Advance SP主機 任天堂紅白機 誕生20周年記念

日文名稱:アドバンスSP ファミコン生誕20周年記念
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任天堂Game Boy Advance SP(GBA SP)是Game Boy Advance系列的升級版,以其翻蓋設計、內建背光屏幕和更為便捷的攜帶性而聞名,進一步提升Game Boy Advance的遊戲體驗。

於2003年2月在日本首次亮相,隨後在北美、歐洲和其他地區陸續發售。設計非常具有前瞻性,採用折疊式結構,當不使用時可以將屏幕折疊保護起來,這在當時是相當創新的設計。這種設計不僅保護屏幕,也使得主機更為緊湊,便於攜帶。在硬體規格方面,內部與原版Game Boy Advance基本相同,配備一顆32位的ARM7TDMI處理器,運行頻率為16.78 MHz。內存和顯示記憶體規格與原版GBA一致,保持對GBA遊戲的完整兼容性。與GBA不同的是,GBA SP配備一個2.9英寸的TFT彩色液晶屏幕,解析度為240x160像素,並內建前置照明(前期型號)或背光燈(後期型號AGS-101)。這一改進使得玩家可以在各種光線條件下清晰觀看屏幕,尤其在低光環境中也能輕鬆遊玩。

主機最大優點是其內建的可充電鋰電池,這是任天堂掌機系列中首次引入的設計。相比於原版GBA使用的AA電池,這種內建電池可以持續遊玩10小時(背光開啟時)到18小時(背光關閉時),充電時間約為3小時,極大地方便玩家的日常使用。另外優點是其優越的便攜性,折疊設計不僅保護屏幕,還可以輕鬆放入口袋,成為當時最受歡迎的攜帶式遊戲機之一。然而,GBA SP也存在一些缺點。首先,由於其小巧的設計,按鍵和操控桿的位置相對緊湊,對於手大的玩家來說,長時間遊玩可能會感到不適。其次,儘管內建可充電電池帶來便利,但也意味著當電池老化後,需要專業技術來更換電池。早期的AGS-001型號雖然配備前置燈,但其亮度和對比度相對有限,後來推出的AGS-101型號改進這一問題,並使用更亮的背光屏幕。

任天堂推出多種不同的機型,包括基本的灰色、黑色和藍色等配色,以及一些限量版和特殊版本,如皮卡丘版、寶可夢版、薩爾達傳說版和瑪利歐版等,這些特別版的機型通常附帶與其遊戲主題相關的圖案或顏色設計,吸引大量玩家和收藏家的關注。在銷售方面,GBA SP取得巨大的成功。自2003年推出以來,全球銷量達到約4320萬台,成為Game Boy Advance系列的重要產品之一。這樣的成功不僅延續該系列在掌上遊戲機市場的領導地位,還為任天堂在攜帶式遊戲領域的發展奠定堅實的基礎。GBA SP可以運行所有的Game Boy Advance遊戲,並向下兼容Game Boy和Game Boy Color的遊戲卡帶。這意味著玩家可以在一台設備上體驗任天堂多代掌機的遊戲陣容。許多經典作品如《薩爾達傳說:眾神的三角力量與四人之劍》(The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords)、《超級瑪利歐世界:耀西島》(Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)和《精靈寶可夢紅寶石/藍寶石》(Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire)等。

總結來說,這是設計優雅、功能強大的掌上遊戲機。便攜性和遊戲體驗之間找到完美的平衡,儘管有一些小的不足,但其成功的市場表現和廣泛的遊戲支持使得它成為任天堂掌機歷史中的一個重要里程碑,不僅鞏固Game Boy Advance系列的市場地位,還為任天堂後續產品的開發積累寶貴的經驗。

The Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (GBA SP) is an upgraded version of the Game Boy Advance series, known for its clamshell design, built-in backlit screen, and enhanced portability, which significantly improved the gaming experience offered by the original Game Boy Advance.

Released in February 2003 in Japan, the GBA SP was subsequently launched in North America, Europe, and other regions. The design was forward-thinking, featuring a foldable structure that allowed the screen to be protected when not in use—a particularly innovative design at the time. This clamshell design not only protected the screen but also made the console more compact and easier to carry around.

In terms of hardware specifications, the internal components were largely the same as those of the original Game Boy Advance. It was powered by a 32-bit ARM7TDMI processor running at a frequency of 16.78 MHz. The RAM and video memory were also consistent with the original GBA, ensuring full compatibility with GBA games. A key difference, however, was the inclusion of a 2.9-inch TFT color LCD screen with a resolution of 240x160 pixels. Early models (AGS-001) came with front lighting, while later models (AGS-101) featured a much-improved backlit display. This enhancement allowed players to view the screen clearly under various lighting conditions, making it easier to play even in low-light environments.


One of the GBA SP's biggest advantages was its built-in rechargeable lithium battery, the first of its kind in Nintendo's handheld series. Compared to the AA batteries used in the original GBA, this built-in battery could provide 10 hours of gameplay with the backlight on, or up to 18 hours with it off, with a charging time of approximately 3 hours. This significantly improved convenience for daily use. Another major advantage was its superior portability; the clamshell design not only protected the screen but also allowed it to be easily slipped into a pocket, making it one of the most popular portable gaming devices at the time.

However, the GBA SP did have some drawbacks. The compact design meant that the buttons and control pad were positioned relatively close together, which could cause discomfort for players with larger hands during extended gameplay. Additionally, while the built-in rechargeable battery offered convenience, it also meant that once the battery aged, it required technical expertise to replace it. Early AGS-001 models, despite having front lighting, suffered from limited brightness and contrast, an issue that was later addressed with the AGS-101 model, which featured a brighter backlit screen.

Nintendo released the GBA SP in a variety of colors, including standard gray, black, and blue, as well as several limited and special editions like the Pikachu edition, Pokémon edition, The Legend of Zelda edition, and Mario edition. These special editions typically featured themed designs or colors related to specific games, attracting considerable interest from both players and collectors.

In terms of sales, the GBA SP was a massive success. Since its release in 2003, it has sold approximately 43.2 million units worldwide, making it a significant product in the Game Boy Advance series. This success not only solidified the series' dominance in the handheld gaming market but also laid a strong foundation for Nintendo's future developments in portable gaming.

The GBA SP could play all Game Boy Advance games and was backward compatible with Game Boy and Game Boy Color cartridges. This meant that players could enjoy games from multiple generations of Nintendo handheld consoles on a single device. Many classic titles, such as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past & Four Swords, Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2, and Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, were available on the GBA SP.

In summary, the GBA SP is a well-designed and powerful handheld console that strikes a perfect balance between portability and gaming experience. Despite some minor shortcomings, its successful market performance and extensive game support made it a significant milestone in Nintendo's handheld history, not only solidifying the market position of the Game Boy Advance series but also providing valuable experience for the development of future Nintendo products.

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