親俄羅斯的貪腐烏克蘭總統:維克多·亞努科維奇(Viktor Yanukovych)


維克多·亞努科維奇(Viktor Yanukovych)出生於1950年7月9日,是烏克蘭的政治人物,曾擔任該國的第四任總統,任期從2010年至2014年。他在政治上具有豐富的經歷,早期是一名工程師,後來成為政治領袖。



Viktor Yanukovych was born on July 9, 1950, and is a Ukrainian politician who served as the country's fourth president from 2010 to 2014. He has a rich political background, starting as an engineer before rising to become a political leader.

Yanukovych's political career began to gain traction in the early 1990s on the Ukrainian political stage. Originating from the Donetsk region, he held various local and national positions, including governor of Donetsk Oblast and deputy prime minister. However, he was once imprisoned for robbery and assault, although he claimed to have been acquitted of these charges in two cases during the 2004 presidential election, he never presented any relevant evidence.

Yanukovych's political career was marked by controversy and criticism. He was accused of cheating and electoral fraud during the 2004 presidential election, leading to massive protests and political turmoil, known as the "Orange Revolution."

During his presidency, Ukraine faced numerous challenges, including its relationship with the European Union, dependence on Russia, and internal political corruption. In 2014, amid a political crisis and widespread protests, Yanukovych was forced to flee to Russia. Subsequently, the Ukrainian government declared him impeached and launched a criminal investigation against him. Eventually, the International Criminal Police Organization issued a global red notice accusing him of corruption and embezzlement of public funds.

Viktor Yanukovych's political career and influence have left a profound impact on Ukrainian history. His tenure was characterized by a pro-Russian stance and was a significant period of political upheaval and transition in the country.