銀河戰士 Prime 3:墮落

日文名稱:メトロイドプライム3 コラプション
英文名稱:Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 輔12級 2008-03-06
分級2/發行日期: 13歲以上 2007-08-27

《銀河戰士Prime 3 墮落》(Metroid Prime 3: Corruption)是由Retro Studios開發的一款動作冒險遊戲,於2007年8月27日在北美首發,隨後在其他地區上市。是《銀河戰士Prime》系列的第三部作品,專為任天堂Wii主機設計,用Wii遙控器和Nunchuk的感應功能來進行操作。

故事承接前作,主角薩姆斯·亞蘭(Samus Aran)接受銀河聯邦(Galactic Federation)的任務,調查一種神秘的物質—“Phazon”,這種物質能夠對生物和機械體造成劇烈變異和破壞。薩姆斯被派遣到一個名為“諾爾昂星”(Norion)的星球上,阻止一場由太空海盜發起的攻擊。然而,在執行任務的過程中被Phazon感染,獲得強大的新能力,但也面臨逐漸被Phazon腐蝕的風險。

需要在多個星球之間穿梭,包括諾爾昂星、布賴奧星(Bryyo)、艾莉西亞星(Elysia)和皮勞斯(Pirate Homeworld),來追蹤和擊敗墮落的同伴,他們也被Phazon感染,變成薩姆斯的敵人。最終,她必須面對由Phazon驅動的巨大威脅,拯救銀河系免受滅頂之災。

在操作方面,《銀河戰士Prime 3 墮落》充分利用Wii的動作感應技術,提供直觀的操作體驗。使用Nunchuk的搖桿來控制移動,使用Wii遙控器瞄準和射擊。B鍵進行跳躍,A鍵射擊。按下C鍵將薩姆斯變成球形態,用於進入狹窄空間或進行特定的操作。按下Z鍵可調整射擊角度跟使用鉤索,可以抓取物品或移動障礙物。隨著故事進展,當獲得使用Phazon能量的能力,按下+鍵激活Phazon模式,增強攻擊力和防禦力。透過掃描功能將有助於解謎跟取得密碼。


可以通過完成遊戲中的成就系統—稱為“Friend Vouchers”和“Credits”—來解鎖遊戲中的特定內容和額外物品。當完成各種挑戰和任務就會獲得Friend Vouchers,然後將這些Vouchers交換給其他玩家,從而獲得相應的Credits。這些Credits可以用來解鎖新的藝術作品、音樂和其他額外內容。

總結來說,《銀河戰士Prime 3 墮落》成功地延續該系列的傳統,通過引入新的關卡機制和操作方式,提供一個更加挑戰性的遊戲體驗。其豐富的故事情節、緊湊的遊戲節奏和創新的操作模式,使其成為Wii平台上的一款經典之作。無論是系列的老粉絲還是新玩家,都能在這款遊戲中找到無窮的樂趣和挑戰。

《Metroid Prime 3: Corruption》 is an action-adventure game developed by Retro Studios, first released in North America on August 27, 2007, and subsequently in other regions. This is the third installment in the Metroid Prime series, designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii console, utilizing the Wii Remote and Nunchuk's motion-sensing capabilities for gameplay.

Continuing from the previous games, the story follows protagonist Samus Aran as she takes on a mission from the Galactic Federation to investigate a mysterious substance called "Phazon." This substance causes severe mutations and destruction in both organic and mechanical entities. Samus is sent to the planet Norion to thwart an attack by Space Pirates. During her mission, she becomes infected with Phazon, granting her powerful new abilities while also facing the risk of being gradually corrupted by it.

Samus must travel between multiple planets, including Norion, Bryyo, Elysia, and the Pirate Homeworld, to track down and defeat her corrupted comrades who have also been infected by Phazon and turned into enemies. Ultimately, she must confront a massive Phazon-driven threat to save the galaxy from annihilation.


In terms of gameplay, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption fully utilizes the Wii's motion-sensing technology, providing an intuitive control experience. Players use the Nunchuk's joystick to move Samus, while aiming and shooting are done with the Wii Remote. The B button allows for jumping, and the A button is used for shooting. Pressing the C button transforms Samus into her Morph Ball form, enabling her to navigate through tight spaces and perform specific tasks. The Z button is used to adjust the shooting angle and to use the grapple beam, which can grab objects or move obstacles. As the story progresses and Samus gains the ability to harness Phazon energy, pressing the + button activates Phazon mode, enhancing her attack and defense capabilities. The scanning feature aids in solving puzzles and obtaining codes.

The game combines exploration, combat, and puzzle-solving elements, requiring players to traverse various planets, explore environments, solve puzzles, upgrade equipment, and battle diverse enemies. Each planet has unique ecosystems and challenges that necessitate the strategic use of Samus's abilities.

Players can unlock specific content and additional items in the game through an achievement system known as "Friend Vouchers" and "Credits." By completing various challenges and missions, players earn Friend Vouchers, which can be exchanged with other players for Credits. These Credits can then be used to unlock new artwork, music, and other extra content.

In summary, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption successfully continues the series' tradition by introducing new gameplay mechanics and control methods, offering a more challenging gaming experience. Its rich storyline, tight gameplay, and innovative controls make it a classic title on the Wii platform. Both long-time fans of the series and new players can find endless enjoyment and challenges in this game.

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