Burned out 燒壞了
Back to square one 重頭再來
Wild goose chase 白費力氣
Sloppy 草率
Lead someone to a merry dance 把某人耍的團團轉
It’s the though that counts 心意最重要
How are you settling in 你過的好嗎
A blessing in disguise 塞翁失馬 焉知非福
Say uncle 認輸吧
A tough act to follow 難以超越
Slacker 摸魚者
Narcissist 自虐狂
Skinflint 鐵公雞
Zeal 熱情
Animosity 敵意
Out with the old, in with the new 舊的不去 新的不來
How thoughtful of you 你想的真周到
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