FC 拿姆科三國志:中原的霸者 必勝攻略法
舞台設定在一千多年前的中國,自古以來的王朝,分久必合,合久必分。在周朝末期的七國分爭下,秦始皇終於統一天下,之後滅亡,楚漢開始相爭 。項羽兵敗自殺後,經歷了四百年的統治後,漢朝傳至獻帝後,國力終於搖搖欲墜,逐漸分裂成魏、蜀、吳三國。 當時中國分成三十州,擁有主要權力的六大太守,為爭奪中原統治權,互相展開討伐。如何善用戰略及戰術,與國家結盟或戰爭,有效發動軍隊攻城略地,將考驗玩家的能力。
遊戲有簡易程度1.2.3的設定,Level1的設定最容易,也可以有兩位玩家一起進行統一中國的任務。可挑選的六位太守有劉備、曹操、孫權、袁紹、馬騰、劉璋,國力若太弱,會引起地方的判亂,黃金數量也會大量流失。有較多黃金,除可提升國力,並可強化軍隊,有利於之後遊戲的進行。畫面一開始會有個性診斷選項, 來選出適合玩家的太守,問題分別為1.你是好人嗎? 2.你是八面玲瓏的人嗎? 3.你曾經騙過人嗎? 4.人性跟個性是否軟弱? 5.相信及喜歡正直的人嗎? 6.是否有耐心? 7.容易激動嗎? 8.想到的東西一定要得到? 9.打架輸過嗎? 10.喜歡累積財富? 11.決定果斷嗎? 12.討厭鬥爭嗎? 13.個性執著,對小事情耿耿於懷? 回答完所有問題後就可以開始遊戲。想要得到以下的太守,則需要這樣回答1.劉備:是—>是—>是—>是—>是 2.曹操:否—>是—>是—>否 3.孫權:是—>是—>否—>是—>是—>否 4.袁紹:否—>是—>是—>是 5.馬騰:是—>是—>否—>是—>是—>是 6.劉璋:是—>是—>是—>是—>否。
Stage Setting
The setting of the stage is in ancient China over a thousand years ago, where dynasties have historically followed a cycle of unification and division. During the late Zhou Dynasty, amidst the contention of the Seven Warring States, Qin Shi Huang finally unified China. Following the collapse of the Qin Dynasty, the Chu-Han contention began. After Xiang Yu's defeat and suicide, the Han Dynasty endured four hundred years of rule, but by the time of Emperor Xian, the empire was on the brink of collapse, fragmenting into the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu.
At this time, China was divided into thirty provinces, with six major warlords holding the primary power, each vying for control of the Central Plains. The player's ability to effectively utilize strategy and tactics, form alliances or engage in wars, and mobilize troops to capture territories will be thoroughly tested.
Game Overview
The game offers difficulty settings of 1, 2, and 3, with Level 1 being the easiest. Two players can join forces to undertake the mission of unifying China. The six selectable warlords are Liu Bei, Cao Cao, Sun Quan, Yuan Shao, Ma Teng, and Liu Zhang. Weak national strength can lead to local uprisings and a significant loss of gold. Amassing more gold can enhance national strength and strengthen armies, aiding the player's progress in the game.
Character Selection
At the start, there is a personality diagnosis option to choose the warlord best suited to the player. The questions are as follows:
Are you a good person?
Are you a diplomatic person?
Have you ever lied?
Are you weak-willed or timid?
Do you believe in and like honest people?
Are you patient?
Are you easily agitated?
Do you have to get what you think of?
Have you ever lost a fight?
Do you like accumulating wealth?
Are you decisive?
Do you dislike conflict?
Are you persistent and hold grudges over small matters?
Warlord Selection Based on Answers
To obtain the following warlords, you need to answer the questions in the specified manner:
Liu Bei: Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> Yes
Cao Cao: No -> Yes -> Yes -> No
Sun Quan: Yes -> Yes -> No -> Yes -> Yes -> No
Yuan Shao: No -> Yes -> Yes -> Yes
Ma Teng: Yes -> Yes -> No -> Yes -> Yes -> Yes
Liu Zhang: Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> Yes -> No
Military Strategy
A. When engaging in battles, the level of mobility is directly related to the number of generals, so try to bring some generals without soldiers to increase mobility and reduce war expenses.
B. During battles, it is advantageous to bring generals with intelligence above 80. At the start of the battle, use the scout command to entice enemy generals with loyalty below 50 to join your side, increasing the chances of victory.
C. Attempt to acquire generals with high intelligence and loyalty. Without leading troops, use strategies to constantly harass the targeted territory, trying to lower the enemy's generals' loyalty or deplete their military strength. After ten days, lead a large army for an official attack, significantly increasing the chance of success while saving substantial funds. Be cautious to avoid areas with traps, as they can result in the loss of excellent generals and hinder your efforts to weaken the enemy.
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FC 拿姆科三國志:中原的霸者 必勝攻略法
- 定 價: 7,245円
- 售 價: 850.00
- 庫存量: 1 套
- 已賣出: 0 套
人氣指數: 0.3 / 6 顆星