

1. 台灣牛肉麵 (Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup):被外國人評鑑為第一台灣美食,深受當地人和遊客的喜愛。由嫩滑的牛肉塊、豐富的湯汁和彈牙的麵條組成,味道濃郁。其製作方法包括:首先將牛肉切塊,牛骨汆燙去血水,熱鍋中加油,爆香蔥、薑、蒜,然後加入豆瓣醬炒香。接著加入牛肉和牛骨,炒至變色後加水煮沸,加入紅蘿蔔、香菜、八角、桂皮、陳皮,再加醬油和冰糖,小火煮2-3小時。煮好的湯底過濾,牛肉切塊放回湯中,加入煮好的麵條即可。

2. 鹽酥雞 (Salt and Pepper Chicken):外皮酥脆,內裡多汁,味道香濃。其製作方法是將雞胸肉切塊,用鹽、砂糖、胡椒粉、五香粉、蔥、蒜腌制30分鐘。接著將雞肉塊裹上地瓜粉,放入熱油中炸至金黃,裝盤後撒上鹽和胡椒粉,搭配九層塔即可。

3. 蚵仔煎 (Oyster Omelette):柔嫩的蚵仔配上蛋和地瓜粉漿,外脆內軟。其製作方法是先將地瓜粉加水調成漿,雞蛋打散,熱鍋加油,加入蚵仔翻炒,再倒入地瓜粉漿煎至半熟,然後倒入雞蛋,煎至蛋液凝固,撒上蔥花,配上甜辣醬食用。

4. 魯肉飯 (Braised Pork Rice):醬香濃郁的魯肉配上白米飯,是不可錯過的美食。其製作方法是將五花肉切丁,紅蔥頭炸至金黃,熱鍋加油,加入蔥、蒜炒香,再加入五花肉煸炒,加入醬油、冰糖、米酒、八角、五香粉,加入水煮沸,小火煮1-2小時,煮至汁濃肉爛,倒在白米飯上,撒上蔥花即可。

5. 大腸包小腸 (Taiwanese Sausage with Sticky Rice):以糯米腸包裹台灣香腸,再加上多種配料,風味獨特。其製作方法是將糯米腸和香腸蒸熟後切段,糯米腸剖開,放入香腸、蒜末、醃蘿蔔、香菜,撒上花生粉和甜辣醬,合起來即可。

6. 牛肉捲餅 (Beef Roll):外層酥脆,內裡是鮮嫩的牛肉和香蔥。其製作方法是將牛肉片炒熟,餅皮煎至酥脆,餅皮上抹上甜麵醬,放上牛肉片和蔥段,捲起後切段,撒上白芝麻即可。

7. 鼎邊銼 (Ding Bian Cuo): 以米漿倒在鍋邊煎成薄片,再加上湯底和各種配料。其製作方法是將米漿倒在鍋邊煎成薄片,熱鍋加油,炒香蝦米、香菇、竹筍和豬肉絲,加入水煮沸,加入米漿片和調味料,撒上蔥花和香菜即可。

8. 三杯雞 (Three Cup Chicken):以醬油、米酒和麻油三杯調料烹製,味道濃郁。其製作方法是將雞肉切塊,蔥、薑、蒜切片,熱鍋加麻油,爆香蔥、薑、蒜,加入雞肉煸炒,再加入醬油和米酒,小火煮至汁濃,加入九層塔翻炒均勻即可。

9. 蚵仔麵線 (Oyster Vermicelli): 以蚵仔和麵線為主要材料,湯頭鮮美。其製作方法是將蚵仔洗淨,麵線煮熟,熱鍋加油,爆香紅蔥頭和蒜,加入高湯煮沸,加入蚵仔和麵線,調味後撒上香菜即可。

10. 刈包 (Gua Bao): 有“台灣漢堡”之稱,以豬肉夾在發酵的麵皮內。其製作方法是將豬五花肉煮熟切片,麵皮蒸熟,麵皮內放入豬肉片、酸菜、花生粉和香菜,折疊成包子形狀即可。



Detailed Introduction to Taiwan's Top Ten Delicacies and Their Recipes

1. Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup (台灣牛肉麵)

Rated as the number one Taiwanese delicacy by foreigners, Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup is beloved by both locals and tourists. It consists of tender beef chunks, rich broth, and chewy noodles, with a strong, flavorful taste. The preparation includes: First, cut the beef into chunks and blanch the beef bones to remove impurities. Heat oil in a pot, sauté scallions, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, then add doubanjiang (fermented bean paste) and stir-fry until aromatic. Add the beef and beef bones, stir-fry until the beef changes color, then add water and bring to a boil. Add carrots, cilantro, star anise, cinnamon sticks, dried orange peel, soy sauce, and rock sugar. Simmer on low heat for 2-3 hours. Strain the broth, cut the beef into chunks and return them to the broth. Serve with cooked noodles.

2. Salt and Pepper Chicken (鹽酥雞)

Salt and Pepper Chicken is a popular Taiwanese street food known for its crispy exterior and juicy interior, with a rich and savory flavor. To prepare it, cut chicken breast into pieces and marinate with salt, sugar, pepper, five-spice powder, scallions, and garlic for 30 minutes. Coat the chicken pieces in sweet potato starch, deep fry in hot oil until golden brown. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, and serve with basil leaves.

3. Oyster Omelette (蚵仔煎)

Oyster Omelette is a traditional Taiwanese snack, featuring tender oysters mixed with eggs and sweet potato starch batter, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. To make it, mix sweet potato starch with water to form a batter, and beat the eggs. Heat oil in a pan, add the oysters and stir-fry briefly, then pour in the batter and cook until partially set. Add the beaten eggs and cook until the egg mixture is firm. Sprinkle with chopped scallions and serve with sweet and spicy sauce.

4. Braised Pork Rice (魯肉飯)

Braised Pork Rice is a classic Taiwanese dish, featuring savory braised pork served over white rice. To prepare, cut pork belly into small pieces and fry sliced shallots until golden brown. Heat oil in a pot, sauté scallions and garlic until fragrant, then add the pork belly and stir-fry. Add soy sauce, rock sugar, rice wine, star anise, and five-spice powder, then add water and bring to a boil. Simmer on low heat for 1-2 hours until the sauce is thick and the pork is tender. Serve over white rice and garnish with chopped scallions.

5. Taiwanese Sausage with Sticky Rice (大腸包小腸)

Taiwanese Sausage with Sticky Rice is a unique street food, featuring sticky rice sausage wrapped around a Taiwanese sausage, with various toppings. To prepare, steam the sticky rice sausage and Taiwanese sausage until cooked, then cut into segments. Split the sticky rice sausage open, fill with Taiwanese sausage, minced garlic, pickled radish, and cilantro. Sprinkle with peanut powder and sweet and spicy sauce, and fold the sausage to enclose the fillings.

6. Beef Roll (牛肉捲餅)

Beef Roll is a Taiwanese snack with a crispy exterior and tender beef and scallions inside. To prepare, stir-fry beef slices until cooked, and pan-fry the wrappers until crispy. Spread sweet bean paste on the wrappers, add the beef slices and scallions, then roll up and cut into segments. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.


7. Ding Bian Cuo (鼎邊銼)

Ding Bian Cuo is a traditional Taiwanese snack made by pouring rice batter around the edges of a hot pot to form thin sheets, then adding them to a soup with various ingredients. To prepare, pour rice batter around the edges of a hot pot to form thin sheets. Heat oil in a pot, stir-fry dried shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and shredded pork. Add water and bring to a boil, then add the rice sheets and seasonings. Garnish with chopped scallions and cilantro before serving.

8. Three Cup Chicken (三杯雞)

Three Cup Chicken is a classic Taiwanese dish, made with soy sauce, rice wine, and sesame oil, resulting in a rich and flavorful taste. To prepare, cut chicken into pieces and slice scallions, ginger, and garlic. Heat sesame oil in a pot, sauté scallions, ginger, and garlic until fragrant, then add the chicken and stir-fry. Add soy sauce and rice wine, simmer on low heat until the sauce is thick, then add basil leaves and stir-fry until evenly mixed.

9. Oyster Vermicelli (蚵仔麵線)

Oyster Vermicelli is a classic Taiwanese snack, featuring oysters and thin vermicelli noodles in a savory broth. To prepare, clean the oysters and cook the vermicelli. Heat oil in a pot, sauté sliced shallots and garlic until fragrant, then add broth and bring to a boil. Add the oysters and vermicelli, season to taste, and garnish with cilantro before serving.

10. Gua Bao (刈包)

Gua Bao, also known as the "Taiwanese hamburger," features braised pork sandwiched in a steamed bun. To prepare, cook pork belly until tender, then slice it. Steam the buns, place the pork slices, pickled mustard greens, peanut powder, and cilantro inside the buns, and fold to enclose the fillings.

These delicacies not only showcase Taiwan's culinary culture but also demonstrate the creativity and love for food among the Taiwanese people. Each dish has its unique flavor and preparation method, allowing both locals and tourists to experience Taiwan's passion and charm through its cuisine.