PS5 主機

日文名稱:プレイステーション5本体 CFI-1000A01
英文名稱:PS5 Console
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 2020-11-12

PlayStation 5(PS5)是Sony Interactive Entertainment於2020年11月12日推出的最新遊戲主機,是PlayStation系列的第五代主機,繼承並發揚其前幾代主機的成功,同時引入許多新的技術和功能。

主要有兩種版本,分別是標準版和數位版。標準版配備Ultra HD Blu-ray光碟機,可以播放實體光碟遊戲和4K Blu-ray影片;數位版則取消光碟機,專為數位遊戲和串流媒體設計。兩個版本的性能和內部硬體基本相同,但數位版因缺少光碟機而更輕、更薄,價格也相對較低。

採用的硬體規格非常強大。配備AMD的定制8核心Zen 2處理器,頻率高達3.5GHz,以及基於RDNA 2架構的定制GPU,具備10.28 TFLOPs的浮點運算能力,支持光線追蹤技術,提供極其逼真的光影效果。PS5還擁有16GB GDDR6內存和825GB NVMe SSD儲存空間,SSD的讀寫速度達到5.5GB/s,幾乎消除遊戲的加載時間。還支持8K分辨率和每秒120幀的遊戲畫面輸出,為玩家帶來頂級的視覺享受。

配件同樣經過精心設計,以提升整體的遊玩體驗。DualSense無線控制器是基本標配,其最大特點是具備自適應扳機和觸覺反饋功能,能根據遊戲情境提供不同的按壓阻力和震動效果。控制器還內置麥克風和揚聲器,方便進行語音聊天。除了DualSense控制器,PS5還有HD攝像頭、Pulse 3D無線耳機、遙控器和DualSense充電座等配件。



The PlayStation 5 (PS5) is the latest gaming console from Sony Interactive Entertainment, launched on November 12, 2020. It is the fifth generation in the PlayStation series, inheriting and building upon the success of its predecessors while introducing many new technologies and features.

The PS5 is available in two versions: the Standard Edition and the Digital Edition. The Standard Edition is equipped with an Ultra HD Blu-ray disc drive, allowing it to play physical disc games and 4K Blu-ray movies. The Digital Edition, on the other hand, does not include a disc drive and is designed exclusively for digital games and streaming media. Both versions have the same internal hardware and performance capabilities, but the Digital Edition is lighter, thinner, and more affordable due to the absence of the disc drive.

The hardware specifications of the PS5 are highly advanced. It features a custom 8-core AMD Zen 2 processor with a frequency of up to 3.5GHz, and a custom GPU based on the RDNA 2 architecture, delivering 10.28 TFLOPs of floating-point performance and supporting ray tracing technology for incredibly realistic lighting effects. The PS5 also includes 16GB of GDDR6 memory and 825GB of NVMe SSD storage, with read and write speeds of up to 5.5GB/s, virtually eliminating game loading times. Additionally, it supports 8K resolution and 120 frames per second (fps) game output, providing a top-tier visual experience for players.


The accessories for the PS5 are designed to enhance the overall gaming experience. The DualSense wireless controller is the standard inclusion, featuring adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, offering varying resistance and vibration effects based on in-game scenarios. The controller also includes a built-in microphone and speaker for easy voice chatting. Other accessories include the HD Camera, Pulse 3D wireless headset, media remote, and DualSense charging station.

The global sales of the PS5 have been remarkable. Despite supply chain challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the console sold out quickly after its release, with demand far exceeding supply. In November 2020, Sony announced that global sales of the PS5 had surpassed 50 million units, making it one of the fastest-selling gaming consoles in Sony's history. As supply gradually stabilizes, PS5 sales continue to grow.

In summary, the PS5 offers an unprecedented gaming experience with its powerful hardware specifications, innovative controller design, and a rich lineup of games. Whether it is in terms of visual quality, game loading speed, or control feel, the PS5 reaches the highest standards of today's gaming industry, making it an ideal choice for gaming enthusiasts.

貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



