdoms period and has been ported to platforms like PCE, Sega Saturn, and PlayStation.

The game allows up to two players and features a side-scrolling perspective. Players must survive battles and defeat bosses to advance to the next level. It starts with the following text:

"Power concentrated for too long will eventually split. However, fragmented power is destined to reunify. The Han dynasty, established by the founding emperor Liu Bang, has been in place for over four hundred years and is now facing turmoil. There will also be the oath of the Peach Garden: 'We three, though born at different times and places, swear to die on the same day of the same month of the same year.'"

Collecting three blue orbs upgrades the player's weapon. Food items can restore health. There are four selectable generals, each with unique attack powers and health levels. Each general has a special companion character for specific special attacks. The four generals are:

Liu Bei (玄德): A descendant of Liu royal family, founder of the Han Dynasty, who became brothers with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei during the Yellow Turban Rebellion. Liu Bei has balanced stats with the weakest attack but the highest health. His weapon upgrades through four stages: Dual Sword, Storm Sword, Seven Star Sword, and Fury Dragon Sword.

Guan Yu (雲長): Known for his prowess in combat, Guan Yu's stats are average, with moderate attack power and health. His weapon upgrades are: Green Dragon Saber, Green Dragon Naginata, Red Heart Crescent Saber, and Green Dragon Crescent Saber.

Zhang Fei: Known for his brute strength, Zhang Fei has the highest attack power but the lowest health. His weapon upgrades are: Serpent Spear, Iron Serpent Spear, Flaming Serpent Spear, and Dragon King Serpent Spear.


Zhao Yun (子龍): A brave and intelligent general with balanced stats. His weapon upgrades are: Dragon Spear, Demon God Spear, Sky Piercer, and Tri-Head Dragon Spear.

Throughout the game, the generals ride on horseback and use three buttons: two attack buttons (left and right) and a special attack button. Players choose one of the four characters and face eight levels. Experience points can be accumulated to upgrade the character.

This was Capcom's first game to allow players to choose different characters, and it included various unique settings. Depending on the situation and battlefield location, special attacks called "tactics" appear. Using these tactics consumes the player's health, making them best for quickly clearing an area of enemies. As players level up, the power and range of these tactics increase.

Ambush partners with ranged weapons will appear and mimic the player's actions for about ten seconds. Slopes and hills utilize rolling boulders and logs to crush enemies, and explosive waves can damage or kill enemies and bosses near the explosion. Four archers will also appear from the left screen, launching arrows that hit the battlefield with blue flames.

There are eight stages, each corresponding to a historical battle from the novel. The game officially begins with the words "Yellow Turban Rebellion." After each level, scores are tallied based on the loot, points, and experience gained.

Stage Breakdown:

Daxing Mountain: The bosses are Yellow Turban generals Cheng Yuanzhi and Deng Mao.

Fanshui Pass: Fought on ships. Bosses are Zhang Bao (Earth General) and Zhang Liang (Human General). Zhang Jiao flees to Tiemen Gorge.

Tiemen Gorge: Fight Zhang Jiao (Heaven General), then Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang. Cutscene with Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu follows.

Longmen Pass: Snowy mountains and wooden bridges. Boss is Hua Xiong.

Hulao Pass: Bosses are Li Jue and Guo Si, followed by a fight with Lu Bu.

Luoyang: Boss is Zhang Ji.

Rongyang City: Bosses are Xu Rong and Li Ru.

Meiwu City: Final stage, battle with Dong Zhuo, revealed to be a decoy. Real battle with Dong Zhuo follows.

The PCE version is a simplified arcade version but retains the story and dialogue. Upon defeating Dong Zhuo in the arcade version, a completed scene is shown with various Three Kingdoms characters. The ending hints at the upcoming Battle of Red Cliffs between Cao Cao and Liu Bei, laying the groundwork for future stories. The Battle of Red Cliffs has three different endings, adding diversity and anticipation for players.


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  • 吞食天地

    • 定 價:
    • 售 價: 0.00
    • 庫存量: 0 套
    • 已賣出: 0 套
    人氣指數: 0.5 / 6 顆星