英文名稱:Fatal Fury Special
人數:2 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1993-12-22

《餓狼傳說Special》(Fatal Fury Special) 是SNK於1993年推出的格鬥遊戲,為「餓狼傳說」系列的升級版。該作為SNK在Neo Geo AES平台上的重要作品,以流暢的遊戲系統、精美的畫面與動態演出深受玩家喜愛。保留系列的核心玩法,同時加入更多角色、更快的節奏與改進的遊戲平衡,成為格鬥遊戲歷史上的經典標杆。

故事延續前作《餓狼傳說2》的世界觀。背景設定在虛構的「南鎮」(South Town),一個充滿危險與黑暗勢力的都市。可選擇各具特色的格鬥家,參與格鬥大賽,挑戰南鎮的統治者與頭號反派吉斯·霍華德(Geese Howard),最終揭示角色們背後的恩怨情仇。

雖然劇情不像現代格鬥遊戲那樣詳細,但每個角色都有自己的動機與故事。例如,泰瑞·柏格(Terry Bogard)為替被吉斯殺害的養父報仇,踏上格鬥之路;而安迪·柏格(Andy Bogard)則試圖與哥哥一較高下並保護他的愛人不知火舞(Mai Shiranui)。主要人物介紹:

1.泰瑞·柏格(Terry Bogard):系列的主人公,被稱為「南鎮的餓狼」,身穿紅白相間的背心和牛仔褲。招牌技能是「能量波」(Power Wave)和「升龍拳」(Rising Tackle),簡單卻威力強大,象徵著他的無畏精神。

2.安迪·柏格(Andy Bogard):泰瑞的弟弟,專攻忍術和八極拳。他的招式更加靈活,擅長快速連擊,如「斬影拳」(Zan’ei Ken)。

3.不知火舞(Mai Shiranui):系列中首位女性角色,以性感和火焰技能聞名。她的「不知火流忍法」融合靈活的動作與爆發力,是遊戲的亮點。

4.吉斯·霍華德(Geese Howard):系列反派,他是南鎮的統治者,擁有強大的武術技巧與邪惡的魅力。他的「反擊技」(Counter Throw)和「烈風拳」(Reppuken)極具威脅性。

5.坂崎良(Ryo Sakazaki):作為特別客串角色,他是《龍虎之拳》的主角。這是SNK首次在遊戲中實現跨作品角色互動。

6.克勞薩·海因里希(Wolfgang Krauser):本作的最終頭目,身為貴族的他擁有強大力量與冷酷個性。他的「皇帝波動拳」(Kaiser Wave)幾乎覆蓋整個屏幕,對玩家構成極大挑戰。



《餓狼傳說Special》在推出後獲得極高的評價,被認為是當時最優秀的格鬥遊戲之一。評論家讚揚畫面表現力、角色設計及平衡性改進,認為相比前作達到新的高度。特別是角色的動作流暢度和音效表現,為Neo Geo平台的技術實力樹立標杆。

商業上,這款遊戲也表現不俗,不僅在街機廳中大受歡迎,其家用版在SNK的AES主機上也吸引許多格鬥遊戲迷。即使在後續《餓狼傳說3》推出後,《餓狼傳說Special》依然被認為是系列的巔峰之一,並影響後來的《拳皇》(King of Fighters)系列的角色整合與系統設計。



Fatal Fury Special, released in 1993 by SNK, is an upgraded version of the Fatal Fury series and a landmark in fighting game history. Designed for the Neo Geo AES platform, it improved upon its predecessors with smoother gameplay, refined balance, and more dynamic visuals. It retained the core mechanics of the series while introducing faster-paced action, new characters, and innovative features, earning it widespread acclaim.

Story and Setting

The game's narrative builds on the world of Fatal Fury 2, set in the fictional South Town—a city teeming with crime and dominated by its tyrannical ruler, Geese Howard. Players can choose from an expanded roster of fighters, each with unique styles and personal motivations, as they compete in a martial arts tournament to challenge Geese and uncover dramatic backstories.

Though the storytelling is not as detailed as in modern games, the character-driven narrative adds depth. For example:

Terry Bogard, the series protagonist, seeks vengeance for his adoptive father's death at Geese’s hands.

Andy Bogard, Terry's younger brother, aims to surpass his sibling and protect his love interest, Mai Shiranui.

Mai Shiranui, the franchise's first female character, blends grace and explosive ninjutsu.

Key Characters

Terry Bogard: Known as "The Hungry Wolf of South Town," he wields iconic moves like the "Power Wave" and "Rising Tackle," symbolizing courage and resilience.

Andy Bogard: A practitioner of ninjutsu and Bajiquan, Andy offers agile, combo-based gameplay with techniques like "Zan’ei Ken."

Mai Shiranui: A ninja famed for her beauty and fiery skills, her "Shiranui-style Ninjutsu" combines acrobatic elegance with raw power.

Geese Howard: The main antagonist, a master of counterattacks and powerful moves like "Reppuken," epitomizes ruthlessness and skill.

Ryo Sakazaki: A crossover guest from Art of Fighting, marking SNK's first major inter-franchise interaction.

Wolfgang Krauser: The final boss, a nobleman with overwhelming strength and attacks like "Kaiser Wave," challenging even seasoned players.

Gameplay and Features

The game introduces a multi-plane system allowing fighters to move between foreground and background layers, adding strategic depth. With 16 selectable characters, the game features varied fighting styles, faster pacing, and meticulously balanced mechanics that enhance the competitive experience.

The stages are culturally rich, ranging from South Town bars to Japanese gardens and European castles, each paired with character-specific themes that amplify immersion.


Reception and Legacy

Upon its release, Fatal Fury Special garnered critical acclaim for its impressive visuals, smooth animations, and gameplay improvements. Critics praised the character designs, combat depth, and polished balance, marking it as a standout title on the Neo Geo. Commercially, the game was a hit in arcades and on the Neo Geo AES, cementing its status as one of SNK’s finest achievements.

Even after the release of Fatal Fury 3, Fatal Fury Special remains a fan favorite, often regarded as a pinnacle in the series. It influenced the development of the King of Fighters franchise, especially in character design and gameplay mechanics.


Blending innovation with classic fighting game elements, Fatal Fury Special left an indelible mark on the genre. With its engaging gameplay, charismatic roster, and technical excellence, it continues to be celebrated as a milestone in the history of fighting games.

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