


飛雷神之術(Hiraishin no Jutsu):這是水門的招牌忍術,可以在瞬間移動到任何標記著特別符印的地方。這個術讓他在戰鬥中擁有閃電般的速度,因而得名「木葉的黃色閃光」。


八卦封印(Hakke no Fūin Shiki):水門用這個術將九尾(九喇嘛)封印在兒子鳴人體內。這個強大的封印術確保鳴人能夠使用九尾的查克拉,同時將其控制在體內。

屍鬼封盡(Shiki Fūjin):這是一個禁術,水門用來將部分九尾的查克拉封印在自己體內,並將剩下的封印在鳴人體內。這個術召喚死神(Shinigami)來吞噬目標的靈魂,使用者的靈魂也會被奪走作為代價。是漩渦一族的最強的封印術,是水門的老婆漩渦玖辛奈傳授,

通靈之術(Kuchiyose no Jutsu):水門能夠通靈來自妙木山的蛤蟆,類似於他的師父自來也。他可以召喚強大的蛤蟆,如蛤蟆文太,來協助戰鬥。





Minato Namikaze: Detailed Introduction

Minato Namikaze, also known as the Fourth Hokage (Yondaime Hokage), is one of the most revered and influential characters in the Naruto series. He is the father of the protagonist Naruto Uzumaki and a disciple of Jiraiya. Minato is renowned for his incredible speed, intelligence, and mastery of various jutsu. His notable jutsu include:


Flying Thunder God Technique (Hiraishin no Jutsu): This is Minato's signature technique, allowing him to instantly teleport to any location marked with his special seal. This jutsu gives him lightning-fast speed in battle, earning him the nickname "Konoha's Yellow Flash."

Rasengan: He created this powerful spinning chakra ball with the intention of combining it with his elemental nature transformation, though he never completed that part. The Rasengan is a devastating close-range attack that does not require hand seals, making it quick and versatile.

Eight Trigrams Sealing Style (Hakke no Fūin Shiki): Minato used this technique to seal the Nine-Tails (Kurama) inside his son Naruto. This powerful sealing jutsu ensured that Naruto could access the Nine-Tails' chakra while keeping it contained.

Dead Demon Consuming Seal (Shiki Fūjin): This is a forbidden jutsu that Minato used to seal part of the Nine-Tails' chakra within himself and the remainder within Naruto. This technique summons the Shinigami (Death God) to devour the target's soul, and the user's soul is also taken as a price. It is the strongest sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan, taught to Minato by his wife, Kushina Uzumaki.

Summoning Technique (Kuchiyose no Jutsu): Minato could summon toads from Mount Myōboku, similar to his master Jiraiya. He could summon powerful toads like Gamabunta to assist in battle.

Minato's death is a tragic and pivotal event in the Naruto series, occurring during the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha. On the night of Naruto's birth, the masked man known as Tobi (later revealed to be Obito Uchiha) released the Nine-Tails from Naruto's mother, Kushina Uzumaki. Tobi then used the Nine-Tails to attack Konoha. As the Fourth Hokage, Minato fought Tobi to protect the village. He managed to defeat Tobi and break his control over the Nine-Tails, but knew that the beast was too dangerous to be left unchecked.

To save the village and ensure that the Nine-Tails could not be used by evil forces again, Minato decided to seal the beast inside his newborn son, Naruto. He used the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style and the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to divide the Nine-Tails' chakra, sealing part within himself and part within Naruto. Using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal required Minato to sacrifice his own life. He summoned the Shinigami, which took both his and Kushina's souls in exchange for the sealing. This ultimate sacrifice was made to protect Naruto, the village, and to give Naruto a fighting chance to control the immense power of the Nine-Tails.

Minato's death left a profound impact on Konoha and his son, Naruto. Despite dying, his legacy lived on through his teachings, his students, and most importantly, through Naruto, who inherited his father's determination and will to protect the village and his loved ones.

Minato Namikaze's character symbolizes heroism, sacrifice, and unparalleled skill. His contributions to Konoha and his role as Naruto's father are central to the series' plot and themes. His innovative jutsu, strategic mind, and ultimate sacrifice have made him one of the most beloved and respected characters in the Naruto universe, with a vote count of 792,257.
