龍之子 VS. CAPCOM 終極明星戰

日文名稱:タツノコ VS. カプコン アルティメットオールスターズ
英文名稱:Tatsunoko vs. Capcom:Ultimate All-Stars
人數:2 人
分級1/發行日期: 輔12級 2010-01-28

《龍之子 VS. CAPCOM 終極明星戰》(Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars)是CAPCOM於2010年推出的一款格鬥遊戲,專門為任天堂Wii平台設計。是「VS.系列」的續作,將日本著名動畫公司龍之子(Tatsunoko)旗下的經典動畫角色與CAPCOM的知名遊戲角色融合在一起,讓玩家體驗跨次元的英雄大戰。作為《龍之子 VS. CAPCOM 英雄交鋒世代》的國際版,保留原作核心玩法的基礎上進行多方面的升級,新增角色、優化系統、並且加入線上對戰功能,成為當時備受矚目的格鬥遊戲。

集合來自兩個不同世界的角色。龍之子是成立於1962年的日本動畫公司,旗下作品包括《科學小飛俠》(Science Ninja Team Gatchaman)、《宇宙騎士》(Tekkaman)、《破裏拳Polymer》(Hurricane Polymer)等,這些作品在日本動漫史上具有重要地位。而CAPCOM則是世界知名的遊戲公司,擁有《快打旋風》(Street Fighter)、《洛克人》(Mega Man)等經典遊戲系列。兩者的合作為遊戲帶來新奇的化學碰撞,讓這些不同次元的英雄能在同一個舞台上進行戰鬥。

因為版權問題,最初僅在日本發行,名為《龍之子 VS. CAPCOM 英雄交鋒世代》,但因為市場的反響熱烈,後來決定推出國際版《終極明星戰》,並為全球玩家新增更多角色和內容。與其前作相比,不僅擴充角色名單,還對畫面進行優化和調整。來自各個世界中的角色們聚集在一起,參加跨次元的格鬥比賽。可以選擇來自CAPCOM和龍之子的角色組成隊伍,參與刺激的2對2格鬥對戰。每位角色都有自己的背景故事和特殊技能,但遊戲本身並沒有提供太多的劇情敘述,重點在於快節奏的戰鬥體驗。


操作方式經過簡化,對於不擅長複雜格鬥指令的玩家,仍然能簡單上手的戰鬥系統。主要以三種攻擊方式進行:輕攻擊、中攻擊和重攻擊。透過簡單的按鍵組合,可以施展角色的必殺技和連續技。此外,還加入「超級連招」(Super Combo)和「變換連招」(Variable Combo),可以在戰鬥中自由切換角色,進行華麗的連招攻擊。



推出後廣受好評。評論家和玩家一致讚賞CAPCOM的跨界合作構思、豐富的角色名單和流暢的戰鬥系統。雖然角色來自兩個不同的文化背景,卻巧妙地將這些角色融合在一起,呈現充滿創意的對決。尤其是對於日本動畫迷來說,能夠操控《科學小飛俠》的鐵雄(鷲尾健)或《破裏拳》的主角與CAPCOM經典角色如隆、春麗、洛克人進行戰鬥,無疑是獨特且令人懷舊的體驗。最大的優點是招式簡單易懂,同時又保留格鬥遊戲的深度。多樣化的連招系統和超必殺技的華麗演出,充滿視覺上的震撼力。不過,外界也有一些的批評聲音。例如,對於西方市場的玩家來說,龍之子的角色可能不如CAPCOM的角色那麼耳熟能詳,這可能會影響買氣。儘管如此,整體的流暢度、角色的多樣性和豐富的遊戲模式仍然讓《龍之子 VS. CAPCOM 終極明星戰》成為一款優秀的格鬥遊戲。

總結來說,製作團隊成功地將龍之子動畫世界與CAPCOM經典遊戲角色融合在一起。無論是喜歡格鬥遊戲的玩家,還是喜愛龍之子和CAPCOM作品的粉絲,都能在遊戲世界裡中找到豐富的挑戰體驗。該作在Wii平台上的成功,不僅延續CAPCOM「VS. 系列」的優良傳統,也為玩家帶來無數難忘的戰鬥時刻。


Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars is a fighting game released by Capcom in 2010, designed specifically for the Nintendo Wii platform. As a sequel in the "VS. Series," it combines classic anime characters from the famous Japanese animation company Tatsunoko with well-known characters from Capcom's game franchises, allowing players to experience an exciting cross-dimensional battle of heroes. This international version of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes retains the core gameplay of the original while introducing multiple upgrades, including new characters, system improvements, and the addition of online multiplayer, making it one of the most anticipated fighting games of the time.

The game features characters from two distinct worlds. Tatsunoko, founded in 1962, is known for its classic anime titles such as Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, Tekkaman, and Hurricane Polymer, all of which hold an important place in the history of Japanese anime. Capcom, on the other hand, is a globally recognized game company, famous for series like Street Fighter and Mega Man. The collaboration between these two companies brings a fresh and exciting dynamic to the game, allowing characters from different dimensions to fight on the same stage.

Due to licensing issues, the original game was first released only in Japan under the title Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes, but the overwhelming market response led to the decision to release an international version, Ultimate All-Stars, with additional characters and content for global players. Compared to its predecessor, the international version expands the character roster and enhances the visuals and gameplay.

Characters from various worlds gather to participate in cross-dimensional fighting tournaments. Players can choose characters from both Capcom and Tatsunoko to form teams for thrilling 2v2 battles. Each character has their own backstory and unique abilities, though the game itself focuses less on narrative and more on delivering a fast-paced combat experience.

With nearly 20 characters and mini-games, the battle system is similar to that of Tekken Tournament or The King of Fighters. Players can switch between characters when one is near defeat, using the switch to launch surprise attacks on the opponent. Gold Lightan, the largest character in the game, has the widest attack range but cannot form a team and is hindered by slow movements, making his defense weak. Ultimate All-Stars builds on the foundation of Cross Generation of Heroes, adding new characters such as Frank West, the protagonist from the game Dead Rising, who has superhuman strength and agility. He can transform into Mega Man for shooting attacks or summon zombies to strike enemies.

The controls are simplified, making the combat system easy to pick up even for players who aren’t skilled with complex fighting game commands. The game’s combat revolves around three types of attacks: light, medium, and heavy. Players can use simple button combinations to execute special moves and combos. Additionally, the game introduces "Super Combos" and "Variable Combos," allowing players to switch characters mid-combo for stylish and powerful attacks.

The game supports multiple Wii control options, including the Wii Remote, Wii Classic Controller, and arcade sticks, allowing players to choose the control style that suits them best. Whether casual players seeking a simple gameplay experience or hardcore fighting game fans looking for precision control, everyone can find a play style that works for them.

The combat follows a traditional arcade mode where players face a series of increasingly challenging opponents, culminating in a final boss fight. During battles, players can switch between their two characters and unleash a variety of combo moves and super attacks. After defeating numerous opponents, players face the final boss, Yami, a giant enemy from Capcom's Ōkami. Defeating this powerful and ever-changing boss requires the use of all the player’s skills.

In addition to the traditional arcade mode, the game offers Survival Mode, Time Attack Mode, and Multiplayer Mode. Most importantly, the international version adds online multiplayer, allowing players to battle others worldwide through Wi-Fi. This greatly enhances the game’s replay value, giving players the chance to compete with fighters from around the world, increasing both the challenge and the competitive nature of the game.

After its release, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars was met with widespread acclaim. Both critics and players praised Capcom’s concept of a crossover, the diverse character roster, and the smooth combat system. Despite the characters coming from different cultural backgrounds, the game cleverly integrates them into a creative and exciting fighting experience. For fans of Japanese anime, controlling heroes like Ken the Eagle from Gatchaman or the protagonist of Hurricane Polymer and battling against Capcom icons like Ryu, Chun-Li, and Mega Man offered a unique and nostalgic experience.

One of the game’s biggest strengths is its easy-to-understand combat system, which still retains the depth of traditional fighting games. The varied combo system and the stunning super moves deliver a visually thrilling experience. However, there were some criticisms, particularly regarding Tatsunoko’s characters, which are less well-known to Western audiences compared to Capcom’s characters. This might have affected the game’s appeal in certain markets. Nonetheless, the overall smooth gameplay, diverse character selection, and rich game modes still make Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars an excellent fighting game.

In conclusion, the development team successfully merged the world of Tatsunoko anime with Capcom’s classic game characters. Whether you're a fan of fighting games or a follower of Tatsunoko and Capcom, there’s a wealth of challenges and experiences to enjoy in this game. Its success on the Wii platform not only continued Capcom’s strong "VS. Series" tradition but also delivered countless unforgettable moments of battle for players.

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