Game Gear 主機 (無書盒)

Game Gear是SEGA在1990年10月6日率先在日本推出的掌上型遊戲主機,當時售價為$19,800日元,1991年4月15日在北美上市,售價為$149.99美元,企圖打破任天堂Game Boy的寡佔市場。採用彩色螢幕,具有先進的圖形和音效技術,在當時的市場上引起廣泛關注。
主機的基本規格相當具有競爭力。配備3.2英寸的全彩LCD螢幕,解析度為160x144圖元,能夠顯示32種顏色,遠遠超越Game Boy的黑白螢幕。內部採用一顆8位的Zilog Z80A CPU,運行頻率為3.58 MHz,存儲方面擁有8KB的RAM和16KB的VRAM。音訊系統支援身歷聲輸出,配有內置揚聲器和耳機介面。電源部分,需要6節AA電池供電,但其功耗較高,導致續航時間通常在3至5小時之間。
Game Gear的設計上有許多優點。首先,彩色螢幕在當時的掌機市場中顯得極為先進。其次,具有背光功能,使得玩家可以在不同的光線條件下清晰地看到螢幕內容,這一功能是Game Boy所不具備的。此外,以SEGA Mark III為開機基礎,具有與Sega Mark III/Master System主機相容的能力,可以通過轉換器遊玩Master System的遊戲,為Game Gear擴展大量的遊戲庫。然而,也有一些明顯的缺點。最突出的缺點就是其電池續航能力較差。由於其高功耗設計,電池使用時間非常短,這在移動使用時非常不便。其次,儘管硬體規格較高,但在遊戲庫數量和品質上,卻遠遠落後于競爭對手Game Boy,導致其市場表現不如預期。此外,由於其體積較大,相比於Game Boy,Game Gear顯得不夠攜帶方便,這也侷限市場的購買力。
該平台推出許多經典的作品,涵蓋動作、冒險、賽車等多種類型。著名的有《音速小子》(Sonic the Hedgehog)系列、《魔法氣泡》(Puyo Puyo)、《雷神之錘》(Quake)和《夢幻城堡:米老鼠冒險》(Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse)等。在市場表現方面,Game Gear的銷量達到1100萬台。在當時的掌機市場上不算低,但相比Game Boy超過1億台的銷量,表現顯得遜色不少。
總體來說,Game Gear是Sega在掌上型遊戲主機領域的一次大膽嘗試。憑藉先進的技術和出色的遊戲表現,在掌機市場上佔有一席之地。然而,由於種種限制因素,未能完全擊敗Game Boy,最終未能在市場競爭中取得預期的成功。儘管如此,Game Gear依然是遊戲史上的一款具有歷史意義的產品,其技術創新和對市場的影響至今仍為人所銘記。
Game Gear is a handheld gaming console released by SEGA on October 6, 1990, in Japan, priced at ¥19,800. It was later launched in North America on April 15, 1991, with a price tag of $149.99. SEGA aimed to break Nintendo's monopoly in the handheld gaming market dominated by the Game Boy. With its color screen and advanced graphics and sound technology, Game Gear attracted considerable attention in the market at the time.
The basic specifications of the Game Gear were quite competitive. It featured a 3.2-inch full-color LCD screen with a resolution of 160x144 pixels, capable of displaying 32 colors, far surpassing the Game Boy's monochrome screen. Internally, it was powered by an 8-bit Zilog Z80A CPU running at a frequency of 3.58 MHz. The system had 8KB of RAM and 16KB of VRAM for storage. The audio system supported stereo output, with a built-in speaker and a headphone jack. The console required six AA batteries for power, but its high power consumption typically limited its battery life to between 3 to 5 hours.
Game Gear's design had several advantages. First, its color screen was extremely advanced for the handheld market at the time. Additionally, it featured a backlight, allowing players to view the screen clearly under various lighting conditions, a feature that the Game Boy lacked. Moreover, Game Gear was based on the SEGA Mark III hardware, offering compatibility with SEGA Mark III/Master System games through an adapter, thereby significantly expanding its game library.
However, Game Gear also had some notable drawbacks. The most significant issue was its poor battery life. Due to its high power consumption, the battery life was very short, which was inconvenient for on-the-go gaming. Additionally, despite its superior hardware, Game Gear lagged behind its competitor, the Game Boy, in terms of the quantity and quality of available games, which affected its market performance. Moreover, its relatively large size made it less portable compared to the Game Boy, which also limited its market appeal.
The Game Gear platform saw the release of several classic titles, covering a variety of genres including action, adventure, and racing. Notable games included the "Sonic the Hedgehog" series, "Puyo Puyo," "Quake," and "Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse."
In terms of market performance, Game Gear sold 11 million units. While this was not a low figure in the handheld market at the time, it paled in comparison to the Game Boy's sales, which exceeded 100 million units.
Overall, Game Gear was SEGA's bold attempt in the handheld gaming market. With its advanced technology and strong game lineup, it secured a place in the handheld market. However, due to various limiting factors, it ultimately failed to outshine the Game Boy and did not achieve the expected success in the competitive market. Despite this, Game Gear remains a historically significant product in the gaming world, with its technological innovations and market impact still remembered today.
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買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
Game Gear 主機 (無書盒)
- 定 價: 20,790円
- 售 價: 5999.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星