


1.Equivocate 模擬兩可、拐彎抹角

2.Butter up 拍馬屁

3.Don’t looka gift horse in the mouth 對別人的禮物或恩惠不要吹毛求疵

4.Don’t make a scene 別當眾出醜

5. Don’t be a pussy 別當娘泡

6.Rap it up 別說了

7.I’m messing with you 逗你的

8.Maudlin 多愁善感

9.Double Dutch 答非所問、莫名其妙

10.Eye to eye 看法一致

11.Toe to toe 打一架

12.Neck to neck 勢均力敵

13.Hand in hand. 絕配

14.Shoulder to shoulder 很多人

15.I did it wrong: I messed up 我搞砸了

16.It’s just not my day: tough break 好倒楣

17.I’m going crazy: I’m losing my mind 我要瘋了

18.You’re so mean: You’re going to far :你太超過了

19.What a disappointment: That’s a bummer 太掃興了

20.I’m used to it : Force of habit 我已經習慣了