SwanCrystal 主機 紅酒版

Wonderswan是由日本遊戲公司Bandai於1999年推出的掌上型遊戲主機,由知名遊戲設計師橫井軍平主導設計。企圖挑戰任天堂的Game Boy系列,上市後在日本市場取得一定的成功。有Wonderswan、Wonderswan Color和SwanCrystal三種型號。
於1999年3月4日在日本首次發售,重量僅有95克,是當時最輕便的掌上型遊戲機之一。採用2.49英寸的LCD螢幕,解析度為224×144像素,顯示黑白圖像。Wonderswan使用一顆16位NEC V30MZ CPU,運行頻率為3.072 MHz,擁有512 KB的記憶體。音效方面採用1通道PCM和4通道波形合成。電池使用一顆全新AA電池,續航時間可達30小時。
Wonderswan Color於2000年12月9日推出,提升螢幕顯示效果,配備2.8英寸、8色至241色的彩色LCD螢幕。機體稍微加大,但依舊輕便,電池續航時間約為20小時。SwanCrystal於2002年7月12日推出,主要改進螢幕的可視角度和顯示效果,使用更清晰的TFT LCD。這款機型是Wonderswan系列的最終版本。
Wonderswan的優點包括其價格實惠,相對於競爭對手Game Boy較低,吸引許多消費者。機體輕便且堅固,攜帶方便,電池壽命長,尤其是初版的30小時續航時間非常出色。支持橫向和縱向兩種遊戲模式,增加遊戲的多樣性和創新性。擁有包括《Final Fantasy》系列在內的多款優秀遊戲,吸引大量玩家。然而,市場推廣不足儘管在日本市場取得一定成功,但在國際市場上的推廣力度不足,導致知名度有限。相比於Game Boy,Wonderswan的遊戲數量和種類還是不夠豐富,無法全面吸引各類玩家。彩色版本的電池續航時間較短,只有約20小時,相比黑白版下降顯著。
Wonderswan系列主機在日本市場共計銷售約350萬台,儘管未能超越任天堂的Game Boy,但在當時競爭激烈的市場環境中也算取得一定的成績。最暢銷的遊戲包括《Final Fantasy》系列和《機動戰士高達》等經典作品,這些作品在推動主機銷量方面發揮重要作用。
總結來說,Bandai的Wonderswan系列主機憑藉其輕便設計、價格實惠和獨特的橫豎雙模式,在日本市場取得一定的成功。儘管面臨市場推廣不足和遊戲陣容不夠豐富的挑戰,依然在掌上型主機歷史中占有一席之地。通過引入Wonderswan Color和SwanCrystal等改進版本,顯示Bandai對技術創新和用戶需求的積極回應。
Wonderswan is a handheld game console released by the Japanese game company Bandai in 1999, designed by the renowned game designer Gunpei Yokoi. Aiming to challenge Nintendo's Game Boy series, it achieved a certain level of success in the Japanese market. The series includes three models: Wonderswan, Wonderswan Color, and SwanCrystal.
First released in Japan on March 4, 1999, the Wonderswan weighed only 95 grams, making it one of the lightest handheld game consoles of its time. It featured a 2.49-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 224×144 pixels, displaying black and white images. The Wonderswan used a 16-bit NEC V30MZ CPU running at 3.072 MHz and had 512 KB of memory. For sound, it utilized one channel of PCM and four channels of waveform synthesis. It operated on a single AA battery, providing up to 30 hours of battery life.
The Wonderswan Color was released on December 9, 2000, improving the screen display with a 2.8-inch color LCD capable of displaying 8 to 241 colors. The device was slightly larger but remained lightweight, with a battery life of approximately 20 hours. SwanCrystal, released on July 12, 2002, further improved the screen's viewing angles and display quality by using a clearer TFT LCD. This model was the final version in the Wonderswan series.
Wonderswan's advantages include its affordable price, which was lower compared to its competitor, the Game Boy, attracting many consumers. The device was lightweight, sturdy, and easy to carry, with exceptional battery life, particularly the original version's 30-hour duration. It supported both horizontal and vertical gameplay modes, enhancing the diversity and innovation of games. It also featured many excellent games, including the "Final Fantasy" series, which attracted a large number of players. However, there were also some drawbacks. Despite its success in the Japanese market, it lacked sufficient promotion in international markets, leading to limited recognition. Compared to the Game Boy, Wonderswan's game library was not as extensive, failing to fully attract various types of players. Additionally, the battery life of the color versions was significantly shorter, only around 20 hours, compared to the black and white version.
The Wonderswan series sold approximately 3.5 million units in the Japanese market. Although it did not surpass Nintendo's Game Boy, it still achieved a certain level of success in the highly competitive market environment of the time. The most popular games included classics like the "Final Fantasy" series and "Mobile Suit Gundam," which played a significant role in driving console sales.
In conclusion, Bandai's Wonderswan series of handheld consoles achieved a certain level of success in the Japanese market due to its lightweight design, affordable price, and unique horizontal and vertical gameplay modes. Despite facing challenges such as insufficient market promotion and a less extensive game library, it still holds a place in the history of handheld consoles. The introduction of improved versions like Wonderswan Color and SwanCrystal demonstrated Bandai's active response to technological innovation and user needs.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
SwanCrystal 主機 紅酒版
- 定 價: 8,580円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星