惡靈古堡 黑暗面編年史

《惡靈古堡:黑暗面編年史》(Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles),在西方地區名為Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles,是由CAPCOM開發並於2009年發行的光槍射擊遊戲。作為惡靈古堡:安布雷拉編年史的後續作品,回顧該系列中一些關鍵時刻,並注入新的敘事元素,同時保留光槍射擊的機制。
在操作上,採用經典的光槍射擊機制,不需要控制角色的移動,而是專注於準確地射擊畫面中出現的敵人。與傳統的《惡靈古堡》遊戲相比,這種光槍射擊風格更加直觀且具有刺激感,在快速的射擊戰鬥中體驗緊張感。需要使用Wii遙控器(或在PS3版本中使用PlayStation Move控制器)來瞄準和射擊,並使用搖桿或方向鍵進行簡單的視角調整,尋找隱藏在畫面中的道具或敵人。
在市場評價方面,發售後獲得普遍的好評。許多玩家稱讚遊戲忠實重現該系列中的經典劇情,並成功地重現原來的恐怖氛圍。同時,Wii遙控器和PlayStation Move的體感操作使得射擊手感更加直觀,增強整體的沉浸感。評論家普遍認為,作為外傳作品,不僅豐富系列的背景故事,還在操作和玩法上進行創新。畫面呈現表現優異,角色建模和場景細節比同類型遊戲更加精緻,而關卡設計也充滿挑戰性。然而,也有部分評論指出,光槍射擊的玩法過於單一,長時間遊玩可能會產生疲勞感,且缺乏自由探索的元素。
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, known as Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles in Japan, is a light gun shooting game developed by CAPCOM and released in 2009. As the sequel to Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, it revisits key moments from the series while introducing new narrative elements and retaining the light gun shooting mechanism.
The storyline revolves around two main plotlines. The first recounts the events of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil: Code Veronica, focusing primarily on Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield’s story, with a backdrop of hunting down bio-organic weapons. The second storyline introduces new content, exploring a bio-organic weapon threat investigation in South America, expanding the Resident Evil universe.
The game begins by revisiting Leon and Claire’s journey, following these two characters through the T-virus outbreak in Raccoon City, and reliving the classic events of Resident Evil 2. The second chapter revisits the events of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, where players experience Claire’s search for her brother Chris. The original chapter delves into a South American conspiracy involving new bio-organic weapons, with Leon and his partner Krauser investigating this new threat. These interwoven narratives fill in gaps within the Resident Evil series, providing an enticing journey for long-time fans.
In terms of gameplay, the game employs the classic light gun shooting mechanism, where players do not control character movement but focus solely on accurately shooting enemies that appear on-screen. Compared to traditional Resident Evil games, this light gun shooting style is more intuitive and offers a heightened sense of excitement, allowing players to experience a tense atmosphere in fast-paced combat. Players use the Wii Remote (or PlayStation Move controller in the PS3 version) to aim and shoot, and the joystick or directional pad for simple adjustments to the viewpoint to search for hidden items or enemies in the environment.
The game offers a variety of weapons, including handguns, shotguns, assault rifles, and rocket launchers, each with unique usage and ammo management systems. Players can also engage in close combat by swinging weapons or knives to push back enemies when they get too close. Numerous destructible objects are scattered across the environments, and shooting them may drop supplies or hidden documents, which adds to the exploration and interactivity of the game.
Additionally, the game introduces the QTE (Quick Time Event) system, where players must press prompt buttons quickly to dodge attacks or complete story events during specific scenes or boss battles. This design makes the gameplay more intense and heightens the player's sense of immersion.
Regarding level design, the game perfectly recreates iconic Resident Evil locations. From the eerie Spencer Mansion to the T-virus-ravaged Raccoon City, each scene is carefully crafted, maintaining the original horror atmosphere while adjusting the light gun shooting framework for smoother visuals and more intense combat. Each chapter has main and branching paths, with player choices affecting the storyline or triggering encounters with special enemies, which adds replay value. Players can also re-enter any completed chapter to replay it and enjoy different experiences.
In terms of market reception, the game received generally favorable reviews upon release. Many players praised the game for faithfully recreating the series’ classic storylines and successfully capturing the original horror atmosphere. Furthermore, the use of the Wii Remote and PlayStation Move for motion controls made the shooting mechanics feel more intuitive, enhancing the overall immersion.
Critics widely regarded the game as a strong spin-off, not only enriching the series' backstory but also introducing innovative gameplay mechanics. The visuals were praised for their excellence, with detailed character models and environments that were superior to other games in the genre, and the level design was considered challenging. However, some reviews noted that the light gun shooting gameplay can become monotonous after extended play, with a lack of freedom to explore.
Moreover, some players found the difficulty a bit high, especially during boss battles where failure to master the QTE mechanics could lead to a quick defeat, necessitating repeated attempts. Overall, however, as a successful spin-off, the game retains the core appeal of the Resident Evil series while offering a fresh, exciting experience. This game, blending nostalgia with innovation, provides unique horror and thrill to both longtime fans of the series and newcomers to the Resident Evil universe.
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惡靈古堡 黑暗面編年史
- 定 價: $7,549円
- 售 價: 450.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.1 / 6 顆星