

為了爭奪NBA總冠軍,太陽隊不惜以4枚首輪籤及2028年首輪籤交換的方式,從籃網隊手中得到杜蘭特(Kevin Durant),而補強後的新組合被寄予厚望。然而,這支薪資暴增的球隊在2024年季後賽首輪遭遇挫敗,以116:122不敵明尼蘇達灰狼,直接以4連敗的成績在第一輪被淘汰出局。今天的比賽中,雖然杜蘭特與布克(Devin Booker)這兩位球員合力砍下82分,但卻仍無法帶領球隊獲勝。主要原因在於另一位主力球員畢爾(Bradley Beal)只得到9分。太陽隊是否會考慮交易杜蘭特以展開重建,將成為球迷們關注的焦點。

In their pursuit of the NBA championship, the Suns spared no expense, trading four first-round picks (2023, 2025, 2027 and 2029)and a 2028 first-round pick swap in return to the Nets for Kevin Durant, bolstering their roster with high hopes. However, this heavily salaried team suffered a setback in the 2024 postseason, losing 116-122 to the Minnesota Timberwolves in the first round, leading to a direct elimination with four consecutive losses. In today's game, despite Durant and Devin Booker combining for 82 points, they were unable to lead the team to victory. A significant factor was the minimal contribution from another key player, Bradley Beal, who only managed to score 9 points. Whether the Suns will consider trading Durant to initiate a rebuild will be the focal point of fan attention.