任天堂的 eShop 是否可以透過亂輸入序號就能免費玩遊戲?


任天堂的 eShop 是否可以透過亂輸入序號就能免費玩遊戲?

任天堂的序號整個安全設計相當嚴謹,主要透過加密算法及隨機生成機制,搭配伺服器驗證及防駭客竊取資料,比外面的手遊虛寶產生的機制更為複雜。Switch 線上商店(eShop)的序號有16個字母,前4個字母都是相同的,英文字母 I與O因為與數字1跟0類似,所以被剔除。序號的16個字母中剩下12個,加上10個數字,24個英文字母。這樣的組合方式,總計有238萬兆種不同的排列。


Can You Play Games for Free by Randomly Entering Codes on Nintendo's eShop?

Nintendo's eShop serial code system is designed with stringent security measures, primarily using encryption algorithms and random generation mechanisms, along with server verification and anti-hacking measures. This is more complex than the mechanisms used for generating virtual items in mobile games.

The serial codes for the Switch's online store (eShop) consist of 16 characters. The first four characters are always the same. The letters I and O are excluded because they resemble the numbers 1 and 0, respectively. This leaves 12 possible letters combined with 10 numbers, resulting in 24 characters in total. With this combination, there are 238 million trillion possible unique serial codes.

If a player enters incorrect serial codes more than five times within 10 minutes, their account will be temporarily suspended. Continued incorrect entries will prompt a verification code request to confirm the account's authenticity. In severe cases, the account may need to be unlocked through customer service.

Due to these stringent security measures, it is nearly impossible to play games for free on the Nintendo eShop by randomly entering codes.