
日文名稱:熱血硬派くにおくん 番外乱闘編
英文名稱:Hot-Blooded Tough Guy Kunio: The Further Brawls / Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantō Hen / Double Dragon II
人數:2 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1990-12-07

《熱血硬派 番外亂鬥篇》(熱血硬派くにおくん 番外乱闘編/Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantō Hen/Double Dragon II / Hot-Blooded Tough Guy Kunio: The Further Brawls)是由Technōs Japan於1990年12月7日製作並發行的遊戲,是熱血系列首款登陸Game Boy平台的作品,同時也是紅白機熱血硬派(FC)國夫君系列的續作。遊戲可以有兩人同時遊玩,並擁有1M的記憶體。海外版由Acclaim發行,名稱為Double Dragon II,角色更換成雙截龍的人物。重製版於2012年8月8日在3DS Virtual Console推出。






"Hot-Blooded Tough Guy Kunio: The Further Brawls" (Nekketsu Kōha Kunio-kun: Bangai Rantō Hen/Double Dragon II) is a game developed and published by Technōs Japan on December 7, 1990. It is the first game in the Hot-Blooded series to be released on the Game Boy platform and serves as a sequel to the Famicon (FC) game, Hot-Blooded Tough Guy. The game supports two-player gameplay and has a memory of 1 megabyte. The overseas version, titled Double Dragon II, was published by Acclaim. The characters in this version were replaced with those from Double Dragon. A remake of the game was released on August 8, 2012, on the 3DS Virtual Console.

The story revolves around Kunio, the only son of the president of the Souhaku Corporation, who falls in love with Miho, aka "Madonna," a student at Nekketsu High School. After kidnapping Miho and injuring his friend Hiroshi who tries to stop him, Kunio and Riki, upon learning the news, decide to team up again and head from the school to the Souhaku Corporation building.

Along the way, they must battle the Souhaku thugs. The main fighting techniques involve punching (press A) and kicking (press B) to defeat enemies. Other moves include: 1. Flying kick: Kick the opponent first and then press B. 2. Punch the enemy three times to stun them, then press A to knock them down with a straight punch. 3. Press A and B simultaneously to crouch, temporarily avoiding attacks. While crouched, pressing any button will perform an uppercut. 4. Approach a dizzy enemy and press A to attack them three times, or press B to knock them down and throw them on the ground. This move is ineffective against bosses. 5. When an enemy is about to fall, press any button to stomp on them after jumping on top of them.

The game offers three difficulty settings: Easy, Normal, and Hard. If set to Easy mode, players can only progress through the first level. The endings for Normal and Hard modes are the same.

When a character's health reaches zero, they die. Health is represented by heart symbols, starting with two hearts and three lives, totaling six health bars. Players have two chances to continue. The character's status is displayed in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Players must be wary of weapons held by enemies, as being hit by them causes serious damage. Even if enemies are defeated, players cannot pick up and use their weapons.

The game consists of ten stages. Initially, battles take place in the streets and shopping district near Nekketsu High School. Subsequently, players will move to the train station, where their health will automatically be restored upon entering new areas. The first boss is Tatsuya, the amateur boxing champion, appearing near the high school's train station. The second boss is Murata, a delinquent armed with a lead pipe, appearing near the shopping district's train station. The third boss is Futoshi, a bodybuilder, appearing at the end of the second train station. The fourth boss is Tameuemon, a high school sumo wrestler, appearing in front of the Souhaku Corporation building. The final boss is Kunio's rival, Yūji, appearing in the office at the top floor of the Souhaku Corporation building.

貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



