
《越南大戰》(Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001 )是Nazca製作,SNK於1996年發行的經典橫向捲軸射擊遊戲,最初在街機及Neo Geo主機上發行,後來被移植到多個平台,包括PlayStation、Xbox、Switch和PC等。以其快節奏的動作、獨特的美術風格、幽默感以及高難度而受到玩家廣泛喜愛,並成為SNK最具代表性的遊戲之一。
故事背景設定在2028年,由前正規軍唐納德.莫丁將軍(General Morden)領導的反叛軍隊,之前曾發動對美國總統的刺殺行動,最終以失敗收場,事隔一年後再次企圖發動政變並掌控世界。正規軍為此開發出代號「Super Vehicle-001」的新型坦克「Metal Slug」,但測試中的樣車卻因情資外洩導致叛軍奪得。政府派出精英軍事組織「游隼」(Peregrine Falcon Strike Force),主要成員是馬爾可(Marco Rossi)和塔馬(Tarma Roving)。為對抗叛軍,小隊的任務就此展開冒險。
遊戲的特色是「Metal Slug」坦克,具備高火力的迷你坦克,可以駕駛它進行戰鬥,使用強大的火炮和機關槍來對抗大量敵軍和強大的BOSS。坦克不僅增加攻擊力,還提供額外的防禦力。除了普通的射擊攻擊,還可以投擲手榴彈,對付強大的敵人或攻擊遠距離的目標。還設計許多需要精準跳躍和快速反應的場景,增加挑戰性。
任務 1:高津770式轟炸機殘骸要塞 – 鐵雪 / Tetsuyuki
任務 2:開發中的大型機甲Hairbuster Riberts
敵方科學家正在開發一種強大的大型機甲,名為Hairbuster Riberts。這是一個半完成的巨型武器,但其未完成的狀態並未降低其威脅。擁有致命的激光武器和無人控制的自動防禦系統,一旦它完全運行,將會造成毀滅性的破壞。任務是阻止Hairbuster Riberts 的完全啟動,將突襲敵軍的秘密工廠,摧毀這台機甲,防止它成為敵方戰爭機器中的殺戮巨獸。工廠內部遍布安保裝置,包括密集的防禦炮台與自動巡邏系統。要在它們發現你之前,將 Hairbuster 徹底摧毀。
任務 3:超弩級自走砲 -谷王 / Tani Oh
谷王(Tani Oh)是敵軍部署的超弩級自走砲,擁有驚人的射程和破壞力,可以輕易摧毀整個戰區。這台自走砲的精準打擊能力讓前線的友軍陷入極大的困境,如果不將其解除,敵軍將掌握戰場主導權。
任務 4:共同作戰用戰車- Shoe & Karn
任務 5:萬能射程戰鬥車 - Iron Nokana
Iron Nokana是敵軍的一輛全能型戰鬥車,擁有強大的火力和驚人的射程,可以精準打擊遠距離目標。同時,它具備極強的防禦能力,甚至能夠反彈部分攻擊,是敵軍前線最強的支援力量之一。
任務是摧毀這輛戰鬥車,消除它對友軍的威脅。這將需要你找到它的弱點,並在它最薄弱的時刻進行攻擊。Iron Nokana具備快速機動能力,並會使用煙霧彈來混淆視線。你必須小心翼翼,避開它的射擊範圍,並找到機會給予致命一擊。
任務是擊敗Hi-Do,並追擊莫登(Morden),終結這場戰爭。如果能成功擊倒莫登,將會獲得額外的榮譽與獎勵。Hi-Do是敵方最強的戰鬥直昇機,擁有卓越的機動性和火力,需要準確的判斷和快速反應才能將其擊落。將其擊敗後,莫登將親自出現,需要面對他最終的絕地反擊。該直升機在越南大戰3(Metal Slug 3)再次以小頭目當場。
Metal Slug: Super Vehicle-001, commonly known as "Metal Slug," is a classic side-scrolling shooter developed by Nazca and published by SNK in 1996. Initially released for arcades and the Neo Geo console, the game has since been ported to multiple platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC. Known for its fast-paced action, distinctive art style, humor, and challenging gameplay, it quickly became one of SNK's most iconic titles.
Story Overview:
Set in the year 2028, the game follows the rebellion led by General Donald Morden, a former officer of the Regular Army who had previously attempted to assassinate the U.S. President, only to fail. One year after this failed operation, Morden resurfaces, attempting another coup with the goal of taking over the world. In response, the government develops a new type of tank, codenamed Super Vehicle-001 or Metal Slug, to combat the rising threat. However, due to a security breach, the rebels seize control of the prototype. The government then deploys the elite military group known as the Peregrine Falcon Strike Force, whose main members, Marco Rossi and Tarma Roving, are tasked with reclaiming the tank and stopping Morden’s forces. Thus, their adventure begins.
The game’s animation and character design convey a strong war atmosphere while incorporating a hefty dose of humor, enhancing its overall appeal. Players will traverse various enemy bases, jungles, and cities, destroying enemy forces and rescuing captured allies. As the story progresses, science fiction elements, such as powerful alien creatures and advanced robots, are introduced, adding variety and challenges to the gameplay.
Gameplay Mechanics:
"Metal Slug" uses a straightforward side-scrolling design. Players primarily use guns, grenades, and other weapons to eliminate enemies. The controls allow for movement, jumping, shooting, and throwing grenades, with opportunities to upgrade weapons along the way, such as obtaining machine guns, rocket launchers, and flamethrowers, which heighten the excitement of combat.
One of the game's standout features is the Metal Slug tank itself. This mini-tank boasts formidable firepower, allowing players to operate its powerful cannon and machine gun to take on hordes of enemies and massive bosses. The tank not only increases offensive capabilities but also provides added defense.
In addition to regular shooting, players can throw grenades to deal with powerful enemies or hit distant targets. Many of the stages are designed to require precise jumps and quick reflexes, making for a challenging experience.
The game consists of six main levels, each featuring distinct environments and enemy designs. From jungles and deserts to urban landscapes and secret enemy bases, every stage is packed with action and obstacles. As players advance, the number and strength of enemies gradually increase, demanding quick reactions and skillful play.
At the end of each level, a boss battle awaits. These bosses are often enormous mechanical constructs, tanks, or aircraft with devastating firepower and multi-phase attack patterns. Players must learn the bosses' attack sequences and defeat them within a limited time, making these encounters some of the most memorable and challenging moments in the Metal Slug series.
Mission Highlights:
Mission 1: Tetsuyuki - The Fortress Built from Takatsu 770 Bomber Wreckage In a desolate wasteland, the enemy has constructed a fortress out of the wreckage of the Takatsu 770 bomber, named Tetsuyuki. Armed with powerful defense systems and surrounded by radar interference, this fortress is nearly impenetrable. However, penetrating the enemy lines and destroying this symbol of their mechanical might is key to breaking the enemy's defenses.
Mission 2: Hairbuster Riberts - The Giant Mech in Development Enemy scientists are developing a colossal mech named Hairbuster Riberts, which, though incomplete, is still a formidable threat. Equipped with deadly laser weapons and automated defense systems, the mech is on the verge of being fully operational, which would spell disaster. Your mission is to infiltrate the enemy's secret factory and destroy Hairbuster Riberts before it becomes an unstoppable killing machine.
Mission 3: Tani Oh - The Super-Heavy Mobile Cannon Tani Oh is a super-heavy mobile cannon deployed by the enemy, capable of striking targets from an immense distance and obliterating entire battlefields. Its precision targeting puts the frontlines at risk, and if not neutralized, it could shift the tide of the war in the enemy’s favor. Your mission is to locate and destroy Tani Oh before it can unleash its devastating firepower.
Mission 4: Shoe & Karn - The Joint Combat Tanks The enemy has deployed two tanks, Shoe and Karn, which work together to form an unbreakable defense. Shoe specializes in heavy bombardment while Karn provides precision support and defense. To overcome this deadly duo, you must destroy both tanks, dismantling their well-coordinated teamwork and strategic positioning.
Mission 5: Iron Nokana - The Versatile Long-Range Combat Vehicle Iron Nokana is a multi-purpose combat vehicle equipped with powerful long-range weaponry and exceptional defensive capabilities, even able to reflect some attacks. This vehicle serves as one of the strongest support units on the enemy frontlines. To eliminate its threat, you must exploit its weaknesses and strike during moments of vulnerability.
Final Mission: Hi-Do - The Reappearing Attack Helicopter In the ultimate showdown, the enemy has once again deployed the Hi-Do, an advanced attack helicopter equipped with cutting-edge weapon systems capable of firing missiles and machine guns while evading attacks. Hi-Do is the final tool of General Morden, who believes this helicopter will secure his victory. Defeating Hi-Do and pursuing Morden will bring an end to the war and earn you additional rewards and honors.
Hi-Do's agility and firepower make it the toughest challenge, requiring precise judgment and quick reflexes to bring it down. After defeating the helicopter, Morden himself will emerge for a final, desperate counterattack.
Additional Features:
The game also incorporates a "rescue prisoners" system. By freeing captured soldiers throughout the stages, players can gain weapon upgrades or bonus points, adding an extra layer of challenge and replay value. When the word “IN” appears, players can operate certain vehicles or weapons.
Since its release, Metal Slug has received widespread acclaim and is considered one of SNK's most successful games. Critics praised the hand-drawn pixel art, which showcases intricate details on the battlefield, from soldiers' expressions to explosion effects, all with an animation-like quality.
The game’s time limits, fast-paced action, and high difficulty have been key talking points among players. Though the controls are relatively simple, the level design and enemy variety keep the gameplay challenging, especially during the creative and intense boss battles. Additionally, the humor infused throughout, from character movements to enemy and environment design, keeps the atmosphere light-hearted, even in the midst of chaotic combat.
While the game’s high difficulty—especially in later levels—has been criticized for being too punishing for beginners, it has also become a hallmark of the series, attracting players who enjoy a tough challenge.
Overall, Metal Slug stands as a classic side-scrolling shooter, with its visuals, controls, and gameplay earning it a reputation as a masterpiece. It remains one of SNK’s flagship titles and has left a lasting impact on the global gaming market, influencing many later shooter games.
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