寶可夢 X / Y 任天堂 3DS XL 藍色限定主機
《寶可夢 X/Y》是3DS平台上推出的第六世代《寶可夢》系列遊戲,由任天堂與Game Freak聯合開發,於2013年10月12日同步在日本、歐美發售。是《寶可夢》首次以3D畫面呈現,帶來嶄新的視覺體驗,並導入全新的寶可夢、地區和玩法,開啟該系列的新篇章。
劇情設定在全新的卡洛斯地區,以法國北部地區為背景進行設計,擁有多樣化的地形和文化背景。主角為年輕訓練家,目標是收集八個道館徽章,最終挑戰聯盟冠軍。將與勁敵和幾位好友一起冒險,探索未知的世界,並揭開有關卡洛斯地區古老傳說和神秘組織「閃焰隊」(Team Flare)的陰謀。
首次引入「超級訓練」(Super Training)和「寶可夢拋接」(Pokémon-Amie)兩項新功能。超級訓練讓玩家可以更直觀地強化寶可夢的個體值(IVs),增強它們的戰鬥能力,而寶可夢拋接則是一個互動系統,通過觸摸屏幕與自己的寶可夢互動,增加彼此的親密度,進而提升寶可夢在戰鬥中的表現。
3D地圖和全新的環境設計使得《寶可夢 X/Y》成為系列中視覺上最具突破性的一作。場景從繁華的城市到廣闊的森林、迷宮般的洞窟都充滿細節,讓玩家沉浸在探索的樂趣中。此外,在遊戲中首次能夠騎乘某些寶可夢穿越特定區域,這不僅增加遊戲的趣味性,也使探索變得更加多樣化。
儘管如此,《寶可夢 X/Y》無疑是成功的突破,為《寶可夢》系列帶來新的活力。全球銷量表現亮眼,發售後不久便成為3DS平台上的暢銷作品之一,受到新老玩家的喜愛。不僅延續該系列的核心魅力,也為未來的作品奠定發展基礎,特別是在視覺呈現和遊戲系統上的革新。
Pokémon X and Y are sixth-generation games in the Pokémon series, released on the Nintendo 3DS platform. Co-developed by Nintendo and Game Freak, the games were launched simultaneously in Japan, Europe, and North America on October 12, 2013. These were the first Pokémon games to feature 3D graphics, offering a fresh visual experience while introducing new Pokémon, regions, and gameplay, marking a new chapter for the series.
The story is set in the new Kalos region, designed based on northern France, with a diverse landscape and cultural background. Players take on the role of a young Pokémon trainer whose goal is to collect eight Gym Badges and ultimately challenge the Pokémon League Champion. Together with rivals and friends, they embark on an adventure to explore the unknown world and unravel the mysteries of ancient legends and the sinister plans of the mysterious organization, Team Flare.
Team Flare, the antagonistic group, seeks to control the world by using legendary Pokémon to "purify" human society. Along the journey, players must not only collect Pokémon but also stop Team Flare's evil plans. Ultimately, they will face and capture the legendary Pokémon—Xerneas in the X version and Yveltal in the Y version, representing the opposing themes of life and destruction, which is a key highlight of the story.
Players can use a single account for both games and store up to 3,000 Pokémon through Pokémon Bank. At the start, players choose either Japanese or English, a decision that cannot be changed later. Other new features include the Fairy-type, the Friendship system, Horde Battles, Super Training, and customization options.
The gameplay retains the series' classic turn-based battle system, where players command their Pokémon to attack, use skills, or capture wild Pokémon. For the first time, the "Mega Evolution" system was introduced, a major innovation. Through Mega Evolution, certain Pokémon can temporarily evolve into more powerful forms during battles, significantly boosting their abilities. This design adds depth to battle strategies, as players must consider when and how to use Mega Evolution to maximize its tactical advantages.
The game adds 72 new Pokémon and introduces rideable Pokémon and the Fairy-type, a first in the series. The Fairy-type was specifically designed to balance the previously overpowered Dragon-type Pokémon, as Fairy-type moves have a strong advantage over Dragon-types, adding more diversity and balance to the gameplay.
Exploration and adventure are more open, allowing players to freely explore the towns, caves, and wild areas of the Kalos region. Each Gym features unique themes and challenge designs, requiring players to use different tactics to defeat the Gym Leaders. During their adventure, players encounter various side quests and special challenges, such as battling rivals, capturing rare Pokémon, and unlocking hidden areas.
Two new features, "Super Training" and "Pokémon-Amie," were also introduced. Super Training allows players to strengthen their Pokémon's Individual Values (IVs) more intuitively, improving their combat abilities. Pokémon-Amie is an interactive system where players can use the touchscreen to bond with their Pokémon, increasing their closeness, which in turn boosts their performance in battles.
The 3D map and new environmental designs make Pokémon X and Y one of the most visually groundbreaking entries in the series. The game's environments, from bustling cities to vast forests and labyrinthine caves, are filled with detail, immersing players in the joy of exploration. Additionally, for the first time, players could ride certain Pokémon to traverse specific areas, adding variety to the exploration experience.
Since its release, the games have received widespread acclaim. Many critics praised the visual and technical breakthroughs, particularly the 3D graphics, which allowed players to experience the Pokémon world in a whole new way. The introduction of the Mega Evolution system and Fairy-type was also seen as a major innovation in the series, offering new possibilities for battle strategies. However, some criticisms pointed out that despite the significant visual and technical advancements, the storyline was relatively simple, lacking the depth and complexity of previous generations. Some players also felt the game was too easy, especially with the fast leveling of Pokémon, which reduced the sense of challenge.
Despite these critiques, Pokémon X and Y were undeniably a successful breakthrough, bringing new vitality to the Pokémon series. The games performed exceptionally well in global sales, quickly becoming best-sellers on the 3DS platform and beloved by both new and longtime fans. Not only did they continue the core appeal of the series, but they also laid the foundation for future titles, particularly in visual presentation and gameplay innovations.
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寶可夢 X / Y 任天堂 3DS XL 藍色限定主機
- 定 價: 23,885円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星