三上悠亞的最新作品《Drive me crazy》(我為情狂)即將在Steam上架!


即將在Steam平台推出的戀愛模擬遊戲《Drive me crazy》(我為情狂),主要根據網路上流傳的日本知名AV女優三上悠亞(みかみ ゆあ)因結婚而引退的傳聞改編。這款互動式影音遊戲的主角是強子,他即將與心愛的戀人三上悠亞結婚,但在單身派對上意外丟掉結婚戒指,這讓女方惱火。


這款遊戲由中國Tenth Art Studio發行,目前只支援簡體中文。部分劇情中有衣著暴露的畫面,但沒有限制級內容。

The romantic simulation game "Drive me crazy," set to be released on the Steam platform, is based on the rumors circulating online about the famous Japanese AV actress Yua Mikami retiring due to marriage. This interactive video game features Kyoko as the protagonist, who is about to marry his beloved girlfriend, Yua Mikami. However, during his bachelor party, he accidentally loses the wedding ring, which angers Yua.

Yua Mikami has now transitioned from shooting adult films to running a cake shop. As the story progresses, players will gradually discover that Kyoko has relationships or ambiguous connections with several women, including a wealthy lady, a young idol, a sexy veterinarian, a football commentator, and an elite boss, totaling seven different characters. Players can engage in eight mini-games, and based on the outcomes, the storyline will branch into different paths. At Yua's request, players must find the lost ring. Throughout the game, players will need to answer significant questions, such as whether they will still have the urge to cheat after marrying Yua.

This game is published by China's Tenth Art Studio and currently supports only Simplified Chinese. Some scenes feature characters in revealing outfits, but there are no explicit content restrictions.
