PC Engine DUO-R 主機
PC Engine DUO-R是由NEC Home Electronics於1993年推出的遊戲主機,作為PC Engine系列的延續,將PC Engine的核心功能與CD-ROM²和Super CD-ROM²的支援集成於一體,提供高度整合的遊戲體驗。設計簡約卻不失現代感,採用流線型外殼,並以純白色作為主機的主色調,與早期DUO系列的深色風格形成鮮明對比。DUO-R的推出,標誌著PC Engine平台進一步朝向便利性與實用性發展的努力。
該主機的最大亮點在於其「多合一」的設計理念,將PC Engine的HuCard卡帶遊戲與CD-ROM遊戲完全整合於一台設備中。這種設計消除對額外擴充設備的需求,大大提高使用便利性。在硬體配置上與前代PC Engine DUO基本相同,內建單倍速CD-ROM光碟機,並支援CD-ROM²和Super CD-ROM²遊戲格式,提供更大容量和更豐富的遊戲內容。此外,DUO-R配備2MB的RAM,這讓其能夠流暢地運行需要高容量數據的遊戲,例如具有大量語音和音樂的角色扮演類型作品。
DUO-R的主要優勢在於其穩定的性能與直觀的操作設計。它的即插即玩特性,特別是對於HuCard遊戲的支援,能快速啟動遊戲而無需等待CD加載時間。另一方面,CD-ROM遊戲的高容量則讓開發者能夠實現更多樣化的內容和更高質量的表現,例如《惡魔城X:血之輪迴》(Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)這樣的經典作品,充分展現CD-ROM的潛力。然而,DUO-R 也有其缺點。首先,單倍速CD-ROM驅動器導致某些遊戲在加載時需要較長時間,這對於一些急於進入遊戲的玩家來說可能是個不便。其次,與其後繼機型DUO-RX相比,DUO-R並未隨機附贈六按鍵控制器(Avenue Pad 6),這使其在玩格鬥遊戲時操作體驗稍遜一籌。此外,隨著 1994年Sony PlayStation 和SEGA Saturn等次世代主機的推出,3D遊戲迅速成為市場主流,DUO-R所專注的2D遊戲逐漸被邊緣化。
在市場表現方面,DUO-R在日本獲得不錯的口碑,主要吸引對PC Engine平台已有深厚感情的玩家群體。然而,在北美市場,由於PC Engine的知名度不及任天堂和 SEGA,整體的銷售表現相對有限。隨著次世代主機的登場,DUO-R的市場壽命縮短,其銷量也因此未達預期。儘管如此,PC Engine DUO-R因其出色的設計與遊戲陣容,成為遊戲歷史中的明珠。為玩家提供簡單而完整的遊戲解決方案,並在2D遊戲的黃金時代留下不可磨滅的印記。即便在今日,該主機仍是許多遊戲收藏家夢寐以求的珍品,代表著一個充滿創意與革新的時代。
The PC Engine DUO-R, launched in 1993 by NEC Home Electronics, was a continuation of the PC Engine series and represented an evolution towards a more streamlined and integrated gaming experience. Combining the core functions of the PC Engine with support for CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM², the DUO-R delivered convenience and performance in a single device. Its minimalist yet modern design featured a sleek, streamlined shell and a pure white color scheme, contrasting sharply with the darker aesthetics of the earlier DUO series. The release of the DUO-R symbolized NEC’s commitment to practicality and user-friendly functionality on the PC Engine platform.
The standout feature of the DUO-R was its "all-in-one" design, integrating support for PC Engine’s HuCard cartridge games and CD-ROM games within a single console. This eliminated the need for additional expansion equipment, significantly enhancing ease of use. The hardware specifications were largely similar to its predecessor, the PC Engine DUO, featuring a single-speed CD-ROM drive capable of supporting CD-ROM² and Super CD-ROM² game formats, which allowed for larger storage capacities and richer game content. Additionally, the DUO-R included 2MB of RAM, enabling smooth performance for data-intensive games, such as RPGs with extensive voiceovers and music tracks.
Audio quality was a major highlight of the DUO-R, thanks to the CD audio format, which offered high-quality background music and voice acting for a more immersive gaming experience. The video output utilized AV analog signals, which were standard at the time and provided stable and clear visuals. However, this fell short compared to the superior quality of RGB output offered by some other consoles. Nevertheless, for fans of 2D games, the DUO-R’s visual capabilities were more than adequate.
The DUO-R’s strengths lay in its stable performance and intuitive design. Its plug-and-play capability, especially for HuCard games, allowed for instant gaming without the load times associated with CDs. Meanwhile, the high capacity of CD-ROM games enabled developers to create more diverse content and higher-quality productions, as exemplified by classics like Castlevania: Rondo of Blood. This title showcased the full potential of CD-ROM technology with its stunning visuals and memorable soundtrack.
However, the DUO-R had its drawbacks. The single-speed CD-ROM drive resulted in longer load times for some games, which could be inconvenient for players eager to dive into gameplay. Furthermore, unlike its successor, the DUO-RX, the DUO-R did not include the six-button Avenue Pad 6 controller as a standard accessory, slightly diminishing the experience for fighting game enthusiasts. Additionally, with the arrival of next-generation consoles such as the Sony PlayStation and SEGA Saturn in 1994, the market shifted rapidly towards 3D gaming, leaving the DUO-R and its focus on 2D games increasingly sidelined.
In terms of market performance, the DUO-R enjoyed favorable reception in Japan, appealing primarily to fans with a strong attachment to the PC Engine platform. However, in North America, the PC Engine (marketed as the TurboGrafx-16) struggled to compete with the dominance of Nintendo and SEGA, resulting in limited overall sales for the DUO-R. The arrival of next-generation consoles further shortened its market lifespan, and its sales fell short of expectations.
Despite these challenges, the PC Engine DUO-R remains a gem in the history of gaming. Its thoughtful design and diverse game library offered players a straightforward and complete gaming solution, leaving an indelible mark on the golden age of 2D gaming. Today, the console is a coveted item among collectors, symbolizing an era of creativity and innovation in the gaming industry.
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買3件運費外加 80元 ,買4件運費外加 90元
PC Engine DUO-R 主機
- 定 價: 43,780円
- 售 價: 0.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.2 / 6 顆星