惡靈古堡 安布雷拉編年史 Wii攻略本

《惡靈古堡:安布雷拉編年史》(Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles)於2007年首次發售,是CAPCOM推出的《惡靈古堡》外傳作品,為光槍射擊類型的遊戲。該作最初登陸Wii平台,後續也移植至PlayStation 3,並支援PlayStation Move操作。最大特色在於透過第一人稱視角,以軌道射擊的方式重現該系列的經典劇情,提供更直接、動作感更強烈的體驗。
劇情方面,圍繞著安布雷拉公司(Umbrella Corporation)崩潰的過程展開,補充並串聯系列主線中未曾詳細描述的事件。主要分為三大章節,分別重現《惡靈古堡0》、《惡靈古堡1》以及《惡靈古堡3》的重要劇情,同時加入名為「安布雷拉的殞落」(The Fall of Umbrella)的全新原創章節,完整交代安布雷拉公司最終倒台的經過。
在遊戲中,將扮演不同角色,親身經歷歷代的生化災難。例如,在「訓練設施的惡夢」章節中,將控制「S.T.A.R.S.」Bravo隊成員蕾貝卡·錢伯斯(Rebecca Chambers)和比利·科恩(Billy Coen),探索《惡靈古堡0》的火車事件與訓練設施;在「阿克雷山莊的惡夢」章節中,將化身「S.T.A.R.S.」Alpha隊成員克里斯·雷德菲爾(Chris Redfield)或吉兒·范倫坦(Jill Valentine),深入經典的洋館,重溫《惡靈古堡1》的故事;而「浣熊市的混亂」則重現《惡靈古堡3》的事件,離開「S.T.A.R.S.」隊的吉兒與UBCS的卡洛斯·奧利維拉(Carlos Oliveira)將並肩作戰,試圖躲避生化武器追蹤者(Nemesis)的追殺,並逃離被T病毒侵襲的浣熊市(Raccoon City)。
操作與玩法方面,採用經典的軌道射擊模式,無需控制角色的移動,而是集中於準確射擊出現在畫面中的敵人。類似於街機光槍遊戲,簡單直觀但充滿刺激感。使用Wii遙控器或PlayStation Move瞄準射擊,並能通過搖桿或方向鍵進行簡單的視角調整,找尋畫面中可能隱藏的道具或敵人。
市場評價方面,在推出後獲得普遍的好評。許多玩家讚賞遊戲在軌道射擊的基礎上,忠實重現系列經典劇情,讓人重溫《惡靈古堡》的恐怖氛圍。同時,Wii遙控器與PlayStation Move的體感操作使得射擊手感更加直觀,增加整體的沉浸感。
"Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles", released in 2007, is a spin-off title developed by CAPCOM, belonging to the light gun shooting genre. Initially launched on the Wii, the game was later ported to the PlayStation 3, with support for PlayStation Move controls. The game's defining feature lies in its use of a first-person perspective, allowing players to relive iconic moments from the series through on-rails shooting, providing a more direct and action-packed experience.
The story revolves around the downfall of Umbrella Corporation, filling in and connecting events that were previously left unexplained in the main series. The narrative is divided into three major chapters, recreating key events from Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil 1, and Resident Evil 3. Additionally, the game introduces an original chapter titled "The Fall of Umbrella", which fully details the ultimate collapse of the corporation.
Players assume the roles of various iconic characters, experiencing the biohazard disasters firsthand. For instance, in the chapter "Train Derailment", players control S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team member Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen, reliving the train incident and training facility events from Resident Evil 0. In "Nightmare at the Mansion", players step into the shoes of S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team members Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine as they venture into the infamous mansion, revisiting the events of Resident Evil 1. Meanwhile, "Raccoon City's Destruction" recreates the chaos of Resident Evil 3, where Jill Valentine, alongside U.B.C.S. soldier Carlos Oliveira, fights to escape the T-virus-infested Raccoon City while being pursued by the relentless bio-weapon Nemesis.
Notably, the original chapter "The Fall of Umbrella" focuses on Chris and Jill as they infiltrate an Umbrella facility in Russia, ultimately destroying the corporation's core research base. This chapter fills a narrative gap regarding Umbrella's final demise, making it an appealing and essential piece of lore for long-time fans of the Resident Evil universe.
In terms of gameplay, The Umbrella Chronicles adopts a classic on-rails shooting system, eliminating the need for player-controlled movement and allowing them to focus entirely on accurately shooting enemies that appear on-screen. Much like arcade-style light gun games, the controls are simple yet thrilling. Players use the Wii Remote or PlayStation Move to aim and shoot, while slight adjustments to the camera angle can be made via the joystick or D-pad to search for hidden items or enemies.
The game offers a variety of weapons, including handguns, shotguns, assault rifles, and rocket launchers, each with unique handling and limited ammunition that directly impacts the player's progress. Melee attacks can also be used to fend off enemies at close range, and swinging weapons or knives can push back approaching threats. Many destructible objects are scattered throughout the stages, with the potential to drop supplies or hidden documents when shot, enhancing the sense of exploration and interaction.
Quick-Time Events (QTEs) are also incorporated, requiring players to rapidly press prompted buttons during certain scenarios or boss battles to dodge attacks or trigger crucial story events. This mechanic intensifies the pace, heightening the tension and immersion of the gameplay.
The level design faithfully recreates iconic settings from the series, from the eerie Spencer Mansion to the virus-ravaged streets of Raccoon City. Each stage is carefully crafted to retain the signature horror atmosphere while adapting to the light gun shooting format, ensuring smooth action and intense combat sequences. Chapters feature both main and branching paths, allowing players to experience alternate scenarios or encounter unique enemies based on their choices, adding significant replay value.
Upon release, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles received generally favorable reviews. Many players praised the game for faithfully recreating classic storylines while capturing the essence of Resident Evil's horror ambiance through light gun shooting mechanics. The intuitive motion controls of the Wii Remote and PlayStation Move contributed to a heightened sense of immersion and tactile shooting experience.
Critics highlighted that, as a spin-off, the game successfully expanded the series' lore while introducing innovative gameplay elements. The graphics were commended for their quality, with character models and environmental details surpassing those of many similar titles. The level design was recognized for its challenging yet engaging nature. However, some reviewers pointed out that the on-rails gameplay could feel repetitive over extended periods, lacking the exploratory freedom of mainline Resident Evil games.
Certain players also found the difficulty to be high, particularly during boss encounters. If one struggled with the QTE segments, failure could lead to repeated retries, potentially causing frustration. Nevertheless, the overall reception deemed the game a successful spin-off that retained the core appeal of Resident Evil while delivering a fresh gameplay experience.
As a blend of nostalgia and innovation, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles remains a compelling title that offers both longtime fans and newcomers a chance to experience the thrills and terror of the Resident Evil universe in a unique and action-oriented format.
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惡靈古堡 安布雷拉編年史 Wii攻略本
- 定 價: 1,320円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星