死亡鬼屋 2&3 回歸

《死亡鬼屋 2&3 回歸》(The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return)是由Sega開發及發行的Wii射擊遊戲合集。於2008年3月11日在北美首發,隨後在日本、歐洲和其他地區推出。將經典的街機射擊遊戲《死亡鬼屋2》(The House of the Dead 2)和《死亡鬼屋3》(The House of the Dead 3)重新整合,帶給玩家獨特的體驗。
《死亡鬼屋2》的故事設定在1998年,描述特工詹姆斯·泰勒(James Taylor)和蓋瑞·史都華(Gary Stewart)接到緊急任務,前往意大利威尼斯調查一系列神秘失踪事件。他們發現這些事件與一位名叫高德曼(Caleb Goldman)的企業家有關,而高德曼正在利用生化技術創造出一大群殭屍和怪物。特工們必須深入高德曼的實驗室,揭開真相並消滅所有敵人。
《死亡鬼屋3》的故事設定在2019年,描述莉莎(Lisa Rogan)和G在世界末日後的生存戰鬥。事件發生在一個被殭屍和怪物佔據的EFI實驗室中,莉莎和G必須合作對抗邪惡生物,找到他們失散多年的父親~退休AMS探員湯瑪士(Thomas Rogan),並揭開殭屍爆發的背後陰謀。
當完成街機模式後就能解鎖免費遊戲(FREE PLAY)。《死亡鬼屋3》通關後就能解鎖非常簡單跟非常困難的關卡,會有5次挑戰機會跟9次續關機會。《死亡鬼屋2&3》全破後就能解鎖《死亡鬼屋3》的極限模式。
"The House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return" is a Wii shooting game collection developed and published by Sega. It was first released in North America on March 11, 2008, and subsequently in Japan, Europe, and other regions. The game combines the classic arcade shooting games "The House of the Dead 2" and "The House of the Dead 3," offering players a unique experience.
"The House of the Dead 2" is set in 1998, following AMS agents James Taylor and Gary Stewart as they are dispatched on an urgent mission to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances in Venice, Italy. They uncover that these events are connected to a businessman named Caleb Goldman, who is using biochemical technology to create a horde of zombies and monsters. The agents must delve into Goldman's laboratory to uncover the truth and eliminate all enemies.
"The House of the Dead 3" is set in 2019, depicting the survival battle of Lisa Rogan and G in a post-apocalyptic world. The story takes place in an EFI laboratory overrun by zombies and monsters. Lisa and G must work together to fight against these evil creatures, find their long-lost father, retired AMS agent Thomas Rogan, and uncover the conspiracy behind the zombie outbreak.
The game retains the classic graphics and gameplay of the original arcade versions while enhancing motion-sensing technology. Players use the Wii Remote to aim and shoot at enemies on the screen. Key controls include:
Aiming and Shooting: Point the Wii Remote at the screen and press the trigger button to shoot enemies.
Reloading: Swing the Wii Remote to reload when ammunition runs out.
Special Attacks: Utilize special attacks at certain moments to eliminate large groups of enemies or to combat powerful bosses.
Cooperative Mode: Play with a friend in the cooperative mode to jointly battle zombies and monsters.
The game includes all the classic levels from "The House of the Dead 2 & 3," each featuring unique environments and enemy designs. Players will battle through various settings, such as abandoned buildings, underground laboratories, and desolate streets. At the end of each level, players will face powerful bosses that require tactical skills to defeat.
Upon completing the arcade mode, players can unlock Free Play mode. After completing "The House of the Dead 3," very easy and very hard modes are unlocked, offering five challenge attempts and nine continues. After completing both "The House of the Dead 2 & 3," players can unlock the extreme mode in "The House of the Dead 3."
This game is filled with intense and thrilling shooting action, combining the charm of classic arcade games with the innovative controls of the Wii to provide a new gaming experience. Whether playing solo or with friends, players can enjoy endless fun and challenges. By completing various challenges and discovering hidden features within the game, players can explore even more content and challenges.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
死亡鬼屋 2&3 回歸
- 定 價: $5,280円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星