

如果中國入侵台灣,美國是否會派兵援助一直是個備受關注的問題。美國長期以來採取戰略模糊政策,避免直接回答相關問題。然而,現任總統喬·拜登(Joe Biden)曾多次明確表示,如果中國攻擊台灣,美國將派兵協防台灣。近期,前總統唐納·川普(Donald Trump)也提到,如果中國攻打台灣,他將對北京進行轟炸。






Whether the United States will send troops to aid Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion has always been a closely watched issue. The U.S. has long adopted a policy of strategic ambiguity, avoiding direct answers to such questions. However, current President Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that the U.S. would send troops to defend Taiwan if China attacks. Recently, former President Donald Trump also mentioned that if China attacks Taiwan, he would bomb Beijing.

Whether these statements mean that the U.S. military will indeed defend Taiwan if it is attacked remains dependent on specific circumstances. While Biden and Trump’s statements indicate support for Taiwan, the actual actions of the U.S. will depend on the international situation, the attitude of allies, and domestic political factors at the time. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the U.S. military will definitely intervene if Taiwan is attacked, but the statements by U.S. leaders undoubtedly increase this possibility.

Whether the United States will assist Taiwan in repelling a Chinese invasion has always been a complex and sensitive issue. There are several key reasons why the U.S. has long maintained a stance of strategic ambiguity:

Balancing U.S.-China Relations: The U.S. has complex economic and political ties with China. Maintaining strategic ambiguity helps avoid directly provoking China and reduces tensions between the two countries, thereby promoting regional stability.

Deterrence: Strategic ambiguity creates uncertainty for China regarding the U.S.'s specific response, which serves as a deterrent against Chinese aggression.

Flexibility: A vague stance allows the U.S. to retain policy flexibility, enabling it to decide on specific actions based on the prevailing international situation and domestic political environment, without being bound by prior commitments.

Taiwan Relations Act and the Six Assurances: U.S. policy documents like the Taiwan Relations Act and the "Six Assurances" clearly state that the U.S. will provide Taiwan with the necessary weapons for self-defense, but they do not explicitly commit to direct military intervention, reflecting the nature of strategic ambiguity.

Although current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have made clear statements supporting Taiwan's defense against Chinese attacks, these statements are more about expressing U.S. support and commitment to Taiwan. Actual actions would depend on the specific circumstances and international situation at the time. Therefore, the stance of strategic ambiguity is a strategy the U.S. adopts to navigate this complex situation.