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1. Impersonating customers: Scammers may pretend to be customers ordering delivery, but they haven't actually placed an order. When the courier delivers the food, they may demand the courier to pay cash, claiming they will pay later, but ultimately never do, causing losses to the courier.

2. False addresses: Some scammers may provide fake delivery addresses, such as non-existent buildings or vacant lots. When the courier arrives at the address, they find no one to deliver to, resulting in wasted time and costs.

3. Payment fraud: Scammers sometimes use forged credit cards or payment methods to place orders, and when these payments are found to be fraudulent, the courier may suffer losses due to canceled payments or refunds.

4. Robbery: In certain situations, couriers may become targets for robbery, especially when they carry large amounts of cash or valuable items. In such cases, scammers may use violence or threats to take the goods.

Recently in China, delivery couriers often encounter a scam pattern. Some customers would order cheap milk tea and ask to buy two pack of cigarettes as well, promising to give a $100 RMB tip. However, when the courier actually helps to process the order, the customer suddenly shuts down their phone, making it impossible to contact them. These are all deliberate attempts to induce couriers into disguised consumption scams.

To prevent these scams, delivery couriers can protect themselves by:

1. Verifying the authenticity of orders, especially when the customer-provided information is uncertain.

2. Checking and confirming the authenticity of delivery addresses on online platforms.

3. Carefully examining payment methods, especially for large orders.

4. Staying vigilant, especially when delivering in high-risk areas or times.

5. Opting for secure payment methods whenever possible, such as collecting cash on delivery instead of post-payment.