
英文名稱:Dragon Spirit
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1988-12-16

1987年,Namco推出街機遊戲《龍魂》(ドラゴンスピ/Dragon Spirit),同時授權Atari Games在美國進行製造和上市。遊戲的街機續作《龍魂2》於1990年問世,兩位玩家可以在同一畫面中遊玩。PC Engine(PCE)版本於1988年由Namco在日本發行,隨後在隔年由NEC在北美推出。PCE版本相當忠實地還原了街機版,差異主要體現在第五關的洞穴沒有水,原本的第七和第八關被完全刪除,而第九關被分成兩個部分。原先的小頭目九頭蛇被設定為第一個城堡階段的頭目。PCE版本可在Wii Virtual Console上購買。

這款縱捲直線軸射擊遊戲在當年對玩家來說極具震撼力,敵人來自陸海空,種類超過50種以上。玩家需要巧妙地獲取能力膠囊,以強化自身的攻擊能力,同時躲過敵人的攻擊,這將對玩家技術構成一次嚴峻的考驗。遊戲被移植到多個平台,包括Commodore 64/128、Commodore Amiga、Atari ST、Amstrad CPC、Sinclair ZX Spectrum、Sharp X68000、TurboGrafx-16和Wii。

傳說的勇者阿姆爾(Amru),化身為藍色神龍,將所有怪獸打倒,並順利將魔王沙威爾(Zawel)擊斃,救出Mitgult王國的公主亞里沙(Arisha),和平終於又再次降臨大地。阿姆爾與亞里莎婚後生下一對雙胞胞兄妹,哥哥雷斯(Lace)及妹妹伊麗斯(Iris)。多年之後阿姆爾因之前戰鬥造成的傷勢復發,終於辭世人間。 這時邪惡勢力蠢蠢欲動,怪獸們成功將邪神加魯達(Galda)再次復活,打算征服世界,為了將黑暗徹底籠罩大地,伊麗斯被當成儀式祭品而擄走。為粉碎敵人的野心及救出妹妹,雷斯手持父親的聖劍,變身為藍色龍,往邪神的所在地前進。在街機版本中的妹妹則設定是愛人。



· 火力共有三個等級。一開始只能射出子彈大小的火焰。當轟炸紅色蛋或閃爍的敵人時,可以獲得紅色的六星膠囊,畫面右下角的欄位就會填滿。升級到第2級能夠提升威力兩倍,到第3級時射程變得更遠,對敵人的傷害是第1級的三倍。如果被敵人擊中,就會被降級。

· 只能在第8關的黑暗洞穴取得的黃色魔眼膠囊,能夠延伸螢幕的視野。擊中黃色蛋就會出現。

· 收集到火焰透明膠囊後,龍會變成灰色,並射出更長的火焰。威力比最強的第3級還要強大,但被擊中後就會消失。

· 藍色火焰的透明膠囊會讓龍變成金色,並發射一連串第1級的彈頭,每次發射三枚。每增加一個龍頭,就會多射出一個彈頭。被擊中後威力會消失。

· 深藍色的龍膠囊可以讓龍變成金色,噴出的氣向前飛行一小距離後分裂成許多碎片飄來飄去。是一種強大的武器,但有一定時效性。

· S字體的橘色膠囊會讓龍的體積變小,更容易躲過子彈。缺點是會讓額外的龍頭消失,但仍保留原有的火力。被擊中或拿到藍頭就會消失。

· 收集地震膠囊不會影響火力。使用後,所有地面上的敵人都會被消滅,包括隱藏道具的蛋。

· 翅膀的膠囊會讓龍的翅膀周圍產生防護盾牌,可以躲過大部分的攻擊。子彈還會反射到敵人。經過一定時間後慢慢變成紅色後消失。

· 收集到三個心膠囊就能得到額外的生命。第一次拿到會在畫面的右方出現雞蛋,第二次會變成孵化龍,第三次就直接增加生命數。

· 避免觸碰骷髏頭的膠囊,以免火力被降級或失去一個龍頭。

· 拿到鑽石可以增加100分。


· 黃金球可以增加1萬分。當分數達到一定標準時,可以增加額外的生命。

In 1987, Namco released the arcade game "Dragon Spirit" (ドラゴンスピ/龍魂), simultaneously licensing Atari Games for manufacturing and distribution in the United States. The arcade sequel, "Dragon Spirit 2," was released in 1990, allowing two players to play on the same screen.

The PC Engine (PCE) version was published by Namco in Japan in 1988 and later released by NEC in North America the following year. The PCE version faithfully recreated the arcade version, with differences mainly seen in the absence of water in the cave of the fifth stage, the complete removal of the original seventh and eighth stages, and the splitting of the ninth stage into two parts. The original mini-boss, the Hydra, was set as the boss of the first castle stage. The PCE version is available for purchase on the Wii Virtual Console.

This vertically scrolling shooter game was highly impactful for players at the time, featuring enemies from land, sea, and air, with over 50 different types. Players needed to skillfully obtain power capsules to enhance their attack capabilities while avoiding enemy attacks, posing a serious challenge to player skills. The game was ported to various platforms, including Commodore 64/128, Commodore Amiga, Atari ST, Amstrad CPC, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Sharp X68000, TurboGrafx-16, and Wii.

The legendary hero Amru transformed into a blue dragon, defeated all the monsters, and successfully killed the demon lord Zawel, rescuing Princess Arisha of the Mitgult Kingdom. Peace finally returned to the land. After marrying Arisha, Amru had twins: a son, Lace, and a daughter, Iris. Many years later, Amru succumbed to injuries from his previous battles and passed away. During this time, evil forces began to stir, and the monsters succeeded in reviving the evil god Galda, who aimed to conquer the world. To plunge the land into complete darkness, Iris was captured as a sacrificial offering. To thwart the enemy's ambitions and rescue his sister, Lace, wielding his father's holy sword, transformed into a blue dragon and set out for the evil god's stronghold. In the arcade version, Iris is depicted as Lace's lover.

The weapons are divided into two types: air-to-air and air-to-ground, similar to a "plate formation." Their power can be individually upgraded. The initial game difficulty is low, allowing even players not skilled in shooting games to enjoy the experience. There are thirteen main power-ups:

Obtaining a dragon head capsule allows Amul to grow up to three additional heads. Each time a dragon head is acquired, it enhances the power of flames and bombs, but the probability of being targeted also increases.

Firepower has three levels. Initially, the player can only shoot bullet-sized flames. When bombing red eggs or sparkling enemies, a red six-star capsule can be obtained, filling the field in the lower right corner. Upgrading to level 2 doubles the power, and at level 3, the range becomes longer, with damage to enemies three times that of level 1. If hit by an enemy, the player is downgraded.

The yellow magic eye capsule can only be obtained in the dark cave of the eighth level, extending the screen's field of view. Hitting yellow eggs makes them appear.

Collecting a transparent flame capsule turns the dragon gray and shoots longer flames. Its power is stronger than the maximum level 3, but it disappears when hit.

The transparent capsule of blue flames turns the dragon gold, firing a series of level 1 projectiles, three at a time. Each additional dragon head adds one projectile. The power disappears when hit.

The deep blue dragon capsule turns the dragon gold, propelling forward a short distance before splitting into many fragments. It is a powerful weapon but has a limited duration.

The orange capsule in S font reduces the dragon's size, making it easier to dodge bullets. The drawback is that additional dragon heads disappear, but the original firepower is retained. It disappears when hit or when a blue head is obtained.

Collecting an earthquake capsule does not affect firepower. After use, all ground enemies, including hidden item eggs, are eliminated.

The wing capsule creates a protective shield around the dragon's wings, allowing it to evade most attacks. Bullets are also reflected back to enemies. After a certain time, it slowly turns red and disappears.


Collecting three heart capsules grants an additional life. The first time it is obtained, a chicken egg appears on the right side of the screen, the second time it becomes a hatching dragon, and the third time it directly increases the number of lives.

Avoid the skull head capsule to prevent firepower degradation or the loss of a dragon head.

Collecting diamonds increases the score by 100 points.

Golden balls increase the score by 10,000 points. When the score reaches a certain standard, additional lives can be obtained.


貨款1000以下:買1件運費外加 60元,買2件運費外加 70元,
買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元





  • 龍魂

    • 定 價: 5,775円
    • 售 價: 0.00
    • 庫存量: 0 套
    • 已賣出: 0 套
    人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星