



由於市場需求旺盛,日本萬代公司曾經生產過拉普拉斯的充氣玩偶,售價高達79,400日元。因為其高人氣,拉普拉斯在《寶可夢 劍/盾》時期還被賦予超級巨化的能力,進一步提升其在玩家中的受歡迎程度。


日文名: ラプラス (Laplace)

英文名: Lapras

屬性: 水 / 冰

分類: 運輸寶可夢

身高: 2.5 米

體重: 220 公斤


初登場: 第一世代(《寶可夢 紅 / 綠》) 圖鑑編號: #131


儲水 (Water Absorb): 當受到水屬性攻擊時,恢復自身HP。

殼甲 (Shell Armor): 防止對方攻擊暴擊。

隱藏特性:水幕 (Hydration): 當天氣為雨天時,每回合結束時解除異常狀態。





冰凍光束 (Ice Beam): 冰屬性技能,有機會使對手陷入冰凍狀態。

水炮 (Hydro Pump): 強力的水屬性技能,能夠造成大量傷害。

冷凍乾燥 (Freeze-Dry): 冰屬性技能,對水屬性寶可夢造成雙倍傷害。

歌聲 (Sing): 能使對手陷入睡眠狀態。

拉普拉斯在《寶可夢》系列遊戲中經常出現,通常作為稀有且強大的寶可夢之一。在《寶可夢 紅 / 藍》中,可以在西爾佛公司獲得一隻拉普拉斯。在其他遊戲中,拉普拉斯也經常出現在海洋或冰雪地區。



Detailed Explanation of the Pokémon Lapras

With the official localization of the Pokémon series into Chinese in 2016, the first Ice-type Pokémon captured by Ash, Lapras, was renamed "Laplace" in Chinese. Although its name includes "dragon," Lapras is not a Dragon-type Pokémon; it is a Water and Ice type. Inspired by the legendary Loch Ness Monster, Lapras is one of the earliest designed Pokémon.

Lapras has three one-hit knockout moves and also uses powerful skills. Early design documents show that Lapras did not have the curved ears it has now and resembled a plesiosaur. With a hard shell on its back, it is gentle by nature and enjoys ferrying people across the water.

Due to high market demand, Bandai in Japan produced inflatable Lapras dolls, priced at 79,400 yen. Lapras's popularity led to it receiving a Gigantamax form during the Pokémon Sword and Shield era, further enhancing its appeal among players.

Lapras Overview:

Japanese Name: ラプラス (Laplace)

English Name: Lapras

Type: Water/Ice

Category: Transport Pokémon

Height: 2.5 meters

Weight: 220 kilograms


Pokédex Number: #131

First Appearance: Generation I (Pokémon Red/Green)


Water Absorb: Restores HP when hit by Water-type moves.

Shell Armor: Prevents critical hits.

Hidden Ability: Hydration: Cures status conditions in rain.

Lapras is a large, amphibious Pokémon with a dinosaur-like appearance. Its body is primarily blue, with a pale yellow underside. The shell on its back gives it the look of a small boat. Its big eyes and gentle expression convey a friendly demeanor.

Known as the Transport Pokémon, Lapras is often used to ferry people or other Pokémon across bodies of water. It is highly intelligent, possesses excellent hearing, and can understand human speech, making it beloved in the Pokémon world.

Lapras's Water and Ice typing grants it access to powerful attacks. Its high HP and special defense allow it to endure in battles. Common moves include:

Ice Beam: An Ice-type move with a chance to freeze the opponent.

Hydro Pump: A powerful Water-type move that deals significant damage.

Freeze-Dry: An Ice-type move that deals double damage to Water-type Pokémon.

Sing: Can put the opponent to sleep.

Lapras frequently appears in Pokémon games as a rare and powerful Pokémon. In Pokémon Red/Blue, it can be obtained at Silph Co. In other games, it often appears in ocean or icy regions.

In the anime, Ash owned a Lapras, which accompanied him on many sea adventures, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. In the Pokémon Adventures manga, the protagonist Red also has a Lapras, playing a key role in several battles.

Lapras's friendly nature and strong abilities make it a favorite not only in the Pokémon world but also in reality. It appears in various Pokémon merchandise, such as toys, cards, and clothing, due to its high popularity.

