



1.安琪娜·裘莉(Angelina Jolie)和布萊德·彼特(Brad Pitt):這對好萊塢影視界的金童玉女在2016年宣布離婚後,離婚過程持續波折,包括兒女監護權和財產分配等問題,最終導致兩人之間的關係急轉直下,並引發許多爭議和媒體追蹤。

2.強尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)和安柏·赫德(Amber Heard):這對夫妻在2017年離婚後,捲入一場長期的法律鬥爭,其中包括虐待指控和對抗性的言論,導致他們之間的關係急劇惡化,並造成兩方形象有極大負面影響。

3.湯姆·克魯斯(Tom Cruise)和凱蒂·赫爾姆斯(Katie Holmes):這對曾經的好萊塢金童玉女在2012年宣布離婚後,媒體上曝光關於教會科學的爭議、監護權和隱私問題,這些事件對他們的關係造成傷害,湯姆已經很久都沒有探視女兒。

4.愛德華·諾頓(Edward Norton)和索菲亞·波夫(Salma Hayek):這對好萊塢明星在2003年離婚後,曾經是好友的兩人關係惡化,並傳出有關財務和職業方面的爭執。

5.柯特尼·洛芙(Courtney Love)和寇特·柯本(Kurt Cobain):這對搖滾樂圈的傳奇夫妻之間的關係一直充滿爭議和戲劇性,他們的離婚過程也被公眾廣泛關注,並引發諸多猜測和爭議。寇特在1994年疑似嗑藥過量去世。


After the divorce of Barbie Hsu and Wang Xiaofei, their formal appearance in court attracted widespread attention. Many divorces involve a situation where relationships become strained and conflicts arise. This is mainly due to the complexity of divorce itself, which involves emotions, interests, and family situations of both parties. Here are some celebrity divorces where relationships turned sour:

1. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt: The Hollywood golden couple announced their divorce in 2016, and the process was marred by disputes over child custody and property distribution, leading to a sharp deterioration in their relationship and sparking much controversy and media attention.

2. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: This couple, who divorced in 2017, became embroiled in a lengthy legal battle, including allegations of abuse and adversarial statements, causing a significant negative impact on their public image.

3. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes: The former Hollywood power couple's divorce in 2012 was accompanied by controversies surrounding Scientology, custody battles, and privacy issues, damaging their relationship, with Tom reportedly not having seen his daughter for a long time.

4. Edward Norton and Salma Hayek: The Hollywood stars, who divorced in 2003, saw their once-friendship deteriorate amid financial and career-related disputes.

5. Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain: The legendary couple in the rock music scene had a relationship filled with controversy and drama, with their divorce process attracting widespread public attention and speculation, particularly after Kurt's suspected drug overdose death in 1994.

These cases demonstrate that even celebrities face emotional and legal challenges after divorce, with property division and child custody often being the main points of contention. Ultimately, these divorces often result in mutual destruction in the media.