北美版 超級紙片 瑪利歐

《超級紙片瑪利歐》(Super Paper Mario)是一款由任天堂開發和發行的Wii遊戲,是《紙片瑪利歐》系列的第三作。融合跳躍設定和角色扮演元素,具有獨特的2D和3D視角切換玩法,於2007年4月9日在北美首發,隨後在其他地區上市。
故事發生在一個名為比斯特爾(Bitlands)的世界中,邪惡的伯爵布萊克(Count Bleck)計劃利用混沌之心(Chaos Heart)來摧毀所有的世界。瑪利歐(Mario)、碧姬(Princess Peach)、庫巴(Bowser)和路易吉(Luigi)必須聯手收集8顆純潔之心(Pure Hearts)來阻止伯爵布萊克的計劃。他們在旅途中會遇到各種夥伴和敵人,穿越多個不同的世界來解開謎題,擊敗敵人並最終拯救宇宙。
"Super Paper Mario" is a game developed and published by Nintendo for the Wii, marking the third installment in the "Paper Mario" series. The game blends platforming elements with role-playing features, offering a unique gameplay experience that allows players to switch between 2D and 3D perspectives. It was first released in North America on April 9, 2007, followed by releases in other regions.
The story is set in a world called Bitlands, where the evil Count Bleck plans to use the Chaos Heart to destroy all worlds. Mario, Princess Peach, Bowser, and Luigi must join forces to collect eight Pure Hearts to thwart Count Bleck's plan. Throughout their journey, they encounter various allies and enemies, traverse different worlds, solve puzzles, and ultimately aim to save the universe.
The gameplay combines traditional Mario platforming mechanics with role-playing elements. Players can switch between 2D and 3D perspectives to solve puzzles and engage in battles.
Using the Wii Remote's D-pad, players move their characters, while pressing the 2 button allows them to jump. Holding down the 2 button results in a higher jump, and the 1 button is used to attack enemies. Pressing the A button enables players to switch between 2D and 3D perspectives. Players can switch between Mario, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi using the 1 and 2 buttons. Each character possesses unique abilities: Mario can switch between 2D and 3D spaces, Peach can glide using her parasol, Bowser can breathe fire, and Luigi can jump higher.
Players must explore various environments and battle enemies to collect items. The different abilities of each character are crucial in overcoming challenges and obstacles. The game also features mini-games and side quests, adding depth and replayability. Collecting the Pure Hearts is essential to progressing the story, with each world presenting unique themes and enemies.
"Super Paper Mario" combines rich role-playing elements with traditional Mario platforming gameplay, offering a creative and challenging experience. By exploring different environments, solving puzzles, and collecting items, players can enjoy the game's engaging and rewarding adventure.
貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
北美版 超級紙片 瑪利歐
- 定 價:
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 0 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星