


第一部作品《魔界村》(Ghosts 'n Goblins)最早於1985年在街機平台發行,隨後陸續移植至NES/Famicom、Commodore 64、Amiga、Atari ST、Sega Master System、Game Boy Color、PlayStation、PlayStation 2、PlayStation Portable、Xbox 360和Nintendo Switch等多個平台。騎士亞瑟(Sir Arthur)的任務是拯救被魔王撒旦(Astaroth)綁架的公主普林普林(Princess Prin-Prin)。亞瑟需要穿越重重敵人和陷阱,最終擊敗撒旦,救出公主。

1988年發行的《大魔界村》(Ghouls 'n Ghosts)延續前作的成功,率先在街機上市,後來也移植到Mega Drive/Genesis、Amiga、Atari ST、Commodore 64、SuperGrafx、PlayStation、PlayStation 2、PlayStation Portable、Xbox 360和Nintendo Switch。故事背景設定在前作之後,亞瑟再次踏上冒險之旅,這次他需要拯救被復活的魔王撒旦抓走的靈魂,包括他的愛人公主普林普林。亞瑟將面對更強大的敵人和更複雜的關卡。

1991年發行的《超魔界村》(Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts)首次在超級任天堂(SNES)推出,並在2002年移植到Game Boy Advance,2006年則有PlayStation Portable版本,2021年推出Nintendo Switch版本。故事設定在亞瑟再次迎接挑戰之時,這次他要拯救被魔王撒旦綁架的公主古妮薇兒(Princess Guinevere/ Prin-Prin)。遊戲引入雙重跳躍和全新的裝備系統,使戰鬥更加多樣化。

1996年在《謎魔界村》PlayStation跟Sega Saturn平台上發行的遊戲。故事延續《魔界村》的主線情節,一位勇敢的騎士亞瑟爵士(Sir Arthur),必須穿越充滿惡魔和怪物的魔界,以拯救被魔王撒旦(Satan)綁架的公主。在這個版本中,亞瑟需要面對新的敵人和挑戰,並且遊戲引入一些新的元素和道具,使遊戲玩法更加多樣化。玩家需要通過各種關卡,擊敗強大的頭目,最終打倒撒旦,拯救公主並恢復和平。


2002年在GBA平台販售的《超魔界村R》這款遊戲是經典SNES遊戲《超魔界村》(Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts)的重製版,保留原作的劇情和遊戲玩法,同時加入新的元素和改進。亞瑟爵士再次踏上冒險,前往魔界拯救被魔王綁架的公主。遊戲保留原作的高難度設計,需要精確控制亞瑟,通過各種充滿危險和敵人的關卡。

2006年發行的《極魔界村》(Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins)是PlayStation Portable上的作品,亞瑟必須再次拯救被撒旦綁架的公主普林普林。這次引入新的魔法系統和裝備系統,可以選擇不同的裝備和魔法來應對各種挑戰。

2007年PSP《極魔界村 改》,是根據1985年街機版進行強化改版。

2021年發行的《經典回歸 魔界村》(Ghosts 'n Goblins: Resurrection)登陸Nintendo Switch、PlayStation 4、Xbox One和PC平台。是一款重溫亞瑟經典冒險的遊戲,重新設計的關卡和敵人,玩家將面對更新更具挑戰性的關卡。亞瑟再次踏上拯救公主的旅程,遊戲融合過去的經典元素和現代遊戲機制。

此外,系列還有一些外傳作品。1990年在Game Boy和1992年在NES上發行的《魔界村外傳》(Gargoyle's Quest)和1992年在NES、1993年在Game Boy上發行的《魔界村外傳2》(Gargoyle's Quest II),玩家扮演紅色惡魔Firebrand,這款遊戲是魔界村的外傳,故事圍繞著Firebrand對抗邪惡勢力,保護他的家園魔界。1994年在超級任天堂(SNES)上發行的《 Demon's Blazon 魔界村 紋章篇 》(Demon's Crest)中,Firebrand尋找傳說中的六個魔法寶石,以獲得無上的力量,對抗邪惡勢力,保護魔界。



The Makaimura series, developed by Capcom, is a classic side-scrolling action game series. Since its debut in 1985, the series has released multiple titles, each with its unique storyline and gameplay mechanics.

The first title, Ghosts 'n Goblins, was initially released in arcades in 1985 and was later ported to numerous platforms, including the NES/Famicom, Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST, Sega Master System, Game Boy Color, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Switch. In this game, Sir Arthur, a brave knight, is tasked with rescuing Princess Prin-Prin, who has been kidnapped by the demon king Astaroth. Arthur must navigate through hordes of enemies and traps, ultimately defeating Astaroth to save the princess.

The 1988 release, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, continued the success of its predecessor, debuting in arcades and later being ported to the Mega Drive/Genesis, Amiga, Atari ST, Commodore 64, SuperGrafx, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, and Nintendo Switch. The story is set after the events of the first game, with Arthur embarking on another adventure to rescue the souls captured by the resurrected demon king Astaroth, including his beloved Princess Prin-Prin. Arthur faces stronger enemies and more complex levels in this installment.

Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, released in 1991, first appeared on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and was later ported to the Game Boy Advance in 2002, PlayStation Portable in 2006, and Nintendo Switch in 2021. The story follows Arthur as he takes on another challenge to save Princess Guinevere (also referred to as Prin-Prin), who has been kidnapped by the demon king Sardius. The game introduced a double jump mechanic and a new equipment system, adding variety to the combat.

In 1996, Makaimura for WonderSwan was released on the PlayStation and Sega Saturn platforms. This game continued the main storyline of the series, with Sir Arthur once again venturing into the demon realm to rescue a princess kidnapped by the demon king Satan. This version featured new enemies and challenges, as well as new elements and items that diversified the gameplay. Players needed to navigate various levels, defeat powerful bosses, and ultimately vanquish Satan to restore peace.

In 1999, Makaimura for WonderSwan was released on the WonderSwan platform. The story was similar to the classic Ghosts 'n Goblins plot, with Sir Arthur embarking on another adventure to rescue a princess kidnapped by the demon king. This game retained the original high difficulty and classic gameplay while being optimized for the WonderSwan platform, introducing new level designs and enemy types. Arthur had to use his armor and weapons to avoid traps and defeat various monsters, ultimately confronting the demon king to rescue the princess.

The 2002 release on the GBA platform, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts R, was a remake of the classic SNES game Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts. It retained the original storyline and gameplay while introducing new elements and improvements. In this game, Sir Arthur once again sets out on an adventure to the demon realm to rescue a princess kidnapped by the demon king. The game maintained the original high difficulty design, requiring precise control of Arthur to navigate through various dangerous and enemy-filled levels.

Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins, released in 2006 for the PlayStation Portable, had Arthur once again rescuing Princess Prin-Prin, who had been kidnapped by Satan. This game introduced a new magic system and equipment options, allowing players to choose different gear and spells to tackle various challenges.

Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins Kai, released in 2007 for the PSP, was an enhanced remake of the 1985 arcade version, featuring improved graphics and gameplay mechanics.

Ghosts 'n Goblins: Resurrection, released in 2021, landed on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC platforms. This game was a reimagining of Arthur's classic adventures, with redesigned levels and enemies, presenting players with updated and more challenging stages. Arthur once again embarks on a journey to rescue the princess, combining classic elements with modern gameplay mechanics.

Additionally, the series has several spin-off titles. Gargoyle's Quest, released in 1990 for the Game Boy and in 1992 for the NES, and Gargoyle's Quest II, released in 1992 for the NES and in 1993 for the Game Boy, had players control the red demon Firebrand. These games were spin-offs of the Ghosts 'n Goblins series, focusing on Firebrand's battles against evil forces to protect his home, the demon realm. Demon's Crest, released in 1994 for the SNES, followed Firebrand as he searched for six legendary magical stones to gain ultimate power and protect the demon realm from evil forces.


Since its debut in 1985, the Ghosts 'n Goblins series has become a classic in action gaming through continuous innovation and challenging designs. Each installment has carried on Arthur's brave spirit of adventure, introducing new gameplay mechanics and storylines, attracting countless players. From arcades to modern consoles, the series has evolved, cementing its place as an enduring masterpiece in gaming history.

