
















Cold Facts to Know Before Coming to the United States:

Do not photocopy textbooks or other books, as this is illegal. Textbooks used for school are very expensive, with an average price ranging from $100 to $200 or more per book. Publishers also regularly release new editions, so not having the current book may result in falling behind. If budget is a concern, consider buying second-hand books online or from classmates who have previously taken the class. Being caught photocopying books can lead to legal consequences, and photocopying shops also bear responsibility.

When stopped by police for questioning, try to cooperate as much as possible and avoid reaching for your identification immediately. Accidentally being perceived as reaching for a weapon may lead to police mistakenly shooting you.

In New York, public drinking is not allowed and can result in fines. Last year, at least tens of thousands of people were fined for openly drinking alcohol.

Other things to be aware of:

Visa and Documents: Make sure to have valid visas and relevant documents, and understand the required documents and conditions. This may include visas, passports, plane tickets, travel insurance, etc.

Currency and Money: Understand the currency and exchange rate in the United States, and bring an appropriate amount of cash or credit cards. In the United States, credit cards are widely accepted for most transactions.

Itinerary Planning: Plan your itinerary in advance, including transportation, accommodation, and sightseeing activities. Make sure you know the best routes and modes of transportation to your destinations.

Cultural Etiquette: Learn about American cultural etiquette and customs, including norms regarding queuing, tipping, and interacting with strangers.

Safety Precautions: Be mindful of personal property safety, avoid dangerous areas, stay vigilant at all times, and adhere to local laws and regulations.

Food and Water: Pay attention to food hygiene, try to avoid eating raw or undercooked food, and ensure that drinking water sources are safe.

Healthcare: Ensure that your medical insurance is valid in the United States, and familiarize yourself with local medical services and emergency procedures. If you fall ill, it's advisable to return home promptly, as medical services in the United States can be quite expensive.

Communication and Contact: Arrange communication methods in advance, such as mobile phone roaming or purchasing a local SIM card, to stay in touch with family and friends when needed.

Environmental Climate: Prepare according to the climate and seasons of the area you're visiting, and bring appropriate clothing and supplies.

Respect for Local Culture: Respect local culture and customs, avoid offending others, and show respect and care for local people and the environment.