


《聖鬥士星矢》(Saint Seiya)是一部由車田正美創作的日本漫畫。這部作品於1986年開始連載,並在動畫、小說、電影等形式中延伸,成為一個經典的動漫作品之一。該故事的背景設置在一個古希臘神話的世界,講述一群被稱為「聖鬥士」的青年,他們是希臘神的守護者,穿戴著代表不同星座的聖衣,並使用宇宙能量進行戰鬥。主要情節圍繞著五名主要聖鬥士,即青銅聖鬥士,分別是主人公星矢(Pegasus Seiya)、紫龍(Dragon Shiryu)、鳳凰(Phoenix Ikki)、仙女(Andromeda Shun)和白鳥(Cygnus Hyoga)。他們的任務是保護地球,尤其是希臘女神雅典娜,免受邪惡勢力的威脅。





3.黃金聖鬥士(Gold Saints):黃金聖鬥士是最強大的聖鬥士,代表著黃道十二宮的星座。他們的力量相當於神的力量,是保護雅典娜的最後防線。


5.十二宮戰役(Battle of the Twelve Houses):這是聖鬥士星矢故事中的一個重要情節,主要發生在青銅聖鬥士進入黃金宮殿,與守護黃金聖鬥士進行一系列激烈的戰鬥,以證明自己的實力。



"Saint Seiya," known as "Knights of the Zodiac" in English, is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Masami Kurumada. The series began serialization in 1986 and quickly gained a large following, becoming a classic in the realm of anime and manga.

The story is set in a universe inspired by Greek mythology and revolves around a group of warriors known as the "Saints." These Saints are the champions of the Greek goddess Athena, and they wear mystical armor called "Cloths" that correspond to the constellations of the zodiac. The series primarily follows five main Bronze Saints: Pegasus Seiya, Dragon Shiryu, Phoenix Ikki, Andromeda Shun, and Cygnus Hyoga. These warriors are tasked with defending Earth and Athena from various cosmic threats.

The plot kicks off with Seiya, the Pegasus Saint, embarking on a journey to find his missing sister. As he encounters battles against other powerful Saints, dark forces, and even deities, Seiya's quest becomes intertwined with protecting Athena and thwarting the ambitions of malevolent beings like Hades, the god of the Underworld.

Here are some key aspects and themes of "Saint Seiya":

1. Cosmic Energy (Cosmo): Each Saint possesses a unique inner power called "Cosmo," which can be channeled to enhance their physical abilities, create energy-based attacks, and even heal themselves.

2. The Twelve Gold Saints: These are the most powerful Saints, each representing one of the zodiac signs. The Gold Saints act as the guardians of the goddess Athena and are entrusted with the most critical tasks.

3. The Sanctuary Arc: One of the most iconic story arcs, the Sanctuary Arc involves the Bronze Saints traversing the twelve houses of the zodiac to reach Athena's temple, confronting powerful Gold Saints along the way.

4. Friendship and Loyalty: The bonds of friendship between the Saints are a central theme. They support and protect each other, often risking their lives for the sake of their comrades and their shared cause.

5. Mythological Inspirations: "Saint Seiya" draws heavily from Greek mythology, incorporating gods, creatures, and legends from ancient Greece into its narrative.

6. Heroic Sacrifice and Determination: The series explores the theme of sacrifice for the greater good and the determination to stand up against overwhelming odds.

The success of "Saint Seiya" led to multiple adaptations, including anime series, movies, spin-offs, and even a reboot called "Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac." Its impact on popular culture and its continued relevance decades after its inception showcase the enduring appeal of its compelling characters, epic battles, and rich mythology. If you're a comic lover, "Saint Seiya" offers a thrilling journey through a world of cosmic battles and profound themes.