斯洛伐克總理婓喬(Robert Fico)遭受槍擊,目前命危。


斯洛伐克總理婓喬(Robert Fico)在當地時間15日的時候遭受一名71歲的嫌疑人開槍襲擊,共發射4槍。不幸中的是其中一發子彈直接擊中婓喬,目前他的生命處於危急之中。槍手的動機目前尚不清楚。過去,婓喬反對烏克蘭加入北約,並多次強調歐盟不應捲入俄羅斯與烏克蘭之間的衝突,而是應該透過外交途徑解決分歧。



Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot by a 71-year-old suspect on the 15th local time, firing a total of four shots. Unfortunately, one of the bullets hit Fico directly, and he is currently in critical condition. The motive of the gunman is currently unclear. In the past, Fico opposed Ukraine's accession to NATO and emphasized multiple times that the EU should not be involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine but should resolve differences through diplomatic means.

Slovakia is a country located in Central Europe, bordering Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Hungary. Geographically, it is situated in the central part of the European continent, between Eastern and Western Europe, and is typically classified as a Central European country. It peacefully split from the Czech Republic in 1993 to become two independent countries. Slovakia has a land area of approximately 49,000 square kilometers and a population of over 5.4 million.

As for its membership in NATO and the EU, Slovakia is a member of both organizations. Slovakia joined the EU in 2004, becoming one of the ten new member states that expanded at the time. In the same year, it also successfully became a member of NATO, indicating its significant geopolitical position and active participation in European and international affairs.