任天堂 Game Cube+Game Boy 主機 時空幻境 交響曲傳奇 同捆限定版

日文名稱:テイルズオブシンフォニアエンジョイプラスパック シンフォニックグリーンエディション〔限定版〕
英文名稱:Game Cube Console + Tales of Symphonia
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 2003-08-29


主機採用一顆由IBM設計的PowerPC Gekko處理器,主頻為485 MHz,圖形處理器(GPU)由ATI開發,名為Flipper,運行頻率為162 MHz,支援高達6-12百萬多邊形每秒的圖形處理能力。配備24MB的主記憶體(1T-SRAM),另外還有16MB的圖形記憶體和3MB的嵌入式記憶體。存儲介質方面,採用一種獨特的8釐米光碟(Mini DVD),每張光碟可存儲1.5GB的資料,這在當時的家用主機中較為少見。還提供4個控制器介面和2個存儲卡插槽,可多人遊戲和資料存儲。


儘管其處理器頻率不及索尼的PlayStation 2,但憑藉優秀的圖形處理器和記憶體配置,在畫面表現上相當出色。特別是在任天堂自己開發的遊戲中,能夠展示良好的效果和流暢的操作體驗。此外,GameCube擁有一系列經典的獨佔遊戲,增加主機的吸引力。例如,《超級瑪利歐陽光》(Super Mario Sunshine)、《塞爾達傳說:風之律動》(The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)、《任天堂明星大亂鬥 DX》(Super Smash Bros. Melee)、《銀河戰士Prime》(Metroid Prime)等都成為該平臺的代表作品。

然而,主要的缺點是其存儲介質的容量限制。儘管Mini DVD光碟體積小巧,但其1.5GB的容量在面對大型遊戲時顯得不夠,這使得一些跨平臺遊戲需要削減內容或分成多張光碟。其次,缺乏對DVD視頻播放的支援,這在當時是一個顯著的劣勢,因為PlayStation 2和微軟的Xbox都能夠兼作DVD播放機。市場行銷方面,定位和形象過於兒童化,導致部分成年玩家選擇其他更為成熟的主機平臺。

在銷售方面,全球銷量約為2174萬台,儘管這一數位在家用主機歷史上並不算差,但相較于競爭對手PlayStation 2超過1.55億台的銷量,顯得遜色不少。這一銷售表現反映其在市場競爭中的局限性,尤其是在面對索尼和微軟的激烈競爭時。任天堂試圖堅持傳統的遊戲設計和硬體開發策略,但在面對市場的快速變化和多樣化需求時未能完全滿足玩家的期望。



The GameCube, released by Nintendo in 2001, was the company’s fourth-generation home gaming console. It stood out for its unique design, powerful hardware, and extensive game library, making it a popular product in its time, despite not surpassing its competitors in sales. Nonetheless, it holds a significant place in gaming history.

The console featured a PowerPC Gekko processor designed by IBM, clocked at 485 MHz, and a graphics processor (GPU) named Flipper, developed by ATI, running at 162 MHz. This combination supported a graphical processing capability of 6 to 12 million polygons per second. The GameCube was equipped with 24MB of main memory (1T-SRAM), along with 16MB of graphics memory and 3MB of embedded memory. As for storage, it used a unique 8 cm optical disc (Mini DVD) that could store 1.5GB of data per disc, which was relatively uncommon among home consoles at the time. The console also offered four controller ports and two memory card slots, allowing for multiplayer gaming and data storage.

In terms of design, the GameCube was compact, with a cube-shaped structure that made it easy to carry, and it came in various colors, giving it a youthful and modern appearance. Notably, the console had a handle on top, which was quite unique and convenient at the time. The controller design was also highly praised for its ergonomic grip and intuitive button layout, particularly its analog sticks and shoulder buttons, which were well-received by players.


Although its processor was not as powerful as Sony's PlayStation 2, the GameCube's superior graphics processor and memory configuration allowed it to deliver impressive visual performance. This was especially evident in games developed by Nintendo, where the console showcased smooth gameplay and excellent graphical output. The GameCube also boasted a series of iconic exclusive games that added to its appeal. Titles like Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Metroid Prime became flagship games for the platform.

However, the GameCube had some significant drawbacks. One of the main issues was the limited storage capacity of its Mini DVDs. Although the small size of the discs was convenient, their 1.5GB capacity proved inadequate for larger games, forcing some multi-platform titles to be split across multiple discs or have content reduced. Another disadvantage was the console’s lack of support for DVD video playback, which was a notable drawback at the time, as both the PlayStation 2 and Microsoft’s Xbox offered DVD playback capabilities. Additionally, the GameCube's market positioning and child-friendly image alienated some adult gamers, who gravitated towards other consoles perceived as more mature.

In terms of sales, the GameCube sold approximately 21.74 million units worldwide. While this number is respectable within the history of home consoles, it pales in comparison to the over 155 million units sold by the PlayStation 2. This sales performance highlighted the GameCube's limitations in the competitive market, especially when up against fierce competition from Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo's strategy of sticking to traditional game design and hardware development didn't fully align with the rapidly evolving market and diverse player demands.

Despite its sales figures, the GameCube received widespread praise for its high-quality games and innovative design. Many players and critics believe that its relative commercial failure was more due to market strategy and external factors rather than the console’s hardware or game quality. The classic games released on the GameCube are still considered masterpieces in the gaming world, with many titles receiving remakes or sequels on later platforms.

In conclusion, while the GameCube was technically and design-wise a very capable console, a combination of market factors prevented it from achieving the level of commercial success that matched its potential. Nevertheless, it left a lasting legacy in the history of video games and is remembered fondly by many players as a classic console.

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