任天堂N64(Nintendo 64)最暢銷的前十大遊戲。


任天堂N64(Nintendo 64)最暢銷的前十大遊戲,包括遊戲資料、故事、發行日期和銷售數據。

1.《超級瑪利歐64》(Super Mario 64)是一款於1996年6月23日在日本發行的3D平台遊戲,隨後於1996年9月29日在北美和1997年3月1日在歐洲上市。銷售數據超過1100萬套。故事開始於瑪利歐收到碧姬公主的邀請,前往蘑菇王國的城堡享用蛋糕。然而,當他到達時,發現碧姬公主和城堡的其他居民被庫巴(Bowser)綁架。瑪利歐需要在城堡的各個世界中收集星星,最終打敗庫巴,解救碧姬公主。

2.《瑪利歐賽車64》(Mario Kart 64)於1996年12月14日在日本首發,1997年2月10日在北美和1997年6月24日在歐洲發行。銷售數據超過980萬套。可以選擇不同的瑪利歐系列角色和賽車進行比賽,使用各種道具干擾對手,目的是在不同的賽道上取得第一名。

3.《007黃金眼》(GoldenEye 007)根據同名電影改編,於1997年8月23日在日本發行,1997年8月25日在北美和歐洲上市,銷售數據超過810萬套。玩家扮演詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond),進行各種秘密任務,阻止惡棍的陰謀。遊戲包括單人任務和多人對戰模式。

4.《薩爾達傳說 時之笛》(The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)於1998年11月21日在日本上市,1998年11月23日在北美和1998年12月11日在歐洲發行,銷售數據超過760萬套。主角林克(Link),必須穿越時間,收集靈魂石,最終打敗邪惡的蓋農多夫(Ganondorf),解救海拉爾王國和塞爾達公主。

5.《任天堂明星大亂鬥》(Super Smash Bros.)於1999年1月21日在日本發行,1999年4月26日在北美和1999年11月19日在歐洲上市,銷售數據超過550萬套。這款格鬥遊戲聚集任天堂的多個經典角色,如瑪利歐、林克、皮卡丘等,可以在各種場景中進行對戰,主要以角色之間的對戰為主,沒有具體的故事情節。

6.《星際火狐64》(Star Fox 64)於1997年4月27日在日本發行,1997年6月30日在北美和1997年10月20日在歐洲上市,銷售數據超過400萬套。福克斯·麥克勞德(Fox McCloud),帶領他的星際戰鬥小隊對抗邪惡的科學家安德羅斯(Andross),拯救銀河系。

7.《大金剛64》(Donkey Kong 64)於1999年11月24日在北美發行,1999年12月10日在日本上市,銷售數據超過370萬套。大金剛和他的朋友們,探索不同的島嶼,收集香蕉和金色香蕉,解救被綁架的夥伴,最終打敗邪惡的金克·魯爾(King K. Rool)。

8.《神奇寶貝競技場2》(Pokémon Stadium)於1999年4月30日在日本發行,2000年3月6日在北美和2000年4月7日在歐洲上市,銷售數據超過350萬套。遊戲中進行寶可夢對戰,並參加各種比賽和挑戰,最終成為寶可夢冠軍。遊戲支持與Game Boy遊戲連接,玩家可以使用他們在Game Boy中訓練的寶可夢。

9.《洛克人64》(Mega Man 64)於2000年11月22日在日本發行,2001年1月10日在北美上市,銷售數據超過300萬套。主角洛克人(Mega Man)在一個充滿機械敵人的世界中冒險,尋找寶藏,解決謎題,最終拯救世界。

10.《F-Zero X》於1998年7月14日在日本發行,1998年10月26日在北美和1998年11月6日在歐洲上市,銷售數據超過270萬套。一款未來風格的高速競速遊戲,可以選擇各種高速賽車,在不同的賽道上競速,目的是在激烈的比賽中取得勝利。

這些遊戲不僅在銷售數據上取得巨大成功,在玩法和創意上創造豐富的體驗,成為Nintendo 64平台上的經典之作。


The following are the top ten best-selling games for Nintendo 64 (N64), including game details, stories, release dates, and sales figures:

1. Super Mario 64 is a 3D platform game released in Japan on June 23, 1996, followed by North America on September 29, 1996, and Europe on March 1, 1997. With sales exceeding 11 million copies, the story begins with Mario receiving an invitation from Princess Peach to enjoy a cake at her castle in the Mushroom Kingdom. Upon arrival, Mario discovers that Princess Peach and the castle's residents have been kidnapped by Bowser. Mario must collect stars from different worlds within the castle to defeat Bowser and rescue Princess Peach.

2. Mario Kart 64 was first released in Japan on December 14, 1996, followed by North America on February 10, 1997, and Europe on June 24, 1997. The game sold over 9.8 million copies. Players can choose various Mario series characters and karts to race, using various items to hinder opponents and aiming to finish first on different tracks.

3. GoldenEye 007, based on the movie of the same name, was released in Japan on August 23, 1997, and in North America and Europe on August 25, 1997. With sales of over 8.1 million copies, players take on the role of James Bond, carrying out various missions to thwart the villains' schemes. The game includes both single-player missions and multiplayer modes.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released in Japan on November 21, 1998, in North America on November 23, 1998, and in Europe on December 11, 1998, with sales exceeding 7.6 million copies. The protagonist, Link, must travel through time and collect spiritual stones to ultimately defeat the evil Ganondorf and save the Kingdom of Hyrule and Princess Zelda.

5. Super Smash Bros. was released in Japan on January 21, 1999, in North America on April 26, 1999, and in Europe on November 19, 1999. The game sold over 5.5 million copies. This fighting game brings together multiple iconic Nintendo characters like Mario, Link, and Pikachu, allowing players to battle in various stages. The game focuses on character combat rather than a specific storyline.

6. Star Fox 64 was released in Japan on April 27, 1997, in North America on June 30, 1997, and in Europe on October 20, 1997. With sales of over 4 million copies, players control Fox McCloud, leading his team in a fight against the evil scientist Andross to save the galaxy.

7. Donkey Kong 64 was released in North America on November 24, 1999, and in Japan on December 10, 1999, selling over 3.7 million copies. Donkey Kong and his friends explore different islands, collect bananas and golden bananas, rescue kidnapped friends, and ultimately defeat the evil King K. Rool.

8. Pokémon Stadium 2 was released in Japan on April 30, 1999, in North America on March 6, 2000, and in Europe on April 7, 2000, with sales exceeding 3.5 million copies. Players can battle Pokémon and participate in various competitions and challenges to become the Pokémon Champion. The game supports connectivity with Game Boy games, allowing players to use Pokémon they trained in those games.

9. Mega Man 64 was released in Japan on November 22, 2000, and in North America on January 10, 2001, selling over 3 million copies. Players control Mega Man as he adventures in a world filled with mechanical enemies, seeking treasures, solving puzzles, and ultimately saving the world.

10. F-Zero X was released in Japan on July 14, 1998, in North America on October 26, 1998, and in Europe on November 6, 1998. The game sold over 2.7 million copies. This futuristic high-speed racing game lets players choose from various high-speed vehicles to race on different tracks, aiming to win in intense competitions.

These games not only achieved significant sales success but also offered rich gameplay and creative experiences, becoming classic titles on the Nintendo 64 platform.

