魔洞戰記 / 魔洞歷險記

英文名稱:Dungeon Explorer
人數:5 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1989-03-04

1989年3月4日,由Atlus製作,Hudson負責發行的PCE遊戲《魔洞歷險記/魔洞戰記》(ダンジョンエクスプローラー / Dungeon Explorer)。同年在美國的TurboGrafx-16推出,之後移植到Sega CD、Wii Console及PS Network。






1.輸入「DEBDE DEBDA」的密碼後,按開始和I,會出現密碼錯誤的訊息。再按II,就能看到角色選擇的畫面。




3.輸入「JBBNJ HDCOG」的密碼,可以在遊戲初期就可使用公主。打「IMGAJ MDPAI」的密碼,可以創造出幾乎是無敵的角色。



6.想要更換角色的名稱,輸入「CHECK NAME」的密碼後按I,就可以換名。


On March 4, 1989, the PCE game "Dungeon Explorer" (ダンジョンエクスプローラー ) was developed by Atlus and published by Hudson. It was initially released on TurboGrafx-16 in the United States in the same year and later ported to Sega CD, Wii Console, and PS Network.

In the world of Walurt, King Cornelius is worried that the resurrection of the evil god Natas will bring a terrible war. The entrusted heroes delve into multiple dungeons to find crystals, attempting to discover the whereabouts of the Aura Stone. Upon completing the mission, they discover that the king himself is Natas, and the Aura Stone has been stolen. A Jewish guard named Yu Tai betrays the main characters, and only by defeating Natas can peace be restored.

Movement is achieved through the directional pad, and pressing R + S restarts the game. The attack and decision functions are assigned to I, while II is used for magic and canceling. S is for selecting magic, and R is for displaying status. With an adapter, up to five people can play the game. The main mission involves overcoming numerous traps in dungeon design, defeating enemies, and progressing forward. Upgrading allows for improvements in attack power, strength, agility, and intelligence.

At the beginning, players can choose from eight professions: warrior, thief, sorcerer, witch, bishop, elf, bard, or gnome. Later, other professions like princess and hamlet can be unlocked. Each character has different black and white magic. Bards can use black magic to change the music, and bishops can heal nearby companions. The game uses a password input system to continue, and crystals come in four colors: orange for agility, green for intelligence, purple for strength, and blue for attack power.

Each dungeon and area are connected to other floors, with many monsters along the way that need to be defeated using attacks and magic. Destroying generators is necessary to completely eliminate enemies. Victory is achieved by defeating the boss on the lowest level. Completing a mission allows players to meet with the king and proceed to the next designated cave.

Some key cheats in the game include:

1.Entering the password "DEBDE DEBDA" and pressing start and I will display a password error message. Pressing II will then show the character selection screen. After completing the operation, move the character to the trees around Aludi City to choose a level.

Characters generated by passwords are quite powerful, with over 500 health, fast movement speed, maximum data in all aspects, and the ability to pass through obstacles.

During the encounter with the boss Killing Tiger in the fifth level, players can choose not to fight and escape to the side or above. This allows for a direct victory. Arriving at the final boss's location and moving the character in an overlapping manner with the boss will reveal certain endings.

2.Wanting to complete the game alone has high difficulty. Entering the password "AEPAJ-DPIAA" creates a level 19 warrior. The attack power is particularly strong, and using black magic can easily defeat many enemies. The game starts with two players, and later, for solo adventures, companions can be temporarily dropped.

3.Entering the password "JBBNJ HDCOG" allows the use of the princess early in the game. Typing "IMGAJ MDPAI" creates a character that is almost invincible.

4.When the title screen appears, pressing I displays the character's basic information, and pressing II shows the introduction of items.

5.Wanting to freely control the direction of the throwing knives, entering the password "HOMINGAAAA" will generate an error message. However, pressing II will allow the game to continue.

6.Wanting to change the character's name, entering the password "CHECK NAME" and pressing I allows for a name change.

7.If entering the password "NEC," some places will become NEC Mansions.

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買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元



