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Poor kitchen ventilation: Cooking in high-temperature environments without proper ventilation and without a range hood installed can lead to lung cancer due to long-term inhalation of cooking fumes. This is because cooking fumes contain carcinogenic substances, and prolonged exposure increases the risk of lung cancer.

Environmental pollution: Severe air pollution in China, including industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust, may exacerbate the risk of lung diseases and lung cancer.

Smoking: Smoking is one of the primary risk factors for lung cancer, as long-term smoking damages the lungs and increases the risk of cancer.

Genetic factors: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition, increasing their risk of developing lung cancer.

Occupational exposure: Exposure to harmful chemicals or radioactive substances in certain occupational environments may also increase the risk of cancer.

Other factors: Chronic lung diseases, radiation exposure, excessive alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and other factors are also associated with an increased risk of lung cancer.

Therefore, increasing public awareness of healthy lifestyles, reducing environmental pollution, quitting smoking, and paying attention to occupational health and safety are essential measures for preventing lung cancer. Early detection and treatment are also crucial for improving patient survival rates.