1990年,Capcom推出街機遊戲《1941》(1941カウンターアタック),由Hudson Soft負責移植到PCE SUPER GRAFX平台。復刻版本被收錄在PS2和Xbox的Capcom Classics Collection中。
遊戲故事發生在1941年,戰線從太平洋轉移到北大西洋。1P控制P-38閃電號,2P則操控de Havilland Mosquito飛機,一同參與摧毀敵人的任務。
海外版共有六大關卡和頭目,包括1.海上基地/俾斯麥 2.防禦區/V3火箭 3.大西洋組織/利斯坦 4.城市/克羅特 5.空戰/利維坦 6.最後的戰鬥/哥達。日版與海外版的任務順序有所不同,例如日版的第三關成為海外版的第一關。
Super Grafx版的主要密技是在遊戲畫面出現"WARNING字樣時",持續按II鈕十五次以上,即可自動轉換到調整難易度、時間、速度、生命跟聲效測試。
《1941》被視為《1943》的強化版,畫面更為優秀。然而,Super Grafx版的背景音效較差,但這並不減損其趣味性。作為SG平台上值得收藏的遊戲之一,其二手市場價格一直居高不下。
In 1990, Capcom released the arcade game "1941" (1941カウンターアタック), which was later ported to the PCE SUPER GRAFX platform by Hudson Soft. The remastered version is included in Capcom Classics Collection for PS2 and Xbox.
The story is set in 1941, with the front lines shifting from the Pacific to the North Atlantic. Player 1 controls the P-38 Lightning, and Player 2 pilots the de Havilland Mosquito aircraft, both tasked with destroying the enemy.
Continuing Capcom's design style from "1943," the weapons and items are similar to the Red-White Machine version of "1943: The Battle of Midway." The overall pace is fast, with the first button used for shooting and the second button for deploying screen-clearing bombs.
The game supports simultaneous two-player gameplay with a vertical-scrolling shooting style. When hit by enemy attacks, energy decreases by 1, and losing all energy results in the loss of one life. Typically, players can withstand three instances of damage.
The overseas version features six stages and bosses: 1. Sea Base/Bismarck, 2. Defense Zone/V3 Rocket, 3. Atlantic Organization/Listan, 4. City/Kroto, 5. Aerial Battle/Leviathan, and 6. Final Battle/Gotha. The mission order differs between the Japanese and overseas versions, with the third mission in the Japanese version becoming the first mission in the overseas version.
The game includes various power-ups: Red POW increases life by one, Blue POW restores two points of life, Machine Gun enhances shooting speed, Missile strengthens the main gun's firepower, and Super Missile can penetrate lasers with a powerful frontal explosion. Side Fighter power-up adds two small planes on the left and right sides to assist in shooting. Additionally, Bamboo Shoot grants an extra 20,000 points, Holstein is worth 50,000 points, Strawberry is worth 80,000 points, and Dragonfly is worth 100,000 points. Yashichi completely restores the player's life.
The primary cheat for the Super Grafx version is to press the II button more than fifteen times when the game screen displays the "WARNING" message, which automatically switches to the setting mode for adjusting difficulty, time, speed, life, and sound effects.
"1941" is considered an enhanced version of "1943," with superior graphics. However, the Super Grafx version has poorer background sound effects, though it does not diminish its overall enjoyment. As one of the worthwhile games to collect on the SG platform, its second-hand market price has consistently remained high.
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