美版 拳王擂台

日文名稱:海外版 パンチアウト!!
人數:2 人
分級1/發行日期: 10歲以上 2009-05-18

《拳王擂台》(Punch-Out!!)由Next Level Games開發並由任天堂發行的Wii拳擊遊戲。於2009年5月18日在北美首發,隨後在日本、歐洲和其他地區推出。作為經典《Punch-Out!!》系列的延續,仍維持其獨特風格和操作機制,同時有現代化的舞台和新的功能。

故事描述年輕的拳擊手“小麥克”(Little Mac),他的目標是從零開始,由教練“道奇”(Doc Louis)指導,踏上征服拳擊世界的旅程。從區域賽到國家賽,最終挑戰世界賽,每個階段都有不同的對手等待著小麥克的挑戰。畫面採用卡通風格,具有生動的角色設計和流暢的動畫效果,增加整體的娛樂性。操作簡單但需反覆練習,用Wii遙控器和Nunchuk來模擬拳擊動作,或者使用經典控制器進行傳統按鍵操作。主要操作包括:





遊戲中共有三個主要賽事:1.區域賽(Minor Circuit):選手有Glass Joe、Von Kaiser、Disco Kid、冠軍King Hippo,國家賽(Major Circuit):選手有Piston Hondo、Bear Hugger、Great Tiger、冠軍Don Flamenco,世界賽(World Circuit):選手有Aran Ryan、Soda Popinski、Bald Bull、Super Macho Man、冠軍Mr. Sandman。每個拳擊手都有自己獨特的攻擊模式和弱點。要仔細觀察對手的動作和攻擊模式,找到反擊的機會。隨著賽事的進展,對手的難度會逐漸增加,挑戰也會變得更加艱難。








4.在小麥克的Last Stand模式中擊敗10位對手就能解鎖冠軍模式(Champions Mode)。

5.在熱身賽(Exhibition Mode)中完成任何角色的3次挑戰就能解鎖他們的語音資料。

6.在Last Stand模式中挑戰Donkey Kong,他就會出現在熱身賽模式。


7在冠軍保衛戰模式(Title Defense Mode)中擊敗桑德曼先生(Mr. Sandman),就能解鎖Last Stand模式。

8.贏得區域賽冠軍(Minor Circuit)就能解鎖國家賽(Major Circuit)。贏得國家賽冠軍就能解鎖世界賽(World Circuit)。贏得世界賽(World Circuit)就能解鎖冠軍保衛戰模式(Title Defense Mode)。



Punch-Out!! is a boxing game developed by Next Level Games and published by Nintendo for the Wii. It was first released in North America on May 18, 2009, and subsequently in Japan, Europe, and other regions. As a continuation of the classic Punch-Out!! series, it retains its unique style and mechanics while introducing modern stages and new features.

The story follows the young boxer "Little Mac," whose goal is to rise from obscurity to glory in the boxing world under the guidance of coach "Doc Louis." Starting from minor circuits to national championships and ultimately the world championship, each stage features different opponents for Little Mac to challenge. The game uses a cartoon style with vibrant character designs and smooth animations to enhance the overall entertainment value.

The controls are simple yet require practice, using the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to simulate boxing movements, or alternatively using the classic controller for traditional button controls. The main controls include:

Left and Right Punches: Swing the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to execute left and right punches.

Body and Head Attacks: Press different buttons for high and low attacks, targeting the opponent's body or head.

Dodge and Block: Use the joystick on the controller to dodge attacks or press specific buttons to block.

Special Attacks: After accumulating enough energy, unleash powerful special attacks to inflict significant damage on opponents.

The game features three main circuits:

Minor Circuit: Opponents include Glass Joe, Von Kaiser, Disco Kid, and the champion King Hippo.

Major Circuit: Opponents include Piston Hondo, Bear Hugger, Great Tiger, and the champion Don Flamenco.

World Circuit: Opponents include Aran Ryan, Soda Popinski, Bald Bull, Super Macho Man, and the champion Mr. Sandman.


Each boxer has unique attack patterns and weaknesses. Observing opponents' movements and attack patterns is crucial to finding opportunities to counterattack. As players progress through the circuits, the difficulty of opponents increases, providing greater challenges.

The Minor Circuit introduces relatively easy opponents, allowing players to familiarize themselves with the game mechanics and basic strategies. The Major Circuit presents increasingly complex attack patterns, requiring faster reactions and advanced tactics. The World Circuit is the most challenging, featuring classic formidable opponents that demand mastery of game skills for victory.

Some hidden features and tips can help players achieve better results:

1. When knocked down, quickly press the 1 and 2 buttons on the Wii Remote to potentially avoid a KO. The same operation or pressing the Wii Remote and Nunchuk together can restore health after knocking down an opponent.

2. Losing 100 times in single-player mode unlocks Headgear.

3. Press the minus button between rounds to hear a bell sound. If successful, health will increase at the start of the next round. This can only be used once per match.

4. Defeating 10 opponents in Little Mac's Last Stand mode unlocks Champions Mode.

5. Completing three challenges for any character in Exhibition Mode unlocks their voice data.

6. Facing Donkey Kong in Last Stand mode adds him to Exhibition Mode.

7. Defeating Mr. Sandman in Title Defense Mode unlocks Last Stand mode.

8. Winning the Minor Circuit championship unlocks the Major Circuit. Winning the Major Circuit championship unlocks the World Circuit. Winning the World Circuit unlocks Title Defense Mode.

9.Viewing the profiles of each boxer during gameplay unlocks Gallery Mode.

This is a challenging and fun boxing game that combines simple, easy-to-learn controls with deep, rich gameplay content. Whether new or experienced, players can find joy and challenges in this game. As Little Mac progresses in the boxing world, players will experience the growth and satisfaction of victory.

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