
日文名稱:メガドライブソフト アラジン
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1993-11-12

1993年11月26日在日本推出的超任遊戲《阿拉丁》(アラジン/Disney's Aladdin)改編於1992年的同名迪士尼動畫片,由卡普空製作及發行。Sega版本在1993年11月12日上市,由Virgin發行,兩款在部分的設定有所不同。超任版中的主要武器是蘋果,Sega版除了蘋果以外,還增加彎刀。之後移植的平台有Sega Genesis、DOS、Amiga、NES、Game Boy Game Boy Color、PC。


1992年的動漫版,精靈的配音由羅賓威廉斯擔任,當年的票房突破5億美金。之後推出電影續集及電視卡通,故事改編後還推出紐約百老匯舞台劇。2019年5月24日的真人版電影在美國上映,由威爾史密斯(Will Smith)飾演精靈,全球票房突破10.5億美元。 



1.阿格拉巴市場(AGRABAH MARKET):阿拉丁故事中虛構的阿拉伯城市,跟電影場景一樣,靠偷竊市場食物維生的主角會與宮廷的守衛進行打鬥。加分關卡:阿布在阿格拉市場(ABU IN AGRABAH):要在上方不斷的滾落石頭狀態中取得寶石及蘋果。

2.沙漠(THE DESERT):需要在沙漠找到另一半的甲蟲寶石,才能打開前往洞穴的道路。

3.阿格拉巴市場屋頂(AGRABAH ROOFTOPS):阿拉丁與小偷葛辛(Gazeem)的戰鬥,取得甲蟲寶石的另一半。

4.蘇丹的地牢(SULTAN 'S DUNGEON):努力的逃出監獄。

5.奇蹟之洞(CAVE OF WONDERS):進入洞穴找神燈。加分舞台:阿布在地穴(ABU IN CAVE): 要在上方不斷的滾落石頭狀態中取得寶石及蘋果。

6.逃離洞穴(ESCAPE FROM CAVE):洞穴開始崩塌,需要盡快逃走。

7.地毯之旅(RUG RIDE):最後透過搭乘魔毯移動,沿路要靠精靈的指引上下移動,只要碰到障礙物岩石就馬上掛掉。超任版的地毯移動是加分關卡,與公主一起移動即可過關。

8.油燈內(INSIDE THE LAMP):會撥放歌曲《Friend Like Me》,來到動漫的神奇虛擬世界。

9.蘇丹的皇宮(SULTAN 'S PALACE):只要成功穿越,就準備挑戰賈方的鸚鵡寵物艾格(Iago)。

10.賈方的皇宮(JAFAR 'S PALACE):跟動漫及超任版一樣,大頭目賈方最後會變成大蟒蛇,持續補充流失的蘋果,然後不斷的往賈方丟擲,需注意他的魔法攻擊。加分舞台JAFAR 'S QUARTERS。 


遊戲有許多隱藏的彩蛋,分別隱藏在1.在第2關沙漠(THE DESERT)中的曬衣繩上有米老鼠耳朵,戴上後就可以增加生命 2.在第4關蘇丹的地牢(SULTAN 'S DUNGEON),會看到迪士尼動漫《小美人魚》中被鎖著的龍蝦沙巴信(Sebastian)背景。3.在第8關的油燈內(INSIDE THE LAMP)可以看到Sega MD的圖案。

成功搭配迪士尼的IP,MD版的《阿拉丁》在海外市場受到極大好評跟亮眼的銷售數字,全球銷售量突破居然突破400萬份,銷售數據僅次於《音速小子》(日語:ソニック・ザ・ヘッジホッグ/Sonic the Hedgehog)及二代,是MD史上第三賣座的遊戲。

超任版本是遊戲沒有存檔的設定,玩家們只要成功闖關就會顯示密碼,下次想重新登入時候輸入即可。密碼由四組圖片構成,圖片有六個,分別是阿拉丁(Aladdin)、茉莉公主(Princess Jasmine)、精靈(Genie)、猴子阿布(Monkey)、蘇丹/國王(Sultan)、賈方(Jafar)。如果輸入錯誤則回重新回到首頁畫面。 

Sega版本沒有密碼或是存檔的設定,雖然可以使用彎刀,但關卡難度極高,因此團隊有設定隱藏密技,操作方式如下:作弊選項(Cheat mode):進入選項功能(Option)畫面,按四次A、C,然後B四次,當正確輸入後就會出現知名遊戲製作人David Perry的圖像,這算是彩蛋之一。 


跳關(Level skip):進入遊戲後按暫停,依序按A、B兩次、A兩次、B兩次 A、解除暫停就可以直接進入下一關。

On November 26, 1993, the Super Nintendo game "Disney's Aladdin" (アラジン) was released in Japan, adapted from the 1992 Disney animated film of the same name, developed and published by Capcom. The Sega version was released on November 12, 1993, published by Virgin, with some differences in settings between the two versions. In the SNES version, the main weapon is apples, while the Sega version includes both apples and a scimitar. The game was later ported to platforms such as the Sega Genesis, DOS, Amiga, NES, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and PC.

"Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" originates from the Middle Eastern folk tales in "One Thousand and One Nights," which also includes other well-known stories like "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" and "Sinbad the Sailor." The plot follows an ancient legend where whoever obtains the magical lamp can have three wishes granted by a genie. A poor boy named Aladdin, living in the marketplace, falls in love with Princess Jasmine and decides to thwart the sorcerer Jafar's secret coup.

In the 1992 animated film, the genie was voiced by Robin Williams, and it grossed over $500 million at the box office. The film spawned sequels, a television cartoon series, and a Broadway stage adaptation in New York. The live-action film was released in the United States on May 24, 2019, with Will Smith portraying the genie, and it grossed over $1.05 billion worldwide.

The game is a single-player adventure with 2D side-scrolling graphics moving from left to right without a time limit. The main weapon is a scimitar, supplemented by apples used to stun enemies, though they are not very powerful and are limited in number. Similar to the SNES version, the characters and settings are based on the film, and there are few bosses in the game. The main menu includes options to adjust game difficulty, play music, sound test, and button configurations (swing sword, throw apple, jump). Adjusting the difficulty affects the number of apples and lives. Players start with three lives and ten apples, with the oil lamp smoke in the upper left corner showing health, apples and gem counts in the lower right corner, and lives in the lower left corner.

Before starting the game, item functionalities are shown: a blue genie heart restores health, a blue vase serves as a checkpoint, and hidden Aladdin icons grant extra lives. Gems collected along the way can be traded with merchants. Finding the genie and Abu icons allows for a bonus game after completing levels, offering chances to win gems, apples, or extra lives. There are few bosses in the game.

Agrabah Market: A fictional Arabian city from the Aladdin story, similar to the movie scene where the protagonist, living off stolen food from the market, fights palace guards. Bonus stage: Abu in Agrabah: Collect gems and apples while avoiding falling stones.

The Desert: Find the other half of a beetle gem to open the path to the cave.


Agrabah Rooftops: Aladdin fights the thief Gazeem to obtain the other half of the beetle gem.

Sultan's Dungeon: Escape from the prison.

Cave of Wonders: Enter the cave to find the magic lamp. Bonus stage: Abu in Cave: Collect gems and apples while avoiding falling stones.

Escape from the Cave: The cave begins to collapse, requiring a quick escape.

Rug Ride: Travel on the magic carpet, avoiding obstacles. In the SNES version, this is a bonus stage with Princess Jasmine.

Inside the Lamp: Features the song "Friend Like Me" and takes place in the magical world of the animation.

Sultan's Palace: After navigating through, prepare to challenge Jafar's parrot, Iago.

Jafar's Palace: Similar to the animation and SNES version, the final boss Jafar transforms into a giant snake. Continuously throw apples at him while avoiding his magical attacks. Bonus stage: Jafar's Quarters.

The game includes several hidden Easter eggs: 1. In the second stage, "The Desert," a clothesline with Mickey Mouse ears grants an extra life. 2. In the fourth stage, "Sultan's Dungeon," Sebastian the crab from Disney's "The Little Mermaid" can be seen in the background. 3. In the eighth stage, "Inside the Lamp," the Sega MD logo is visible.

Leveraging Disney's IP, the MD version of "Aladdin" received great acclaim and impressive sales overseas, with global sales exceeding 4 million copies, making it the third best-selling game on the MD, behind "Sonic the Hedgehog" and its sequel.

The SNES version does not have a save function; players are given a password upon completing a level to re-enter later. The password consists of four images from six options: Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, Genie, Monkey Abu, Sultan/King, and Jafar. Incorrect entries return players to the main screen.

The Sega version lacks a password or save feature but includes a scimitar and higher difficulty levels. The development team included cheat codes, such as:

Cheat Mode: In the options menu, press A, C, four times, then B, four times to see an image of David Perry, a well-known game developer. This activates level selection, invincibility, freeze frame (press start to pause), and map view (revealing all traps and items). After configuring options, return to the main menu to start the game.

Level Skip: During the game, press pause, then A, B twice, A twice, B twice, A. Unpause to skip to the next level.


貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元





  • 阿拉丁

    • 定 價: 8,580円
    • 售 價: 0.00
    • 庫存量: 0 套
    • 已賣出: 0 套
    人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星