Back on the table 重新考慮
Just checking 隨口問問
Can’t be arsed 懶的做
Pipe dream 白日夢
Half measure 權宜之計
Swallow your pride 放下自尊
In hindsight 馬後炮
Fresh as a daisy 精神抖擻
Lame excuse 牽強的藉口
Collude 勾結
Bring (sb) up to speed 提供最新進展
Pretty much 差不多
My patience is wearing thin 忍耐是有限度的
Ingratiate oneself with 討好
Pinch pennies 精打細算
Throw money down the drain 錢打水漂了
Third wheel 電燈泡 累贅
Home free 即將成功
It’s anybody’s guess 這事誰都說不準
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