


1. 各種食品市場:以其熱鬧的食品市場聞名,這裡有許多賣新鮮魚類、海鮮、蔬菜和水果的小攤位。遊客可以品嚐到當地的美食和小吃,例如烤鰻魚串、章魚燒和新鮮水果。

2. 藥妝店:有許多藥妝店,像松本清(Matsumoto Kiyoshi)和唐吉訶德(Don Quijote),售賣各種美容產品、藥品和日常用品,是購買日本本地品牌的好地方。

3. 服裝和鞋類商店:這裡有各種服裝和鞋類商店,提供從時尚潮流到實用日常的各種選擇。一些小店還會有折扣商品,是尋找便宜又好看的服飾的好地方。

4. 雜貨店和百元店:有許多雜貨店和百元店(例如大創,Daiso),售賣各種實用的小物品、紀念品和家居用品。這些店非常適合尋找便宜又有趣的紀念品。

5. 食肆和居酒屋:這裡有許多傳統的日式食肆和居酒屋,提供各種美食和飲品。例如,可以品嚐到壽司、燒鳥、拉麵等日本特色美食,還可以在居酒屋裡享受啤酒和清酒。

6. 甜點和零食店:有許多售賣日本傳統和現代甜點的店鋪,例如東京香蕉、草莓大福和各種口味的巧克力。這些店鋪是帶回家送禮的好選擇。

7. 傳統市場氛圍:保留昭和時代的傳統市場氛圍,遊客可以在這裡感受到日本早期市場的活力和熱鬧氣氛。這裡的攤販熱情友好,經常會用招呼聲吸引顧客。在晚上快要收攤的時候去會有異想不到的價格折扣。

8. 茶葉和乾貨店:這裡也有一些專門賣茶葉和乾貨的店鋪,可以買到高品質的日本茶和各種乾果、海藻等食品,是喜歡日本飲食文化的人的好去處。


Ameya-Yokochō, commonly known as Ameyoko, is a bustling shopping street in the Ueno area of Tokyo. It is popular with both tourists and locals due to its diverse range of shops and vibrant atmosphere. Here are some of the interesting places and shops in Ameyoko:

Food Markets: Ameyoko is famous for its lively food markets, with numerous stalls selling fresh fish, seafood, vegetables, and fruits. Visitors can enjoy local delicacies and snacks such as grilled eel skewers, takoyaki, and fresh fruits.

Drugstores: Ameyoko has many drugstores like Matsumoto Kiyoshi and Don Quijote, offering a wide variety of beauty products, medicines, and daily necessities. It's an excellent place to buy Japanese local brands.

Clothing and Shoe Stores: There are various clothing and shoe stores in Ameyoko, offering everything from trendy fashion to practical everyday wear. Some small shops also have discounted items, making it a great place to find cheap and stylish apparel.

Variety Shops and 100-Yen Stores: Ameyoko has many variety shops and 100-yen stores (such as Daiso), selling a range of practical items, souvenirs, and household goods. These stores are perfect for finding inexpensive and fun souvenirs.

Restaurants and Izakayas: There are numerous traditional Japanese eateries and izakayas in Ameyoko, offering various food and drinks. Visitors can enjoy sushi, yakitori, ramen, and other Japanese specialties, as well as beer and sake in the izakayas.

Sweet Shops and Snack Stores: Ameyoko also has many shops selling traditional and modern Japanese sweets, such as Tokyo Banana, strawberry daifuku, and various flavored chocolates. These stores are great places to buy gifts to take home.

Traditional Market Atmosphere: Ameyoko retains the traditional market atmosphere of the Showa era. Visitors can experience the lively and bustling vibe of an early Japanese market. The friendly vendors often call out to attract customers. Visiting in the evening before closing time can lead to unexpected discounts.

Tea and Dried Goods Shops: There are also shops specializing in tea and dried goods, offering high-quality Japanese tea, various dried fruits, seaweed, and other foods. These are ideal places for those who appreciate Japanese culinary culture.

Ameyoko, with its diversity and vibrancy, offers visitors a rich shopping and dining experience. Whether you are looking for food, souvenirs, or just to experience the atmosphere of a traditional Japanese market, Ameyoko is an ideal destination.

In the past, many individual merchants would come to Ameyoko to purchase goods and then sell them back in Taiwan, primarily focusing on drugstores and variety shops. Nearby, there is a multi-story Takeya store, where you can buy various snacks and high-end electronics. Purchases exceeding a certain amount are eligible for tax refunds.