PlayStation3 主機
Sony PlayStation 3(PS3)是索尼互動娛樂開發的第三代家用遊戲主機,繼承PlayStation系列的優良傳統。於2006年11月11日在日本首次發售,隨後在2006年11月17日於北美和2007年3月23日在歐洲上市。在設計和性能上都有重大突破,不僅支援高清遊戲和多媒體播放,還引入強大的網路功能。
搭載強大的Cell處理器,由索尼、東芝和IBM共同開發的多核心處理器,主頻為3.2 GHz。圖形處理由NVIDIA的RSX Reality Synthesizer負責,支援高達1080p的高清解析度。內存方面,擁有256MB的XDR DRAM和256MB的GDDR3顯示記憶體。內建藍光光碟驅動器,這不僅使其成為一款遊戲主機,也是一個高端的藍光播放器。提供多種連接選項,包括HDMI、光纖音頻輸出和多個USB端口。此外,還內建Wi-Fi和以太網接口,支援無線和有線網路連接。
PS3的優點主要體現在其強大的硬件性能和多功能性。Cell處理器和RSX圖形處理器的結合,能夠產生出色的畫面和流暢的操作體驗。藍光光碟驅動器讓遊戲容量和影片播放上具有明顯優勢,成為當時市場上少數支援藍光播放的設備之一。內建的網路功能和PlayStation Network(PSN)服務,使玩家可以在線遊玩、下載遊戲和應用程式,並參與社交互動,增加主機的附加價值。
《最後生還者》(The Last of Us):由Naughty Dog開發的動作冒險遊戲,以其深刻的劇情和精美的畫面獲得廣泛好評,成為PS3時代的代表作之一。
《戰神III》(God of War III):延續《戰神》系列的激烈戰鬥和宏大的場景設計,以其出色的視覺效果和緊張刺激的玩法吸引大量玩家。
《俠盜獵車手V》(Grand Theft Auto V):這款開放世界遊戲以其龐大的遊戲世界和高度自由的玩法,成為PS3平台上最暢銷的遊戲之一。
《惡靈古堡5》(Resident Evil 5):繼承《惡靈古堡》系列的驚悚元素,並加入更多動作元素。
《秘境探險:黃金城秘寶》(Uncharted: Drake's Fortune):由Naughty Dog開發的動作冒險遊戲,以其電影般的故事情節和緊湊的遊戲設計受到玩家喜愛。
The Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) is a home video game console developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, continuing the fine tradition of the PlayStation series. It was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006, followed by North America on November 17, 2006, and Europe on March 23, 2007. The PS3 marked significant breakthroughs in design and performance, supporting not only high-definition gaming and multimedia playback but also introducing robust network capabilities.
The PS3 is powered by a formidable Cell processor, a multi-core processor co-developed by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM, clocked at 3.2 GHz. Graphics are handled by NVIDIA's RSX Reality Synthesizer, which supports resolutions up to 1080p. The console includes 256MB of XDR DRAM and 256MB of GDDR3 video memory. It also features an integrated Blu-ray Disc drive, making it not just a game console but also a high-end Blu-ray player. The PS3 offers multiple connectivity options, including HDMI, optical audio output, and several USB ports. Additionally, it has built-in Wi-Fi and Ethernet ports, supporting both wireless and wired network connections.
The PS3's strengths lie primarily in its powerful hardware performance and versatility. The combination of the Cell processor and RSX graphics processor produces exceptional visuals and a smooth operational experience. The Blu-ray Disc drive provides significant advantages in game storage capacity and video playback, making the PS3 one of the few devices on the market at the time that supported Blu-ray playback. Its built-in network capabilities and PlayStation Network (PSN) service allow players to play games online, download games and applications, and engage in social interactions, increasing the console's overall value.
However, the PS3 also had some drawbacks. Firstly, the manufacturing costs of early versions were high, leading to a prohibitively expensive price tag that deterred some potential consumers. Additionally, while the Cell processor was powerful, it posed a challenge for game developers due to its complex programming requirements, resulting in suboptimal performance for some cross-platform games. The PS3's high heat output also posed issues; early models frequently encountered overheating problems, sometimes leading to hardware failure. Despite these issues, Sony addressed these problems over time through subsequent improvements and price adjustments.
The PS3 platform saw the release of many classic and popular games. Here are some representative titles:
The Last of Us: Developed by Naughty Dog, this action-adventure game received widespread acclaim for its profound narrative and stunning visuals, becoming one of the defining titles of the PS3 era.
God of War III: Continuing the God of War series, this game featured intense combat and grandiose scene design, with outstanding visual effects and thrilling gameplay that captivated many players.
Grand Theft Auto V: This open-world game became one of the best-selling titles on the PS3 platform, known for its vast game world and high degree of freedom.
Resident Evil 5: Building on the horror elements of the Resident Evil series, this installment added more action elements and was well-received.
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune: Developed by Naughty Dog, this action-adventure game was beloved for its cinematic storyline and tightly designed gameplay.
In summary, the PS3 is a landmark home video game console. Its powerful hardware performance, multifunctional entertainment experience, and rich game library earned it widespread acclaim among gamers. Despite facing some challenges and competition, the PS3 stood out with its exceptional performance and innovative capabilities, marking an important chapter in gaming history.
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PlayStation3 主機
- 定 價: 47,122円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星