任天堂必勝道場15 雅典娜

日文名稱:アテナ ファミリーコンピュータ必勝道場15
人數:1 人
分級1/發行日期: 全年齡 1987-07-19

《雅典娜》(アテナ/Athena)是由SNK於1986年開發與發行的動作冒險類型的遊戲,最初在街機平台發行,之後移植至任天堂紅白機(NES/Famicom)、Commodore 64/128、Sinclair ZX Spectrum、PSP。以希臘神話中的女神雅典娜名稱及形象設定為主角,展開冒險旅程。

來自維特利王國(the Kingdom of Victory)的活潑好動的公主雅典娜。某天,她在探索城堡的地下室時,無意間打開一扇封閉的門,結果闖入神祕的世界—"幻想王國"。在這個陌生的世界中,必須經歷重重挑戰,最終擊敗魔王但丁,才能回到自己的家園。




  1. 森林世界:需要取得火焰劍,使用這把劍攻擊妖樹BOSS。要注意的是,拿到紅色香菇後,可以在有限的時間內使用火焰劍。
  2. 洞窟世界:必須取得翅膀道具,這樣可以閃避許多敵人的攻擊。當面對BOSS時,需要站在可以避開頭部攻擊的位置,並不斷使用飛劍反擊。
  3. 海底世界:一開始需要將關卡左邊的石頭敲碎,以取得可以變身為美人魚的道具"貝殼"。當面對紅色章魚BOSS時,躲在階梯下方,並使用飛劍持續攻擊,便能順利過關。
  4. 空中世界:進入關卡後,要在左邊取得"翅膀"道具,並記得收集有K字的方塊。最後的BOSS是三頭龍,要避開它的閃電攻擊,並持續用飛劍反擊。
  5. 冰原世界:這裡的BOSS只怕弓箭攻擊,要準備好弓箭來對付它。
  6. 地獄世界:在面對最後的BOSS"但丁"之前,要取得道具"潘多拉之盒"。在這個關卡中,必須重新挑戰之前所有的BOSS,這一點與FC遊戲《洛克人》系列有些相似。
  7. 迷宮世界:在這個關卡中,要取得道具"油燈"以點亮前進的路。當取得旁邊女神顯示的"豎琴"後,便可以順利通關。
  8. 最終關卡






"Athena" (アテナ) is an action-adventure game developed and published by SNK in 1986. Initially released for arcade platforms, it was later ported to the Nintendo Famicom (NES), Commodore 64/128, Sinclair ZX Spectrum, and PSP. The game is inspired by the Greek goddess Athena, using her name and character design as the main protagonist, embarking on an adventure-filled journey.

The story centers around Athena, a lively and adventurous princess from the Kingdom of Victory. One day, while exploring the castle’s basement, she accidentally opens a sealed door and stumbles into a mysterious world called the "Fantasy Kingdom." In this unfamiliar land, Athena must face numerous challenges and ultimately defeat the Demon King, Dante, to return home.

At the beginning of the game, Athena is unarmed. However, as she progresses through her adventure, she can collect various weapons and items, including swords, staffs, bows, and staves, each of which comes in different levels. The gameplay uses a side-scrolling format, and while the visuals were scaled down compared to the arcade version, the core mechanics remained the same.

The game features a variety of enemies, and the difficulty steadily increases as the game progresses. Players can acquire weapons, armor, and enhancement items from defeated enemies, which boost Athena's attack power, defense, or grant special abilities such as swords, bows, and armor.

In terms of controls, the "A" button is used for jumping, and the "B" button for attacking. Players must master the combination of jumping and attacking to avoid enemies and engage in combat. One of the key features is the ability to switch equipment, requiring players to choose the appropriate weapon and items based on the difficulty of the level and the nature of the enemies. However, the game's jumping and attack mechanics are somewhat unresponsive, making platforming challenging and often resulting in mistakes. Additionally, the large number of enemies and their rapid attacks, combined with the difficult level design, make the game a tough experience.

The game’s levels are side-scrolling, with various backdrops including forests, mountains, and underwater areas. Each stage offers unique enemies and traps for the player to overcome. At the end of every level, players face a boss, and defeating them is necessary to progress to the next stage. The game is notably challenging, especially when dealing with swarms of enemies or complex level designs, and it requires players to refine their skills to advance. Furthermore, the lack of a save or level selection feature means players have to complete the game in one sitting, significantly increasing the difficulty but also adding to the frustration.

There are a total of eight levels in the game, each with its own distinct environment and boss. Here is a summary of the levels:

World of Forest: The player needs to obtain the Flame Sword and use it to defeat the boss, a demon tree. After picking up a red mushroom, the player can use the Flame Sword for a limited time.

World of Cave: The player must acquire the Wing item to dodge many enemies. When facing the boss, stand in a position that avoids head attacks and retaliate with flying swords.

World of Sea: The player can break a stone on the left side of the level to get a "Shell" item that allows Athena to transform into a mermaid. To defeat the red octopus boss, hide under the stairs and continuously attack with flying swords.

World of Sky: Obtain the "Wings" from the left side of the level and remember to collect blocks marked with the letter "K." The final boss is a three-headed dragon, and players need to dodge lightning attacks while countering with flying swords.

World of Ice: The boss is vulnerable only to bow attacks, so players must prepare arrows to defeat it.

World of Hell: Before facing the final boss "Dante," players must acquire the "Pandora's Box" and re-fight all the previous bosses, similar to the structure in the "Mega Man" series.

World of Labyrinth: Obtain the "Oil Lamp" to light the way forward. Once the player acquires the "Harp" displayed by a goddess, they can proceed to the next level.

Final World.


The game's reception in the market was polarized. Many players were drawn to the theme and character design, especially since games with female protagonists were relatively rare at the time, which helped attract a specific fan base. However, the gameplay experience and difficulty were heavily criticized.

The controls were not very smooth, with the jumping and attack mechanics being particularly unforgiving, making the game feel clunky. This made "Athena" one of the games frequently referred to as "hard to handle" by players. Additionally, the overwhelming number of enemies and their frequent attacks created a high-pressure gameplay experience, detracting from its enjoyment.

In terms of sales, the game did not achieve blockbuster success. Despite being developed by SNK, a prominent developer, its market performance was mediocre. However, due to its unique theme and setting, "Athena" retains historical value, becoming a sought-after title for collectors. The original cartridge, sometimes sold with a music cassette, has become extremely valuable in second-hand markets, fetching high prices.

Overall, "Athena" had potential but failed to deliver technically. Although the game suffered from flaws in both control and difficulty, its adventurous and fantasy elements, along with its early portrayal of a female protagonist, make it a noteworthy title in the history of Famicom/NES games.

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