信長之野望 Game Boy版

日文名稱:信長の野望 ゲームボーイ版
英文名稱:Nobunaga's Ambition Game Boy Version
人數:2 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1990-10-10

日本光榮的招牌策略遊戲《信長之野望》,從第一款作品在1983 年 3 月 30 日上市以來,至今已經超過35年以上。直到今天的家用主機平台或是PC版,仍有其續作推出。1990年推出的Game Boy版本,在有限的主機性能之下,收納龐大的武將資料庫,整體的難度相當高,當年還有推出英文版本跟續作。

遊戲可以存三個檔案,戰鬥模式可設定成自動或是手動,還可進行兩人連線。日期設定在1560年的春天,需要在一定的時間內統一全國,否則就會被迫與其他領主不斷交戰。初期的主要領主有16位,出現的戰國名將有織田信長(ODA NOBUNAGA)、上杉謙信(UESUGI KENSHIN)、北条氏康(HOJO UJIYASU)等。來自尾張國的信長,是各項數據平均值最高的領主。


主要的指令(從左上到右下)有1.觀看(View): a.可以看其他領主的狀況 b.看目前團隊的各個武士數據 c.結盟的狀況 d.聯姻的狀況 2.軍事(Military): a.選擇想要開戰的國家 b.招募新兵 c.操練軍隊 d.派忍者進行刺殺 3.交易(Trade):需要等到有商人在的時候,才能開始商業活動,選項有 a.賣掉稻米 b.買入稻米 c.購買武器 d.借款 4.建設(Develop): a.土地開發,數據若高就能增加白米的產出 b.治水工程 c.城鎮建造 d.城牆修建:能提高防禦 e:捐獻:可捐出稻米或是金錢,可提升人民滿意度,有高的微笑指數,就能避免人民暴動 5.外交(Diplomacy):a.聯姻 b.結盟 6.人事(Personnel):a.雇用武士 b.資遣武士 7.其他(Other): a.調整訊息顯示速度(1~6) b.音效:可選擇靜音 c.選擇是否觀看動畫 d.存檔 8.休息(Rest)。




整體而言,Game Boy版沒有主機版本的複雜,可玩性相當高,但在整個國力培養的過程,還是相當耗時間。在出兵前最好先存檔,如果不幸被打敗,就可關機再重新開始,等培養更強的軍隊,再去攻擊其他領主。 

The renowned strategic game "Nobunaga's Ambition" by Koei Tecmo has been in existence for over 35 years since its first release on March 30, 1983. The series has continued to thrive with subsequent releases on home gaming consoles and PC platforms.

The Game Boy version, launched in 1990, faced the challenge of accommodating a vast database of warlords within the constraints of limited console performance. Despite the difficulty, the game proved to be highly challenging, and an English version and sequels were released.

In the game, three files can be saved, and players can choose between automatic or manual combat modes. The setting is in the spring of 1560, and the objective is to unify the entire country within a specific timeframe. Failure to do so results in continuous conflicts with other lords. Initially, there are 16 major lords, including historical figures like Oda Nobunaga, Uesugi Kenshin, and Hojo Ujiyasu. Nobunaga, from Owari Province, boasts the highest average stats among all lords.

The screen's upper right corner displays the lord's name, the middle section shows territory management information, and the bottom provides selectable commands. The main commands (from top left to bottom right) include:

1.View: a. Check other lords' status b. View individual warrior data c. View alliance status d. View marriage status

2.Military: a. Choose the country to go to war with b. Recruit new soldiers c. Train the army d. Send ninja for assassination

3.Trade: Requires the presence of merchants. Options include a. Sell rice b. Buy rice c. Purchase weapons d. Borrow money

4.Develop: a. Land development (higher stats increase rice output) b. Flood control c. Town construction d. Wall construction (improves defense) e. Donation (boosts satisfaction, avoids riots with high smile index)

5.Diplomacy: a. Marriage b. Alliance

6.Personnel: a. Hire warriors b. Dismiss warriors

7.Other: a. Adjust message display speed (1-6) b. Sound effects (mute option) c. Choose whether to watch animations d. Save


Early in the game, focus on internal affairs to enhance land cultivation quality, increase rice harvest, and convert it into money or military provisions. Without sufficient funds, it's challenging to recruit or train soldiers. As internal affairs improve and the treasury grows, purchase a large number of weapons, up to a maximum of 100.

As the game progresses, other lords may die or be annexed. The more territories our side occupies, the greater the annual rice output. Continuous focus on internal affairs, selling rice for more money, and cultivating elite armies become possible. When both funds and provisions are abundant, strategically observe other lords. If an opponent lacks soldiers or provisions, consider initiating a war to prevent them from being conquered by others. After winning, territorial annexation and obtaining good warlords become possible.

Before going to war, avoid moving all armies and provisions out. This can easily attract attacks from other lords, risking the loss of hard-earned territories. Victory in battle is achieved by defeating the enemy army leader (indicated by number 1), and similarly, protecting our dispatched army leader is crucial. Ensure an adequate supply of provisions, as insufficient provisions during movement may result in a defeat judgment.

In summary, the Game Boy version is less complex than the main console versions, offering high replay value. However, the process of developing national strength can be time-consuming. It's advisable to save before going to war, and in case of defeat, restart and build a stronger army before attacking other lords.

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