
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1993-11-26

1993年11月26日在日本推出的超任遊戲《阿拉丁》(アラジン/Disney's Aladdin)改編於1992年的同名迪士尼動畫片,由卡普空製作及發行。Sega版本在同年同月上市,由Virgin發行,兩款在部分的設定有所不同。超任版中的主要武器是蘋果,Sega版則是彎刀。超任移植版於2003年8月1日在日本Game Boy Advance平台推出,隔年歐美版發行。 


1992年的動漫版,精靈的配音由羅賓威廉斯擔任,當年的票房突破5億美金。之後推出電影續集及電視卡通,故事改編後還推出紐約百老匯舞台劇。2019年5月24日的真人版電影在美國上映,由威爾史密斯(Will Smith)飾演精靈,全球票房突破10.5億美元。 



總共有七大舞台所構成,分別是1.市集(The Market Place) 2.奇觀洞穴(The Cave of Wonders) 3.逃離奇觀洞穴(Escape from the Cave of Wonders) 4.精靈的神燈內(Inside the Genie's Lamp) 5.金字塔(The Pyramid) 6.一個嶄新的世界("A Whole New World") 7.賈方的宮殿(Jafar's Palace) 8.最終戰(Final Battle):是第七關的最後頭目。 


遊戲沒有存檔的設定,玩家們只要成功闖關就會顯示密碼,下次想重新登入時候輸入即可。密碼由四組圖片構成,圖片有六個,分別是阿拉丁(Aladdin)、茉莉公主(Princess Jasmine)、精靈(Genie)、猴子阿布(Monkey)、蘇丹/國王(Sultan)、賈方(Jafar)。如果輸入錯誤則回重新回到首頁畫面。以下是每個關卡的圖片組合(第一關不需要):

2.奇景洞穴(The Cave of Wonders):精靈(Genie)、猴子阿布(Monkey)、阿拉丁(Aladdin)、蘇丹/國王(Sultan)。

3.逃離奇景洞穴(Escape from the Cave of Wonders):賈方(Jafar)、猴子阿布(Monkey)、公主(Princess Jasmine)、精靈(Genie)。

4.精靈的神燈內(Inside the Genie's Lamp):精靈(Genie)、賈方(Jafar)、阿拉丁(Aladdin)、猴子阿布(Monkey)。

5.金字塔(The Pyramid):猴子阿布(Monkey)、阿拉丁(Aladdin)、精靈(Genie)、公主(Princess Jasmine)。

6.一個嶄新的世界("A Whole New World"):公主(Princess Jasmine)、賈方(Jafar)、蘇丹/國王(Sultan)、公主(Princess Jasmine)。

7.賈方的宮殿(Jafar's Palace):賈方(Jafar)、公主(Princess Jasmine)、阿拉丁(Aladdin)、公主(Princess Jasmine)。

8.最終戰(Final Battle):阿拉丁(Aladdin)、公主(Princess Jasmine)、猴子阿布(Monkey)、蘇丹/國王(Sultan)。 

增加額外台數(Bonus lives):每當成功過關就會出現加分舞台,這時候看到精靈在眨眼睛的時候馬上按B紐,通常就會取得增加一台數或二台數的獎賞。 

選關(Level select):在首頁畫面將箭頭停留在選項(Options) 開始用PLAYER2的手把按開始(Start) 然後L、R、開始(Start)、選擇(Select)、X、Y、A、B。當輸入正確就會聽到響的一聲,選關的選項就會出現在首頁畫面的開始,這時候同時按L+R,然後按上或下來選擇想進入的舞台,按左或是右來選副舞台。

On November 26, 1993, the Super Nintendo game "Aladdin" (アラジン/Disney's Aladdin) was released in Japan. It was based on the 1992 Disney animated film of the same name, produced and published by Capcom. The Sega version was released in the same month and year, published by Virgin, with some differences in the settings. The main weapon in the SNES version is apples, while in the Sega version it is a scimitar. The SNES port was released for the Game Boy Advance platform in Japan on August 1, 2003, with the European and American versions following the next year.

"Aladdin and His Magic Lamp" is a story from the Middle Eastern folk tales "One Thousand and One Nights." Other well-known stories include "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" and "The Adventures of Sinbad." The plot describes how, according to ancient legend, obtaining a magical lamp allows one to make three wishes through a genie. Aladdin, a poor boy living in the marketplace, falls in love with Princess Jasmine and decides to thwart the evil sorcerer Jafar's secret plan to seize power.

In the 1992 animated version, the genie was voiced by Robin Williams, and the film's box office gross exceeded $500 million. Subsequent sequels and TV cartoons were produced, and the story was adapted into a Broadway musical in New York. The live-action film, released in the United States on May 24, 2019, featured Will Smith as the genie and grossed over $1.05 billion worldwide.

The game is a single-player adventure with 2D side-scrolling from left to right and no time limit. The character climbing mechanics are similar to "Prince of Persia," allowing attacks by jumping on enemies or throwing apples to stun them, although apples are limited in number. Collecting a piece of cloth allows for a slow descent from high places by holding the R button.

Each level has 10 red gems that can increase the score significantly when reaching the endpoint. Most levels feature a hidden scarab (used by Jafar in the cartoon to locate the cave). Finding it before it disappears grants access to a bonus wheel after the level, offering extra hearts or lives. Players start with three hearts, losing one each time they are attacked by enemies. When all lives are lost, the game ends, but as long as the score is high enough, players can continue. After each level, a short scene from the movie's storyline is shown.

The game comprises seven main stages:

The Market Place

The Cave of Wonders

Escape from the Cave of Wonders

Inside the Genie's Lamp

The Pyramid

"A Whole New World"

Jafar's Palace

Final Battle: the boss fight at the end of the seventh stage.

In the Cave of Wonders, the primary challenge is to avoid obstacles and lava. Levels 1, 6, and 7 have bosses at the end. The sixth stage features no enemies; Aladdin and the princess ride a magic carpet and sing the classic love song "A Whole New World," collecting diamonds for bonus points. In the final boss fight, Jafar transforms into a giant snake, and players must avoid lava and time their attacks using the balls he spits as weapons.

The game does not have a save feature, but upon completing levels, players receive a password. To re-enter the game later, players can input the password, which consists of four sets of images. There are six images: Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, Genie, Abu the Monkey, Sultan, and Jafar. Incorrect inputs return players to the main screen. Here are the image combinations for each stage (no password needed for the first stage): 2. The Cave of Wonders: Genie, Abu, Aladdin, Sultan

Escape from the Cave of Wonders: Jafar, Abu, Jasmine, Genie

Inside the Genie's Lamp: Genie, Jafar, Aladdin, Abu

The Pyramid: Abu, Aladdin, Genie, Jasmine

"A Whole New World": Jasmine, Jafar, Sultan, Jasmine

Jafar's Palace: Jafar, Jasmine, Aladdin, Jasmine

Final Battle: Aladdin, Jasmine, Abu, Sultan

Extra Lives: After successfully completing a stage, a bonus screen appears. When Genie winks, press the B button to usually receive an extra life or two.

Level Select: On the main screen, place the cursor on "Options," and then use the PLAYER 2 controller to press Start, followed by L, R, Start, Select, X, Y, A, B. If entered correctly, a sound will indicate success, and the level select option will appear on the main screen's Start menu. Simultaneously press L+R and then use the up or down arrows to select the desired stage and left or right arrows to choose the sub-stage.


貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元





  • 阿拉丁

    • 定 價: 9,450円
    • 售 價: 0.00
    • 庫存量: 0 套
    • 已賣出: 0 套
    人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星