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There are various reasons for poverty, including but not limited to:

Lack of educational opportunities: Limited access to quality education can restrict job opportunities and income potential, leading to poverty. When cognitive abilities are low, it's often challenging to make accurate judgments. Without higher education, it's difficult to find good jobs to change one's life.

Limited job opportunities: In certain areas or societies, job opportunities are scarce, especially in rural areas or impoverished regions of developing countries.

Low wages: Low wages can make it difficult for people to meet basic needs such as food, housing, and healthcare. When income barely covers the necessities, there's no extra money for investment.

Social injustice: Social injustice, discrimination, and oppression can put some people at a disadvantage, restricting their economic opportunities. In societies where doing business is easier for those who donate political contributions to officials, having connections becomes more convenient.

Health issues: Health problems can affect a person's ability to work and be productive, leading to reduced income or even poverty. Not every country has free healthcare available, and once someone suffers from a serious illness, they may incur substantial medical expenses.

Cycle of poverty: In some cases, poverty can be intergenerational, with children from poor families falling into poverty due to a lack of resources and opportunities. The socioeconomic environment of parents and personal experiences can also influence the next generation.

Natural disasters and environmental factors: Natural disasters, climate change, and environmental pollution can destroy crops and livelihoods, plunging people into poverty. For example, when earthquakes occur and buildings are damaged, residents often continue to pay mortgages while suffering significant property losses.

Wars and conflicts: Wars and internal conflicts can disrupt economic infrastructure, causing people to lose their livelihoods and homes, leading to economic impoverishment.

These factors are often interconnected and may vary significantly across different regions and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, addressing poverty requires comprehensive measures, including providing educational opportunities, increasing job opportunities, improving social justice, enhancing healthcare, and promoting economic development.